Pokémon Shiny Hunting Experience

Just sos chaind for shiny Hakkamo-o
It took a while, though it probably feels that way for me because I accidentally either killed or run away; so had to start over again but worth it as I got it now XD
It's naive nature though so can't be too sure if that's a problem or not.

Also sos chained for a shiny mimikyu~
Looks so beautiful. Haven't named it yet as unsure what to call it.
just caught myself a shiny wingul ^^
after doing quite some zigzagoon hordes ( EV training some pokemon )
i still had to defeat/catch 2 pokemon for a full 252 EV, i choose wingul for IF i encountered a shiny one, ( since i already had zigzagoon, i didn't want a duplicate ) so therefore choose wingul, and the second one was shiny :D
Finally got bored enough to try SOS chaining for a shiny Ditto (the only pkmn I would ever attempt to sos chain shiny, thanks to the Munchlax trick). My chain is at 150 and I'm already fighting to stay awake zzzz but I really want this Ditto. D:


accidentally killed the munchlax ditto at 162 I hate myself
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^oooof. D:

also this kyurem sr'ing is literally killing me like bruh i'm believing either i have the worst lucky or it's locked :C
Finally got bored enough to try SOS chaining for a shiny Ditto (the only pkmn I would ever attempt to sos chain shiny, thanks to the Munchlax trick). My chain is at 150 and I'm already fighting to stay awake zzzz but I really want this Ditto. D:


accidentally killed the munchlax ditto at 162 I hate myself

What is the munchlax trick? And I'm sorry to hear that, I did that with Mimikyu and Hakamo-o before.
What is the munchlax trick? And I'm sorry to hear that, I did that with Mimikyu and Hakamo-o before.

You get a Munchlax and delete all its moves except for Recycle, and you also need another pkmn that knows Switcheroo (I use Hypno) and equip it with a Leppa berry. Then when you find the Ditto, let it transform into Munchlax. Then send out Hypno and use Switcheroo to give the Ditto the Leppa berry. Ta-da the Ditto is stuck in a Recycle loop and it can't damage you or itself : D I wish there was a trick like that for other pkmn too 'cause SOS chaining is just way too frustrating for me normally - so props to you for actually being able to hunt shinies that way :cool:

^oooof. D:

also this kyurem sr'ing is literally killing me like bruh i'm believing either i have the worst lucky or it's locked :C

Indeed x] it's a new day so I think I'm gonna take another shot at it LoL good luck with Kyurem! SR'ing for shinies is a tough game of patience for sure, I've only done it twice (although I also want shiny Cresselia so I'll probably try again at some point)
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I did for Guzzlord and got really lucky but yeah this Kyurem hates me (and Zebra) lol. Now I have a shiny kyurem from gen 6 but i wanna try sr for another but honestly giving up soon like jkshdfjkdsf

good luck!
Yeehaw I just got it at 149!! Took a long intermission to eat lunch and the next one was shiny when I came back.

It would have been badass if it had been an Imposter Ditto too but w/e I'm happy B>
Aaaa congrats ! :D

Okay yeah this stupid dragon really hates me, I give up soon x.x
Yeehaw I just got it at 149!! Took a long intermission to eat lunch and the next one was shiny when I came back.

It would have been badass if it had been an Imposter Ditto too but w/e I'm happy B>

And thank you for explaining~I've never sos chained for ditto so this will be really helpful!
I think when I started - before getting the shiny charm - it took hours and sometimes still does. I pretty much switch the chained pokemon out after going down a few times on PP on a move I will use constantly killing the other pokemon.
And if I'm just looking for a hidden ability with a certain gender, I'll kill abut 40 or so and then use carbink's skill swap to see what ability the other has.
Also I try and focus on other things around me, but always make sure to look back before battling, I didn't even notice shiny Hakamo-o appeared till I looked back and tada there she was in all her glory.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Aaaa congrats ! :D

Okay yeah this stupid dragon really hates me, I give up soon x.x

Good luck as well~ :) I'm sure it will happen!
Thanks, I do have one but I want another now that I can get it. I mean I already entered and re-entered its hole before so I dunno I just guess it really doesn't like being shiny :(
Thanks, I do have one but I want another now that I can get it. I mean I already entered and re-entered its hole before so I dunno I just guess it really doesn't like being shiny :(

