Pokémon Shiny Hunting Experience

yeah I weren?t able to get spare of both on my OR game due to dumbtendo shutting down spotpass so yeah -.-

name one, i got plenty tbt not all is out lol

I really hope they realize how many people still play these gen 6 games and don't shut down the servers too >.>
Uh, 25 each?
I really hope they realize how many people still play these gen 6 games and don't shut down the servers too >.>
Uh, 25 each?

Yeah I hate when they did that, it was so helpful for like all the 3ds :( pls ninty put em back up.

if you're sure, then sure. my fc is in sidebar and my ign is sheila.

- - - Post Merge - - -

oh i had u added nvm lol im senile
bruh if u get any extras i?ll buy
i haves some shiny sylveons from wt and lv 100 not sure if hacked but whatever
But its in Ultra Moon. Have some shiny dedenne too!
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got a shiny rayquaza from the gts that looks to be far more legit than usual, so that set's now completed too

now to go trade off this extra registeel to replace my traded regiice
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I got US so dw, also idc about hax as long as they dont destroy the game

How much for each shiny?
25 tbt? or less? I could mark down to 20 tbt
currently trying to get the color change title
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It took 3 days and 1,400 Clamperl encounters in Ultra Moon for a 3rd shiny Clamperl.
Evolved them.
Got another shiny Chansey while leveling up Harvest Pokemon in Gen 7.

Caught a Shiny Bulbasaur in Let's Go.
apparently, I had a shiny o-power active today or something

newly obtained wonder trade hax shinies

another mew (more accurately, looks to be glitched in as opposed to hacked)
another blaziken
another palkia

as for the extras, if anyone's wondering, I'll probably just keep the mew, though a shiny meloetta could tempt me otherwise. for the rest, I'd possibly be willing to trade the blaziken for another shiny I don't have; and as for the palkia.... anyone got a lv1 hgss or lv5 dream radar palkia they wouldn't mind parting with for? hax or no, idc, but just keep in mine that these ones definitely are hacked if you plan on trading legitimately obtained shinies for

also, this is all in gen6

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bruh shiny palkia? 8D grats dont really got what u want though so i'll just leave quietly
I was wondering if there's a chance to get shiny starter's on Emerald?
apparently, I had a shiny o-power active today or something

newly obtained wonder trade hax shinies

another mew (more accurately, looks to be glitched in as opposed to hacked)
another blaziken
another palkia

as for the extras, if anyone's wondering, I'll probably just keep the mew, though a shiny meloetta could tempt me otherwise. for the rest, I'd possibly be willing to trade the blaziken for another shiny I don't have; and as for the palkia.... anyone got a lv1 hgss or lv5 dream radar palkia they wouldn't mind parting with for? hax or no, idc, but just keep in mine that these ones definitely are hacked if you plan on trading legitimately obtained shinies for

also, this is all in gen6

tell me more about the sableye.
nature, IV's, moves, ball it was caught in
tell me more about the sableye.
nature, IV's, moves, ball it was caught in

well I'm def not trading it unless I get an extra, but

full perfect set, with EVs at 252 hp, 112 def, and 144 sp def
knock off/will-o-wisp/recover/fake out
also, it has its hidden ability (prankster)
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Caught these two lovelies today on PoGO

shinies 2-23-19.jpg

I evolved the Caterpie into a Butterfree :blush:
It took 2 days and 840 Encounters in Ultra Moon for a 2nd shiny Elgyem. Evolved it.
After 2 long hunts I decided to SOS for a 3rd Dratini. 124 encounters and got a level 50 shiny Dragonair with hidden abilty.
Evolved it to complete the collection.

Chained for a Growlithe in Lets Go and got it on a 32 chain. First time finding a shiny that I was chaining for.
Half hour later got another Pidgey to complete the collection.