so i just heard about a new update (spoilers probably)

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Alright time for my usual opinions post on this update as I've had time to mull over all the new stuff.

The good:

- New Bunny day items. Bunny Day is already my favourite event so I'm pleased to see some new stuff crop up. I personally never expected them to add anything at all to old events so this was a pleasant surprise.

- More custom design space. I may finally invest in to getting some custom paths going. I've put it off until now because while I had space I felt I would just get burned by running out of space real quick.

- Ability to make custom handheld flags. Okay fine, the standees and umbrellas are good too but I've always kept the Nook Inc Pennant in my inventory because I like waving a tiny flag around entirely too much. I may be the only person hype about the flags...

-Cake is cute. New Plant item is cute. Globe... also cute.

The bad:

-The Smart Phone app being more integrated. I really don't like using phone apps for my games and I don't enjoy the feeling that I'm eventually going to be forced in to downloading it. Speaking of...

- Katrina. Oh dear. While I was never the biggest fan of her this is not a good sign. Katrina is a pretty iconic NPC so seeing them have no issue with relegating her to not in game phone app quells my hopes for returning NPCs. Also what will become of Katrina 5-8 years from now when the app is defunct? She will just be gone then...

- April Fools. Where is our queen Blanca at? I had hoped last year they just didn't have time to make April Fools a thing due to Bunny day and the pandemic, but not having Blanca seems like a deliberate decision on their part now. Given Katrinas fate I'm extremely doubtful she will return.


Overall I see positive things but I also see things that concern me about the direction Nintendo is taking with the game. I won't give up hope quite yet about certain things I'd like to see in the game, but I would also be lying if I said I didn't feel less optimistic now. I'll still enjoy some of the new stuff though.​
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I'm pretty excited for the update! Never had problems with the designs space but it's good to know I'll be secure with it. Also, Nintendo is acting like a free-to-play game with the new furniture for bunny event, with the exception that you that don't have to pay for it XD I hope I'll be able to experience the bunny day furniture from the previous year too - I haven't had the chance!
About the app - well, I thought a lot of people use it, I wouldn't be able to text so easily with people without it o.o Well, I doubt the app will give you some luxury items, probably more like that poster or something, nothing too special for people who can't/don't want to install the app. And if they want the stuff... well, there's still trading? Just as with the Pocket Camp stuff ^^
It's cool how we can design umbrellas, flags and those sorts of things again. It felt weird designing without having that feature.
Also I love the cake

Plus, excited that Katrina is returning! However, if she's just the character that gives you more tokens or whatever, that's going to be pretty disappointing. I loved going into her tent each week and unlocking her shop in the NL days.

Another major disappointment for me is April Fool's Day. I mean, just a whoopee cushion? Where's Blanca? They're a staple to the franchise!

Not as excited about this update, but I'm glad that Nintendo is listening to the community a tiny bit more.
I wake up in the morning and I have just seen this news this is so exciting I can not wait :love:

Also just a side note:
So because we have daily logins in the app to allow us to collect more nook points? Does that mean eventually they will be adding more items? Seeing as most people by now would have the furniture and the other colours that it comes in?
Can’t say it’s my favorite update. I’m not someone who uses custom design slots a ton, and I’m not super excited for anything else in the update. Still, I’m glad that others are getting what they wanted for awhile now. For me, the brochure thing is the most interesting part of the update. :)

Even if you don't like it, thanks for the positivity about it anyway, I'm tired of everyone pitching a fit when Nintendo listens because it's not good enough for them or exactly what THEY wanted. I'm afraid it's going to make Nintendo stop listening if they can never win with it ...
I don’t think people will be missing out on a lot without the app tho? Looking at the screenshots I’m assuming the new feature is if you log in everyday, you get 10 points and then there’s an insignificant message at the bottom of your screen with a png of Katrina slapped on or something. So she’s barely even an NPC and doesn’t offer any new mechanics

For the furniture I’m assuming it will be Nook-esque things, or maybe the office furniture in the town hall. Trading it shouldn’t be a problem either (hopefully :) )
I don’t think people will be missing out on a lot without the app tho? I’m assuming the new feature is if you log in everyday, you get 10 points and then there’s an insignificant message at the bottom of your screen with Katrina’s daily words or something. Nothing really special with her

