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small joys / lil things that make you happy?


lemon girl 🍋
Oct 23, 2012
Throwback Tickets
Pink Star Fragment
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
Pink Summer Shell
Kirby Easter Egg
Mother's Day Carnation
Zipper Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Inspired by a thread on pet peeves, this one is dedicated to the opposite: what are the tiny little things in everyday life that make you happy?

Some examples:

The smell of fresh cut grass,
A warm blanket fresh out of the dryer
When someone compliments my hair!
youre cute. ill start bc i got tired of my own thread real quick and have asked for it to get locked lol

the smell of wet dirt
the adrenaline u get after buying something
that feeling when the plane lands and u didnt die
seeing my dog after a long day
the way conditioner feels on ur wet hair
the smell of hotel bathrooms

Saturday morning coffee
Browsing shelves at a bookstore
The smell of a campfire or wood stove
Birds singing
Peepers in the evening
Warm clothes right from the dryer
The sound of heavy rain and thunder storms
The feeling when your plane lifts off the ground
Being back in my home city
My cat isn't very social, but each night after I turn off the light he hops into bed and cuddles with me :3
When my dog greets me after not seeing me for a few days. She gets so happy and literally jumps into my arms the moment I walk into the room. Non-stop sniffing and spinning around me. Makes me feel so special lol.
Watching shows I’ve been enjoying these days
The temperature during/after a sunset
Fooooood! Especially if you’ve been craving it
The feeling of cleanliness right after a shower
Laying in a cold room or on a bed with a blanket over you
-the sound (and smell) of rain/storms
-waking up at sunrise but not having to go anywhere or do anything
-seeing/smelling/swimming in the ocean
-coming home after a day at the beach when you're warm from the sun and super relaxed
can u tell i love the beach
-my cats actively choosing to sit with me & then purring (the ultimate honor)
-looking up at the stars on a clear night
When you have a package to pick up and it's that thing you've been waiting for forever and also packing it/them up... ahh ~~
The smell of dress cut grass is a huge one! I love that smell. Also, windows down in the car on a trip to the lake.
youre cute. ill start bc i got tired of my own thread real quick and have asked for it to get locked lol

the smell of wet dirt
the adrenaline u get after buying something
that feeling when the plane lands and u didnt die
seeing my dog after a long day
the way conditioner feels on ur wet hair
the smell of hotel bathrooms

Yessss to all of these but especially to the last one, pink is the best!!
belting out stupid lines to songs occasionally
looking outside the window on a sunny day <3
the smell of clorox wipes :blush:
that little turtle my bf drew on our little fridge whiteboard ❤
Saturday morning coffee
Browsing shelves at a bookstore
The smell of a campfire or wood stove
Birds singing
Peepers in the evening
Warm clothes right from the dryer
The sound of heavy rain and thunder storms
The feeling when your plane lifts off the ground
Being back in my home city
My cat isn't very social, but each night after I turn off the light he hops into bed and cuddles with me :3
I love all of these, especially peepers and cat cuddles!!

When you have a package to pick up and it's that thing you've been waiting for forever and also packing it/them up... ahh ~~
Yess, that’s the best!!
just a small list I've made :)

- when I call my dogs name and his tail wags
- watching the news and drinking coffee with my mom in the morning
- going for runs on a sunny day and listening to my favorite songs
- tanning on the beach all day and then taking a shower and eating a good dinner afterwards
- getting hugs from my best friends/boyfriend
- when I get a good grade on something I worked hard on
The sound of rain or thunder as I'm drifting to sleep, seeing the ocean, changing into my pajamas after a long day, coming home to my dogs, holding hands, having my hair played with, hearing birds chirping in the morning or crickets at night, a full moon, waking up and looking at the time and realizing I can go back to bed
Puddles! I love jumping in puddles after it rains.

The first snow fall of the season is always so exciting.

Similarly when the flowers start blooming in the spring it makes me so happy!

Seeing the chipmunks, squirrels, and birds eat from our bird feeder.

Fun socks. I love fun socks.

The smell of freshly baked cookies!
The first bite of my favorite food, laying on freshly cleaned sheets, and seeing someone after missing them.