Small but, useful QoL update?

We NEED bulk crafting and printing Nook Mile tickets. It is the absolute number one thing that bothers me about this game. I'm trying to farm fish bait and it makes me wanna pull my hair out.. not only that but I'm concerned for the well being of my joycons spamming the buttons so much because of it lmao. It's incredibly frustrating that they haven't fixed this yet. I want to enjoy crafting but I just can't.

We should be able to see when our tool hit count so we know when they're about to break, or add in repair kits that we can use to reset the hit count. Customizing resets it, yes, but again you don't know when your tool is about to break and I honestly don't think they meant it to work like that.

I'd also like to have larger stacks for mats. At least 30 for fish bait and wood stacks should be bumped up to 99. It wastes a lot of (our already limited) storage space.

Lastly, a lot of unnecessary dialogue needs to be cut out of the game. For example, when you press on the crafting bench, it should just open up the crafting menu instead of asking you whether you want to craft or not. Uhhh, if I'm standing in front of the crafting bench and click on it, ofc I want to craft, it doesn't need to ask me every time. Orville also needs some dialogue cut out after you see it for the first time. There's just way too much.

There's a lot of things they can do to improve this game so I just listed what personally bothers me the most.
It would also be nice if Isabell would actually let us know which NPCs are visiting when they are. For example, instead of her rambling on about her TV shows, she can tell us that Flick is visiting.
New reaction: dropkick villagers, NPCs and friends outta the way.

Villager gifts a baby romper? Dropkick them.
Mabel asks if you want to use the fitting room for the 3rd time? Dropkick her.
Orville asks if you're all set for takeoff? Dropkick him.
Friend takes too long on island. Dropkick them.
Just came across this now, and I swear I have gotten a baby romper in some way against my will every day the past 2 weeks. First it was a basketball tank, now it’s a baby romper, what are my villagers trying to say??
In previous AC games we did get post twice a day and it was so adorable cause you could see Pete going around delivering mail!

I think for me just larger stacks and putting items in half spaces like in HHD would be so ideal and amazing
A lot of mine have already been said no doubt, but still. There are a lot of seemingly small QoL updates that I'm surprised still haven't been added yet!

-Bulk crafting/buying please. There are always seasonal DIYs that I end up crafting in bulk and it's bothersome to have to constantly select craft and watch the little animation multiple times over when I have the materials on hand. I feel the same way about buying things, too! Things like customization kits, shrubs, NMT - those are all things that are commonly bought in bulk and maxing us out at 5 per purchase seems silly? They must've known how often we'd use those and the excuse that "animal crossing is meant to be a slow experience" doesn't justify that.

-A shopping cart in Able's! This could honestly be used in any of the shops but this is most needed in The Able Sisters store, in my opinion. I wish that we could just add all the clothes we want and buy them at once, instead of one at a time. Chances are if I think something is cute in one colour, I'll think it's cute in another colour, too. It's tedious having to constantly go in and out of the change room to buy different colours of things!

-Stop having the tools break. Just stop. I don't know if I've seen anybody say that they actively enjoy this experience. Maybe there are some people who don't mind it as much but I don't imagine anybody will be heart broken if they take that out? I hate it. It stresses me out trying to keep a tally in my head of how many fish or bugs I've caught and how many times I've used a shovel only to make a mistake and have it break. It takes the enjoyment out of fishing & bug catching and makes gardening really tricky.

-Fix the RNG, please! Please. The RNG system is terrible and I'm not sure if it's intentional to try and force us to trade more or if they just genuinely made a mistake, but it needs to be fixed. I rarely get new clothes in my Ables, new furniture in my Nooks, and the amount of repeat DIYs I've gotten is ridiculous. Plus it's such a hassle trying to get limited time only DIYs from balloons with the current system.

-I want a birds eye view camera to be always accessible, especially while terraforming. We'll go into birds eye view sometimes but it only seems to be if I have my character in a specific spot. I wish it was always available because I think that angle would make terraforming easier.

-Can the flowers only grow if we actively water them? I mean it wouldn't stop my villagers from watering them but it wouldn't be as bad as the spawn rate is now. For the most part I've tried to box in my flowers but in the few locations where they're free to grow they grow so fast.