For the furniture I’m assuming it will be Nook-esque things, or maybe the office furniture in the town hall. Trading it shouldn’t be a problem either (hopefully :) )

Pretty much this.
One of them is the poster of Tom Nook that is taped up in the RS. I'm curious what else there will be :)
Give me villagers that can be invited similar to amiibos. Each visit costs Nook Points and on the third you can convince them to move in; if they're older villagers all the better given you get to *choose* who you want moving in. I'd even take a random chance of who shows up if it means having the previous villagers taken out return; just nix the three visits in that case.
I don’t think people will be missing out on a lot without the app tho? Looking at the screenshots I’m assuming the new feature is if you log in everyday, you get 10 points and then there’s an insignificant message at the bottom of your screen with Katrina’s daily words or something. So she’s barely even an NPC and doesn’t offer any new mechanics

For the furniture I’m assuming it will be Nook-esque things, or maybe the office furniture in the town hall. Trading it shouldn’t be a problem either (hopefully :) )
I'm a huge fan of this idea, actually. I know I'll be logging in daily just to accumulate points, even if I never use them.
I was literally browsing path designs yesterday and thinking: "I'd definitely do this if they added more custom design slots." AND HOLY MOLY THEY DID IT! The ideas are flowing from my head like crazy and I can't wait to get to work on my island.

Also the fact that they added 50 slots! I am so, so happy! :D
I definitely respect all opinions on this positive or negative but I just want to point out I do think some disappointment could have been avoided.
I saw people hyping up an anniversary update months ago even when Nintendo gave us no clue that we would even have one. People hyping up awesome things like Brewster and all sorts of things. It's good to be hopeful sometimes but I really don't get why you'd fantasize and expect so many things for an anniversary update. Nintendo did not hype an anniversary update much at all and didn't even have a trailer for this. It's to the point where I'm shocked we are even getting the stuff we are getting. I think super high expectations are more to blame on disappointment this time than anything Nintendo did.
I think it’s important to talk about stuff you don’t like, especially given that this update does prove that the devs are listening (and one thing I do like from what I’ve heard about AC development is the fact that it’s a very collaborative effort)... but at the same time being repetitively critical or overly hyperbolic about something sucks and it’s important to balance that out with the stuff you do like about something... so imma do this with this update!
  • First off, not really a big design guy so I’m not too fussed about the addition of more design slots... but I also have an intense desire to dig out my NL cutout patterns (somehow, they’re mostly from Nintendo’s own Dream Address) and the ability to make uchiwa fans and flags is honestly a GAME CHANGER. Weird how you couldn’t make umbrellas until this update, tho.
  • Slightly mixed feelings on the Design Portal becoming an app, tho. More design slots is a genuine QOL update, making things an app instead of an actual thing you interact with in game is just making things a bit too easy for my liking (compared to something like Nook Shopping, which I’m incentivised to check at the Nook Stop because it gets me Nook Miles to do) and it kinda removes charm, especially from the Able Sisters, which has had a bit of a rough time of it lately, given how there isn’t much incentive to not use the changing room and the removal of “episodes” since after the Wii game. However, optional.
  • Speaking of Nook Shopping, while I still don’t like using it to get the minor event items instead of, idk, fleshing them out into actual things that the villagers hold little celebrations for, I’m impressed by how many holidays it actually celebrates. I especially love the prom stuff, and the return of the cool globe!
  • Also amusing that it’s a Forsythia, given how the descendant of the man who named it was for many years a much-loved gameshow host on UK TV!
  • Mixed feelings on April Fool’s Day not returning from NL. On one hand, it’s a nice little event with an NPC that’s been given a new role that actually suits them, unlike *glances around at all the NPCs that got new roles in NL* and gives them a purpose other than “hahahaha I just drew something rude on their face”, as well as giving the villagers actual things that set them apart from other villagers in their personality. On the other hand, this is all undercut by it being an easy way to get villager pics, something that should inherently be worked towards and treated as a reward. Also they’re not actually silly pranky things, unlike Super Tortimer and the leaf item, so I’m glad they’ve gone with a whoopee cushion this time around. As long as my villagers tell me the most outrageous lies that day, I’ll be very happy.
  • I’m glad that there’s another little tchotchke for me paying £18 a year for Nintendo Switch Online (even if ew, paid online... but that’s a games industry gripe, not a Nintendo gripe). Also WOO NINTENDO CONSOLES IN GAME, NOW GIVE US MINIGAMES FOR THEM
  • Nook Points basically just seems like an AC-specific version of My Nintendo platinum points, rather than a micro transactiony thing... which is one of two good things about it. The other is YAY NEW NOOK INC STUFF. It’s still kinda weird that it exists, tho, given it’ll probably shut down one day (glances at the ruins of the Pokemon dream website from Black and White), it’s probably got items that’ll be exclusive to it and that kinda shuts people out again, and, y’know, I’ve got over 500000 Nook Miles sitting there doing nothing, but hey, I check the app for catalog reasons, I’m probably going to do it anyway?
  • If they Annie from Splatoon Katrina and have her as just a pic in the app, I’m going to be MAD. But I’m also very much “they’ll somehow find roles for old NPCs, or at least put the models into the game so you can use them in Photopia”, and I’m also very much “Some NPCs work better as shops, and some NPCs work better as travellers... and Katrina honestly works well as both?” On the plus side, if they’ve actually properly added a luck mechanic into the game I’m going to be very happy.
  • I didn’t even mention the Sanrio stuff, and it’s the biggest part of the update here. Not interested in crossover villagers, but very much like some of the furniture.
  • Going by the Nook Shopping stuff, looks like the next update’s in about a month’s time? Which means we seem to be getting monthly updates now.
  • Overall, while I’ve got some gripes with it (including the usual BREWSTER ISN’T HERE YET, WHERE’S NOOK N’ GO and some other “the devs have made things easier in response to player feedback, sometimes to the detriment of what AC is meant to be” gripes I’ve had with the game since day 1), I’m still fairly impressed with the update? It’s pretty meaty and substantial, which compared to some of the recent updates is honestly a good thing, and bodes well for the rest of 2021’s updates.
so i've been looking at this

