Pokémon Shiny Hunting Experience

Finally got the shiny charm in Let's Go Pikachu. Got a 31 Caterpie catch combo and found a Shiny Kabuna.
I've only played Sun/Moon and Ultra ones so it was nice to get a new shiny.
I did find it boring walking back and forth checking for a shiny.

Prefer SOS and random encounters. I need to start Pokemon X/Y so I can try shiny hunting in those games. I've seen streams and Youtube hunts and it looks like fun.
meanwhile, me: "sweet, a lv1 nidorino for when some jokester decides to ask for a lv 1-10 nidorino on the gts"

That's actually what I'm waiting for XD I have yet to find a pokemon that wants a lv nidorino~wish i got like a garchomp or whatever they usually ask for on there.
That's actually what I'm waiting for XD I have yet to find a pokemon that wants a lv nidorino~wish i got like a garchomp or whatever they usually ask for on there.

I mean tbf, the real prize is a lv0 nidorino that dies from anything that so much as glances in its general direction

also on the subject of trades, other recentish shinies I got from gts that I can remember

kyogre (unsure if hacked or not, no red flags raised at least though. traded to some random trade request person for... a shiny kyogre that's also in the gray zone may or may not be hacked)
giratina (also unsure if hacked or not)
magikarp (likely legit)
ditto (super ****ing hacked. 00000 ID after all. though at least the hacker went all the way with it, and the name isn't a lie, even if rather bland (6V))

also, outside of the gts, I got my brother's extra event shiny dialga and palkia for my extra event shiny gen2 roamers. in addition to actually the best event mon ever (not a shiny though)
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shiny suicune gts trade!

no idea if legit, as always. it's in a master ball, but I mean.... roamer

either way, I hardly care. I'm just happy to complete that set now too
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shiny suicune gts trade!

no idea if legit, as always. it's in a master ball, but I mean.... roamer

either way, I hardly care. I'm just happy to complete that set now too

Congrats on the suicune!
Took ages to find one on GTS that I actually had a pokemon willing to trade for~
I mean my problem far more often tends to be dealing with gamefreak's obnoxiously dumb decision to block eventmons from being traded

but yeah. they just wanted a suicune themselves, so it was by far one of the easiest shiny trades I've done
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shiny suicune gts trade!

no idea if legit, as always. it's in a master ball, but I mean.... roamer

either way, I hardly care. I'm just happy to complete that set now too

I got a L100 shiny 6 IV Yveltal from there.
I wanted one that was caught.. not hacked.

I will probably let it go.
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pretty positive yveltal is specifically locked out of ever being shiny in xy (along with just about every other legend in those games), so good luck with that

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ps, I'll take if you don't want lol
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if you're letting it go, that shiny yveltal i mean.
will you trade it with me ?
Completed a 31 chain in Let's Go and caught a shiny pidgey. At the time I thought it was a pokemon on the ground. I didn't see the pidgey flying. I do like that you can leave the area and continue the chain/collect berries.
found and caught a shiny zigzagoon.

had to do some chores, came back, and saw my ds ran out of power...
no joke, I actually have 2 legit shiny zigzagoon with the same stats and everything

only difference is one being in a great ball, and the other ultra

they're really probably the strangest thing for me
Boiii get that shiny bellossom ♡


You mean like this ?
^^^^ nice man :D

still trying for that kyurem, stubborn piece of ****.

got some shinies off wt on gen 6 though so that nice
i got a hacked

via wonder trade

I got lots of starting trashmons

notable things though off the top if my head include
a gastly with solid stats that was one of the main things that made my wonderlocke run far easier than would be otherwise
a buneary from hatsune miku. forget stats but iirc is decentish. also includes some egg moves
a jolly perfect ivs in everything except hp (30) kanga

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ok, I stand corrected. just got a shiny tympole from idle wonder trading