Show off your Nook Mile island villagers!

found nibbles, sherb and nana as the first three you invite (only kept sherb in the long run haha)
and after that the ones i adopted into my town were flurry, chief, skye, judy and genji! all were at least found within ~7 tickets so thank god @_@
couldn't really remember some that i saw in between the hops considering i left as fast as i arrived if they weren't the ones i were looking for, but had to let freya drift since i wanted to save my second snooty for whitney
I no longer know who's popular, but I found Zucker, Fauna, Marina and Zell. I've had all but Zell in New Leaf. I love Fauna, but she's was a permanent resident in my NL town for years, so I don't know if I'll keep her forever.
they're all clapped ever since i found marina & fauna lol...... not really ultimate dreamies (the back of fauna's head triggers my trypophobia) but i invited them because they have high value for trading and i don't wanna keep wasting tickets. i think i'll keep marina though.

still feel sad with the wasted tickets already tho :(

- - - Post Merge - - -

a LOT of normal villagers for everyone huh? i won't consider fauna & marina rare anymore.
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Audie,Walker, Coco and Octavian. All 4 in only 9 visits total. 3 of them are top tier villagers and Audie is the 2nd most popular in the game so feel very good about my luck. Walker may not be super popular but he's super chill so ill be keeping him for good anyway.
I've found Poppy (invited), Piper (also invited, which I now regret) Lionel 3x in a row somehow- and Bob (I was deciding whether or not invite him for about 10 minutes but decided against it)
Found Cyd, Flora, Stella, Cranston, Bianca, Maddie and Bertha (all invited) and have seen a lot of others ( Skye, Ruby, Octavian, Zucker and many others ) that were not invited because they were not what I was looking for at the moment (kind of regret Skye and Ruby but I already had 2 normal an 2 peppy villagers).
i've found dizzy, hopkins and sally (and invited them all uwu) + also met on my travels gigi x2 (why), jambette, cookie, sterling, roald dobie (who i actually now sort of want rip)- welp none of them fitted my vibe that i'm going for on my island.
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As far as popular villagers, we've had Marina and Cookie. I think Cookie is popular... I know for sure that Marina is tho!!
I've found a couple of villagers I don't like, but I did invite Stu, Marina, Freya and Bam. I'd really love to have Fauna, I think she looks so adorable and never had her in any of my towns. My boyfriend got her as his random normal villager, so guess I can always ask her to move in when she decides to leave his island.
I think there's so many cute villagers though! I'm not sure I could ever decide on a permanent 10.
I found Fauna and Audie after just a few tickets! I also found Drago, he seems to be a midtier villager but I love him.

Edit: My boyfriend found Marina and my other friend found Beau. They're out there!
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my ultimate dreamies are Julian, Diana and Skye, and I was lucky enough to find Skye on my second island tour, I couldn't believe my eyes. Here's hoping I can find the other two as well :)

Other than that, I've found Merry, Audie and Zucker, but I didn't think to invite them.
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I found Audie twice in the same day! I was really thinking of inviting her the second time but decided to keep trying for a dreamy peppy and then i finally found Sprinkle! I also found Sehrb once, too! I hope i can find Raymond or Megan as they are the ones from the new villagers that i am thinking about having.
i found Marina on my 3rd trip which was amazing, then I had 10 villagers for sooo long and no one I wanted to was moving out. Then yesterday I went on 20 island trips and found Pekoe, not a dreamie but super cute so I invited!
I also got Marina on my third visit! She's never been a dreamy for me, but she's adorable in her little sweater and I've never had her before either!
I found Celia on my 2nd island trip of the entire game! I was so excited to invite her to my island.

I’ve always loved having Celia in my town ever since I had her in New Leaf.
Not my personal dreamy, but I found Marina on a tarantula island and invited her.

Did find Zucker on another island but didn't invite him.

Idk if Twiggy is popular, she was one of my random move ins
i found and invited skye, bob, freya and judy from the islands! so far i've visited 36 islands and found those guys, judy's island being the last one i went to :D

a few notable characters i saw but didn't adopt include wolfgang, blanche, and erik who i saw twice! i was so close to inviting wolfgang, but decided to keep searching for judy and i found her a few islands later :)
I'm another person who got Marina on their third visit lol. Never had her before so decided to invite her! I'm island hopping again today with a measly 35 tickets so I hope I get someone else nice as well!
I've found Poppy (invited), Piper (also invited, which I now regret) Lionel 3x in a row somehow- and Bob (I was deciding whether or not invite him for about 10 minutes but decided against it)

Piper is one of my dream villagers! If you don't want her, what would you be willing to trade her for?