Smash Bros Smash Bros. Ultimate Discussion Thread

I have been playing Super Smash Bros. for many years. Nearly all my life actually. No matter how many times I practice or play Smash I can never seem to even get close to a professional level and it frustrates me to no end.

One thing that helped me improve is playing against people that are way better than me often. If you have local tournaments where you live, go to them and people will help you improve.
The best thing about this presentation is Sakurai playing as Terry and making commentary in the same time.

"Oh look, an item"
When I see Terry Bogard I think of buff Ash Ketchum
...Wow I just played with the worst person I've seen so far in Ultimate.
It was this Link player running an arena and he was decent-ish, although sometimes he would fall back into your For Glory Link that would roll away and spam projectiles. When I finally got to play, it showed that he didn't know what to do against Wii Fit Trainer at all. I think at one point he just broke and started spamming ftilt of all things when I was offstage and nowhere near him? After the game he shut down the arena. But he opened up another arena a bit afterwards and I joined that one. Once he saw me, he shut it down again. And the same thing a third time a few minutes later (his rooms were set for up to 8 people, so there were people in those rooms waiting through 3 or 4 games to get their turn to play). One of those games he lost to a Yoshi because he just spammed arrows for 5 minutes. And this was actual spam, I think I counted him using neutral B 19 times in a row at one point without using any other moves in between. The Yoshi got kicked immediately afterwards. I knew this guy was a mess but I was bored so that's why I kept trying to enter his arenas, just to see how long he'd keep it up. After the third arena closed tho I didn't see him again. With how he played and acted, I thought he was just some kid.
I googled "link" and his tag afterwards and the first 2 results were tournament VODs of a Link player with the exact same tag, same color for Link, and same general playstyle (when he wasn't spamming arrows). There was one point where his opponent tried to shake his hand but it looked like he was trying to swat their hand away. So wow, this adult acts like an angry 12 year old both online and in real life.
I won't give the tag but yeah he's a mess.
tl;dr why are people playing the game when they clearly aren't enjoying it and they aren't making anyone else enjoy it either.

Okay that's out of the way. For something more positive, only 2 more days until Byleth, I can't wait! Even if you aren't excited for Byleth, you can look forward to the fact that the roster will form a perfect rectangle again as long as you stack your echoes!
Not gonna lie, I was disappointed that Byleth made the cut for the last spot in the first fighter's pass. However, when I played as him/her, I was having fun! Yeah, he/she may be another Fire Emblem character, but plays so differently compared to other representatives in the series (not counting Robin and Corrin). I guess you could say that Byleth is the most non-FE Fire Emblem character, if you know what I'm saying. I'm still struggling to get used to since they were just released of course. But man, do some of their moves pack a serious punch! In the end, I'm mainly concerned with having fun with characters to play as.

I've played a number of matches with fighters that are exclusively from the fighter's pass and it feels surreal where you can play as Banjo & Kazooie against Hero, Terry, Joker, Sans, Cuphead, and Byleth on Smashville. If Crash ever gets in, I'll freak out!

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Not gonna lie, I was disappointed that Byleth made the cut for the last spot in the first fighter's pass. However, when I played as him/her, I was having fun! Yeah, he/she may be another Fire Emblem character, but plays so differently compared to other representatives in the series (not counting Robin and Corrin). I guess you could say that Byleth is the most non-FE Fire Emblem character, if you know what I'm saying. I'm still struggling to get used to since they were just released of course. But man, do some of their moves pack a serious punch! In the end, I'm mainly concerned with having fun with characters to play as.

I've played a number of matches with fighters that are exclusively from the fighter's pass and it feels surreal where you can play as Banjo & Kazooie against Hero, Terry, Joker, Sans, Cuphead, and Byleth on Smashville. If Crash ever gets in, I'll freak out!
Though I feel we have a bit many Fire Emblem characters already, Byleth is ok to play as and feels kind of unique. Takes a while to get used to, though...

