After saving TBT, I finally change my username, and I'm posting about it because it was a really huge change, Teddy is not who I was or who I am, it was a username I created to pretend to be someone, not like to catfish, but more to hide behind it, so I was not feeling comfortable using it any more.
Long story short, Teddy comes from a show called 8th&Ocean, and I stick too it since I was like 12, almost 15 years ago, and I grew attached to the idea of using it for everything, since is a pretty come username, I added the 345 to be "original" instead of 123, but I regress, TBT was the last place where I had that username, and today I'm letting go of the past, after coming back here after a 4 year hiatus, I realized that being just me has bringing so much joy and so many new friends, that I don't need to be Teddy, so I'm letting him go, still thankful, because I was able to find myself, but also free.
You might see it as something simple, but to me it was a huge change, so now I'm curious, is your username meaningful to you in some way, does it have a backstory?
For me Ace Marvel comes from the idea that an ace is someone that is a pro at something, and marvel from being filled with wonder, so now I'm being a pro at being me, which in turn is marvelous. Also it has a nice ring to it and is basically unused at all forums or games,
If you read this thank you, it means a lot to me.
EDIT: If you decide to use a character as your username, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, for me it was the reasoning behind it that I wasn't able to relate anymore.
SECOND EDIT: I shared this to let people know I change my username, and also to let people that are struggling with this issue that it's okay to change your username, and that they are not the only ones.