Now that some time has passed since the announcement, I'm still not sure what I should think about it. Sure, it's nice that the remakes which the majority of the Pokemon fandom wanted are finally a thing, but what still bothers me tbh about this is the art style. It was honestly not what I expected, like I thought they would go with the same art style they used for Sword & Shield, or maybe Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee. The chibi style looks on one hand not bad, actually kinda adorable here and there. On the other hand, it just looks off sometimes, as if it's a mobile game rather than a Switch game. I don't know, it's just a bit difficult for me to get along with it. So far, I would give the games a chance however, since Diamond & Pearl were the first handheld Pokemon games I've ever played (Colosseum and XD for the Game Cube were overall the first Pokemon games I've played) and I enjoyed them a lot back them, I would even go so far and say that they are on my top 5 list of favorite Pokemon games. Besides, I really like Gen 4 and Sinnoh overall. Not sure right now which version I would pick, I guess I will decide this spontaneous once the games are out.