In other Smash news, I've been trying to go back and clear challenges I gave up on earlier and FINALLY beat the "beat all stages of the final boss of World of Light without dying once" challenge a few days ago - tried a lot of times, and my heart was pounding like crazy towards the end x3 Now just the "clear intensity 9.9 in Classic Mode" left, and Ken's Century Smash challenge...
...Wow I just played with the worst person I've seen so far in Ultimate.
It was this Link player running an arena and he was decent-ish, although sometimes he would fall back into your For Glory Link that would roll away and spam projectiles. When I finally got to play, it showed that he didn't know what to do against Wii Fit Trainer at all. I think at one point he just broke and started spamming ftilt of all things when I was offstage and nowhere near him? After the game he shut down the arena. But he opened up another arena a bit afterwards and I joined that one. Once he saw me, he shut it down again. And the same thing a third time a few minutes later (his rooms were set for up to 8 people, so there were people in those rooms waiting through 3 or 4 games to get their turn to play). One of those games he lost to a Yoshi because he just spammed arrows for 5 minutes. And this was actual spam, I think I counted him using neutral B 19 times in a row at one point without using any other moves in between. The Yoshi got kicked immediately afterwards. I knew this guy was a mess but I was bored so that's why I kept trying to enter his arenas, just to see how long he'd keep it up. After the third arena closed tho I didn't see him again. With how he played and acted, I thought he was just some kid.
I googled "link" and his tag afterwards and the first 2 results were tournament VODs of a Link player with the exact same tag, same color for Link, and same general playstyle (when he wasn't spamming arrows). There was one point where his opponent tried to shake his hand but it looked like he was trying to swat their hand away. So wow, this adult acts like an angry 12 year old both online and in real life.
I won't give the tag but yeah he's a mess.
tl;dr why are people playing the game when they clearly aren't enjoying it and they aren't making anyone else enjoy it either.

Okay that's out of the way. For something more positive, only 2 more days until Byleth, I can't wait! Even if you aren't excited for Byleth, you can look forward to the fact that the roster will form a perfect rectangle again as long as you stack your echoes!
wowwwww what a sore loser lmao. Seems like a lot of smashers are like this nowadays idk why.
I really want this theme in Smash Ultimate
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I have really enjoyed playing Smash Bros over the last while but Animal Crossing has taken up most of my time recently. I want to get back into it at some point and learn a new character though.
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I think next time I play Smash I want to learn a new character as well. Maybe I'll try someone who's a bit out of my comfort zone.
I currently main Joker, but that'll change if Sora ever gets added.

I secondary Inkling. Been wanting to play more Villager lately.

And no, it's not because they're high tier. I just really freaking love Persona and Splatoon <3
Just wanted to stop by and say I’ve been experimenting with different characters and I found out that I’m actually even better with Little Mac than I am with my official main, Dark Pit. Like the potential to be scary good. I’ve dropped Dark Pit as my official main and put Little Mac as my new official main. Dark Pit, Dark Samus, and Shulk are currently my secondaries, but I may drop Shulk. I’ve been trying out characters like Robin and Zero Suit Samus a bit and I’m alright with them, so I may replace Shulk with one of them.

Just for reference I didn’t get the game until last summer and I’ve been training mostly with NoUsernameHere, who is pretty good and is a better player competitively than I am. Even though I’ve been playing Smash since the N64, I wasn’t as good as I thought I was, and especially after being rusty entering the Ultimate scene, it was clear I needed practice. But ever since then I’ve been getting progressively better and better... still don’t have a permanent official main and secondary list yet though.
Honestly looking forward to the next Smash Friendlies session. Tried playing some online 2v2 with my sister earlier and everyone online was really toxic with teabagging or spamming. It's really hard to find some fun games in quickplay.
Honestly looking forward to the next Smash Friendlies session. Tried playing some online 2v2 with my sister earlier and everyone online was really toxic with teabagging or spamming. It's really hard to find some fun games in quickplay.
Jeez, I can feel your frustration. Every time I watch a doubles match in spectate mode, I always see winning team teabag like there's no tomorrow, while the poor soul tries to do something against them solo. But seeing toxic dudes losing because they got too comfy with their teabagging always makes me giggle a bit.
That's kinda the main reason I've been avoiding playing QP for the past month or two - you run into either toxic or laggy/rage-quitting people. I honestly prefer playing with friends or, well, friendlies here hahahah
At least I can be sure that nobody's being rude to each other. Sometimes I tilt a bit and that's a fact, but I'll never be rude or toxic to any person I play with. To their character? That's a bit different story...