I've added you! Let me know when you're online and ready to trade.![]()
I am currently ready, also when should I send the tbt?
I've added you! Let me know when you're online and ready to trade.![]()
I am currently ready, also when should I send the tbt?
Your IGN is Tabitha right? You can send it either now before the trade or later after.![]()
Yep and i will send it before
Do you still have the shiny Froslass by any chance, or have you already sold it?
Yeah, that would be awesome! I'm on for the rest of the day. Just curious, is it nicknameable?
You don't possibly have a "gooey" goodra?? I need one for a friend!
No sorry! I got froslass from a trade so I won't be able to change its nickname. :c Anyway, let me just get my brunch and I'll trade with you in a bit!
No rush! I just realized that my boyfriend grabbed my copy of ORAS instead of his, so I won't be able to get it back and trade until tomorrow night.