omg yes agree with Tabby, I would be so excited if she moved into my town. she's hilarious.
I want her in mine so badly! I had her in WW and CF <3
omg yes agree with Tabby, I would be so excited if she moved into my town. she's hilarious.
Gayle!! All villager value guides I see tend to consider Gayle bottom tier/extremely undesirable/ugly and I can't understand why! She's adorable like she's totally pink and has a freaking heart right on her face how can you not find that cute as heck
plus her little tail wiggles when she walks around, its way adorable
Gayle!! All villager value guides I see tend to consider Gayle bottom tier/extremely undesirable/ugly and I can't understand why! She's adorable like she's totally pink and has a freaking heart right on her face how can you not find that cute as heck
plus her little tail wiggles when she walks around, its way adorable
Curt - Why doesn't anyone like this cutie patootie? ;~; He was another originals and he's been there for months. I always loved how fuzzy he looked, and his color scheme, the yellow and blue against his gray fur. He was such a funny villager. I let him go after a long time...I miss him.
I..I love VladimirVladimir. Flipping hate him. He's sooooo creepy.
I think shes really cute...
and i love Ozziehes far too underrated
Also WILLOW.. i honestly think shes the cutest villager in the entire franchise.. why does no-one like her, she is never ever leaving my town and i was so fully of Joy when her and Apple were there at the beginning of the game
...ok, maybe there is such thing...*looks over at Tabby and Monique*exhibit a: View attachment 26427
...ok, maybe there is such thing...*looks over at Tabby and Monique*