-I'd love to be able to adjust the music and sound effects, please!
Agreeing with what others have posted, the things I'd most like added:
  • crafting multiple items at once - for me this would be especially useful when crafting fish bait, when I have 20 clams in my pocket I want to be able to craft 20 bags of bait in one go rather then going round in circles with it
  • when crafting I wish I could use materials from my house storage rather then just the items in my pockets - I have lots of stacks of wood/iron/branches/etc. in my house storage but I don't always want to carry them all around so it would be handy if I was able to use the items stored in my house when I'm at a DIY bench on the other side of the island
  • bulk buying (especially clothes) - its such a pain when you see something like a top/trousers/dress/accessory and you want all the colour variations but you have to constantly go in and out of the changing room in order to buy everything you want
  • less waffling from some characters - this mostly relates to the NPCs, in particular Orville - when I want to visit a mystery island I don't need reminding that I have a NMT in my pocket (I already know I have one), a simple "hello, where would you like to go" would be fine and Gulliver/Gullivarrr - sure we can all agree that these two talk way too much, also it would be handy if these two woke up the first time I nudged them, I've always imagined my character was kicking them in the face so they should've woken up the first time
  • an easy way to pinpoint a villager - when I open the map and hover over a villagers face I'd like it to show me on the map where they are, even better if it could pinpoint exactly where they are in the museum as I hate trying to track them down in that maze
  • add all the NPCs to the map when they're visiting/have Isabelle announce them all in her announcement - Redd is displayed on the map so I don't see why the map can't show all the other visitors
  • another thing with morning announcement - I'd quite like it if it was announced when my island was having any shooting stars (sure its only announced when its a heavy shower), as even though I know my weather seed I don't actually check it often so it would be handy if I was told when to expect a light shower so I could pay more attention to the sky at night/know when to look for Celeste
there are probably more things I'd like to see but they're my top ones at the moment :)
The game should at least try to remember my preferred outdoor camera angle. I prefer the top-down camera, but it always defaults to the other one. I could understand it reverting to the default whenever I close and reopen the game, but there's no reason I should have to adjust it every single time I go in and out of a building.

I don't have a specific solution, but they should make it easier to split things up into multiple stacks. I like giving my Villagers gifts every day; at first it was for Photos, but then I started doing it for its own sake. But the process of splitting 20 foreign fruit into 10 stacks of 2 and then wrapping them all is needlessly arduous.

Animals that are in our move-in queue (those that we accidentally "adopted" in the background through another player's move-out queue) should still be able to show up on Mystery Islands. I wonder how many people have wasted hundreds of NMTs trying to find a character that will never show up because they're in their move-in queue. Since there's no real way of knowing who is in your move-in queue aside from moving them in until it gets empty (and then never interacting with other players so it stays that way), having them not show up seems unnecessarily harsh.

We should be able to buy/make blank DIY recipe cards, which we could use to write down DIY recipes we already know. I don't like storing tons of duplicate DIY recipes, but I never feel comfortable selling them either since other people could make use of them. This would make it so you don't have to store them, but can still give them to players that need them. Also, it's weird that everyone other than player characters can write down DIY recipes.

This might be a bit much to be considered a QoL feature (and definitely won't happen regardless of whether you think it qualifies as a QoL feature or just a new feature), but I think they should implement some kind of Auto Rollback feature into the Island Designer App. When you go to close it, it'll ask if you're happy with the changes you've made, and if not, whether you want to revert it back to how it was when you started.

The results of my first experience with terraforming were awful. When it was obvious that I couldn't salvage it, I tried closing the game, but it had autosaved mid-terraforming, so that didn't work. It looked so bad that it made me stop playing the game for months. I couldn't stand to look at it, and every attempt to fix it made it worse. I eventually met up with someone who fixed it for me and I could play again. I mean, yeah, my experience was extreme, but it shouldn't even be possible. A rollback feature would've avoided it entirely.
  • Music and sound options like Pocket Camp
  • Allow us to move the town hall. It makes no sense that we can't move it.
  • Allow us to sell the island to Tom Nook like past games, but keep our learned DIYs and achievements.
  • Bulk crafting
  • Bulk purchase at Able Sisters
  • Double stack cliffs (no edge required)
  • Cheaper prices to build inclines/bridges
  • Ability to build dirt inclines with terraforming
  • Ability to store trees, shrubs, flowers, and DIYs
  • Ability to decline duplicate DIYs
  • More than 5 items a day in the mail
  • Mail twice a day like before
  • Improved wand usability
  • Remove pointless dialogue.
    • The game asks you if you want to craft even though you obviously clicked on the crafting table.
    • Mable asks if you want to use the dressing room even though you obviously clicked on it.
    • Timmy/Tommy ask if you want to look in the cabinet even though you obviously clicked on it.
    • Orville tells you strangers can join your town with dodo codes. Every. Single. Time.
  • Jumped from random dream to another. Having to wake up and then fall asleep and reconnect to the dream world is too much of a hassle
  • Let us demolish empty/unreserved villager plots. I want to down size to 8 to save room in town.
  • Let us demolish the campsite. It's usefulness varies, and it ain't like we can't rebuild it later if we wanted it back.
  • Allow flowers to be removed with the Clean Up feature in terraforming.
  • Allow us to move the town hall. It makes no sense that we can't move it.
  • Double stack cliffs (no edge required)
  • Cheaper prices to build inclines/bridges
  • Ability to store trees, shrubs, flowers, and DIYs
  • Jumped from random dream to another. Having to wake up and then fall asleep and reconnect to the dream world is too much of a hassle

honestly I'd love all the updates you've suggested but these ones in particular I'd find really useful, over time I've demolished a lot of bridges/inclines on my island which would've been a lot less annoying if they'd been a lot cheaper to build. Also I really enjoy dreaming in the game but I hate how long it takes to change dreams.