and does that sash thing look like it would be part of the dress or considered a bag item?
I think it’s important to talk about stuff you don’t like, especially given that this update does prove that the devs are listening (and one thing I do like from what I’ve heard about AC development is the fact that it’s a very collaborative effort)... but at the same time being repetitively critical or overly hyperbolic about something sucks and it’s important to balance that out with the stuff you do like about something... so imma do this with this update!
  • First off, not really a big design guy so I’m not too fussed about the addition of more design slots... but I also have an intense desire to dig out my NL cutout patterns (somehow, they’re mostly from Nintendo’s own Dream Address) and the ability to make uchiwa fans and flags is honestly a GAME CHANGER. Weird how you couldn’t make umbrellas until this update, tho.
  • Slightly mixed feelings on the Design Portal becoming an app, tho. More design slots is a genuine QOL update, making things an app instead of an actual thing you interact with in game is just making things a bit too easy for my liking (compared to something like Nook Shopping, which I’m incentivised to check at the Nook Stop because it gets me Nook Miles to do) and it kinda removes charm, especially from the Able Sisters, which has had a bit of a rough time of it lately, given how there isn’t much incentive to not use the changing room and the removal of “episodes” since after the Wii game. However, optional.
  • Speaking of Nook Shopping, while I still don’t like using it to get the minor event items instead of, idk, fleshing them out into actual things that the villagers hold little celebrations for, I’m impressed by how many holidays it actually celebrates. I especially love the prom stuff, and the return of the cool globe!
  • Also amusing that it’s a Forsythia, given how the descendant of the man who named it was for many years a much-loved gameshow host on UK TV!
  • Mixed feelings on April Fool’s Day not returning from NL. On one hand, it’s a nice little event with an NPC that’s been given a new role that actually suits them, unlike *glances around at all the NPCs that got new roles in NL* and gives them a purpose other than “hahahaha I just drew something rude on their face”, as well as giving the villagers actual things that set them apart from other villagers in their personality. On the other hand, this is all undercut by it being an easy way to get villager pics, something that should inherently be worked towards and treated as a reward. Also they’re not actually silly pranky things, unlike Super Tortimer and the leaf item, so I’m glad they’ve gone with a whoopee cushion this time around. As long as my villagers tell me the most outrageous lies that day, I’ll be very happy.
  • I’m glad that there’s another little tchotchke for me paying £18 a year for Nintendo Switch Online (even if ew, paid online... but that’s a games industry gripe, not a Nintendo gripe). Also WOO NINTENDO CONSOLES IN GAME, NOW GIVE US MINIGAMES FOR THEM
  • Nook Points basically just seems like an AC-specific version of My Nintendo platinum points, rather than a micro transactiony thing... which is one of two good things about it. The other is YAY NEW NOOK INC STUFF. It’s still kinda weird that it exists, tho, given it’ll probably shut down one day (glances at the ruins of the Pokemon dream website from Black and White), it’s probably got items that’ll be exclusive to it and that kinda shuts people out again, and, y’know, I’ve got over 500000 Nook Miles sitting there doing nothing, but hey, I check the app for catalog reasons, I’m probably going to do it anyway?
  • If they Annie from Splatoon Katrina and have her as just a pic in the app, I’m going to be MAD. But I’m also very much “they’ll somehow find roles for old NPCs, or at least put the models into the game so you can use them in Photopia”, and I’m also very much “Some NPCs work better as shops, and some NPCs work better as travellers... and Katrina honestly works well as both?” On the plus side, if they’ve actually properly added a luck mechanic into the game I’m going to be very happy.
  • I didn’t even mention the Sanrio stuff, and it’s the biggest part of the update here. Not interested in crossover villagers, but very much like some of the furniture.
  • Going by the Nook Shopping stuff, looks like the next update’s in about a month’s time? Which means we seem to be getting monthly updates now.
  • Overall, while I’ve got some gripes with it (including the usual BREWSTER ISN’T HERE YET, WHERE’S NOOK N’ GO and some other “the devs have made things easier in response to player feedback, sometimes to the detriment of what AC is meant to be” gripes I’ve had with the game since day 1), I’m still fairly impressed with the update? It’s pretty meaty and substantial, which compared to some of the recent updates is honestly a good thing, and bodes well for the rest of 2021’s updates.
I'd prefer the luck mechanic not to be in the game. I didn't like bad luck days where running wasn't an option unless you wanted to fall continually. In a way it almost reminds me of Smash with the old "random slipping" mechanic they implemented. Now if they replace that with something else that could equate to bad luck, I'm all for that.
It's cool how we can design umbrellas, flags and those sorts of things again. It felt weird designing without having that feature.
Also I love the cake