Yeah I can understand, I haven't gotten too far in ultra sun, I'm guessing the hole for leganderies is further in the game. I think I will only hunt for the ones I want as shinies, won't stress myself too much for it.
I hope it goes well though. :) It always feels better finding your own shiny legendary XD

edit: also for the shiny fourm gonna try my hand at getting shiny wishiwashi~
been hoping to get one for a while. Hope it's female so I can nickname it Mylady
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Yeah it's post-game when you can actually hunt for them although you will have to use it once beforehand. Sure does and it'd be nice with two but seriously this is driving me nuts.

Gl hunting to you too!
Got wishiwashi XD Sadly its male so I couldn't call em mylady~
Shiny hunting exp!

I love shiny hunting! I am a shiny hunter myself and so far I have caught a few shiny Pokemon! ofc through hours of grinding the game but I would say I'm so far enjoying my experiences with lets go and having a blast CATCHING THEM ALL! Continue catching those shinny's my friends!
And thank you for explaining~I've never sos chained for ditto so this will be really helpful!
I think when I started - before getting the shiny charm - it took hours and sometimes still does. I pretty much switch the chained pokemon out after going down a few times on PP on a move I will use constantly killing the other pokemon.
And if I'm just looking for a hidden ability with a certain gender, I'll kill abut 40 or so and then use carbink's skill swap to see what ability the other has.
Also I try and focus on other things around me, but always make sure to look back before battling, I didn't even notice shiny Hakamo-o appeared till I looked back and tada there she was in all her glory.!

Omg I could never even attempt it without the charm! I like the odds as much in my favor as they can be.. Haha. That's part of what I don't like about SOS chaining regularly - trying to pay attention to how much PP the Pok?mon has. I winged it on my last unsuccessful Ditto chain and got up to 227 before it all went off the rails and the first Ditto KO'd itself with struggle just as I knocked out the second one LOL I'm just not very good at this method. x} It makes me restless.
& that's awesome, those dragons look really cool shiny, esp Jangmo-o. Congrats on the Wishiwashi too :D
Omg I could never even attempt it without the charm! I like the odds as much in my favor as they can be.. Haha. That's part of what I don't like about SOS chaining regularly - trying to pay attention to how much PP the Pok?mon has. I winged it on my last unsuccessful Ditto chain and got up to 227 before it all went off the rails and the first Ditto KO'd itself with struggle just as I knocked out the second one LOL I'm just not very good at this method. x} It makes me restless.
& that's awesome, those dragons look really cool shiny, esp Jangmo-o. Congrats on the Wishiwashi too :D

I dunno how I did it, but I was able to get shiny eevee's way before I got the shiny charm. Same, the odds must be in our favor XD
I find it easier and more relaxing when I look up the pokemon I'm hunting, looking up their pp for the moves they might have at a certain level because then I know it might take a bit for them to start to struggle. Not having any sos calls makes it much more annoying.
I'm sure with more practice you will feel more better at it. I've only started getting shinies in moon, have never found one in the older games (I had once got another platnium game with someone's stuff still in it and they had a shiny venusaur that I sadly didn't keep XD)
I know right XD I was surprised I was able to find it when I did, there have been times I would wait for hours and there's nothing.
I called the wishiwaski Royce instead of mylady.
Currently getting a pokemon ready to find a shiny cutiefly, hopefully this one will be female~
Good luck in any other hunts!
why not.. idk that much about genders really unless it's specific traits i need for a mon

True, it's not always a big deal, but now I found him a name i like. I'm gonna breed my other wishiwashi so the moves are gonna be different.
I usually have two of the same, one usually being shiny if I can help it.
Yeah I wanted a female Milotic that I have x2 now because they simply look better but yeah unless it's aesthetic traits or I have something really specific in mind I just want the Pok?mon regular or shiny whatever the purpose.

Anyway, I have a feeling the wormhole Kyurem now is jealous of his shiny sons and his shiny twin brother I got in my boxes .... :thinking: