There was a old TBT site and it was on Zetaboards. It wasn't much different to this one only that it's free.*sighs abit but knows it can't be helped.*
I'll miss the way TBT is now.
I've never been on the Zetaboards before.
There was a old TBT site and it was on Zetaboards. It wasn't much different to this one only that it's free.
Whoever Jeremy chooses will be the top Admin, yes, but never the Owner as that is a rank that no one can access, it is the same with my forum.Andy for TBT Owner!
Totally! He is a super guy!
I agree with you on this.I believe this, only because this was posted at 12:53AM on April 2nd in Australian time, clearly not an April fools joke
YESH! I'm really glad that wasn't true. I never fully believed it, considering Jeremy is now on and posting daily, but I admit I was scared. Long live TBT!This was just Bacon Boy's sick idea of an April Fools joke. He tried to bring me into it and I said NO WAY MAN! THAT'S NOT MY GAME!
I agree! But Bacon Boy is still my friend. I'm not one to hold a grudge. I knew it had to be a joke but I was still quite worried!Bacon Butt, you jerkface! =p