Plus, excited that Katrina is returning! However, if she's just the character that gives you more tokens or whatever, that's going to be pretty disappointing. I loved going into her tent each week and unlocking her shop in the NL days.

Another major disappointment for me is April Fool's Day. I mean, just a whoopee cushion? Where's Blanca? They're a staple to the franchise!

Not as excited about this update, but I'm glad that Nintendo is listening to the community a tiny bit more.

As much as I miss Blanca, April Fools wasn't a big deal in previous games except New Leaf. In all previous game all you got was an item as well from Tortimer (and like a letter in WW).
I'd prefer the luck mechanic not to be in the game. I didn't like bad luck days where running wasn't an option unless you wanted to fall continually. In a way it almost reminds me of Smash with the old "random slipping" mechanic they implemented. Now if they replace that with something else that could equate to bad luck, I'm all for that.
Well considering that most of the game is RNG based it would make sense for Katrina to appear since you can get good luck if you're having a bad time one day and the next day turns out to be lucky. Idk I am not usually a fan of stuff being so random all the time because its hard to predict whats going to even happen. Its love/hate relationship I have with luck based in general in some games.
More design slots are cool but I didn't even fill up all my current design slots so not a huge deal to me. Not really into any of the new items except the plant and the cake since I'm really missing more.. plants and food... the customization of umbrellas and photo stands were literally in ACNL, and I didn't even realize that wasn't in this game until now lol

That feature to make a trailer is cute, but I wonder if it will capture the extreme lagginess on my island in all its glory, or will Nintendo finally release some stabilization patches? lol

Really not into having to use their actual phone app to get items in game either... and lol is Katrina literally just... an image on the app now? Really hope not...

I guess still just rly excited about the Sanrio stuff, and meh over everything else. Guess I'll see if Marty can get me to start playing the game more regularly again lol
A whoopee cushion?
Seriously? :(
We ask for sofas and get a fart pillow!
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