So, who else likes random villager placement? XD


Mon the Biff.
Jun 12, 2013
Throwback Tickets
So as you all know, in ACNL villagers can randomly place their house anywhere. I always see people complaining about this feature, but I actually like it! It adds so much more possibilities to the town layout, and I like how my town is always changing. I never liked how restrictive and boring the signposts were.

Yes, I know it can destroy paths and trees and whatever, but I kindof see it as a challenge to rebuild the town around the new house xD The way I see it, if everything went perfectly and exactly how you wanted it, the game would be more boring. This is my opinion :)

Does anyone else have this view? What is your opinion on the random placement feature? :)
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Well Marshal happened to move in the perfect place to be lined up with my path, so I haven't had this issue yet. Hopefully I'll never have it but yeah. I do kind of like the idea of villagers moving wherever they want.

I'm sure the moment someone places a house on my path/on top of my many flower gardens I will lose my mind though. xD
I didn't have a problem with random villager placement until Bangle moved right in front of the post office and on my newly finished tree lined path leading up to it. Now I don't like it so much... ;_;
I didn't have a problem with random villager placement until Bangle moved right in front of the post office and on my newly finished tree lined path leading up to it. Now I don't like it so much... ;_;
Oh that is bad luck! Wait, post office? Isn't that on Main Street xD
Puddles just moved next to me and in front of my diagonal bridge, so I will just move my bridge...not a big deal to me.
Puddles just moved next to me and in front of my diagonal bridge, so I will just move my bridge...not a big deal to me.

Exactly how I think of it :) I always wonder when I see people going on and on about their flowers/trees being squashed... I mean, just grow some more! XD

Edit: though I do admit it would be better if Isabelle or someone had a box with the things that have been squashed - that way you won't lose your rare hybrids :)
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I didn't have much of a problem with it until Tia moved right in front of my bridge so I'd slam right into her house whenever I wanted to go to the cafe.

Or when Renee moved her house in front of mine so I'd run into her house while doing my daily patrol around town.

Then of course Monique placed her house so I'd run into it whenever I was going in or coming out of Re Tail. Most of my house placement problems have to do with me not paying attention to where I'm going.
I like the random villager placement too, to an extent. I've put PWPs everywhere I REALLY don't want houses to pop up, I'm not overly concerned about flowers or trees (they're really easy to re-grow after all), and I like the challenge of re-pathing areas when they plop down on top.

(I also like grass wear :p)
I like the random villager placement too, to an extent. I've put PWPs everywhere I REALLY don't want houses to pop up, I'm not overly concerned about flowers or trees (they're really easy to re-grow after all), and I like the challenge of re-pathing areas when they plop down on top.

(I also like grass wear :p)

Yeah same, I've put PWPs outside the town hall etc where I really don't want villagers :) Haha wahey, go grass wear! :D
I like it. :) No one has moved out, so I haven't had to worry about flower hybrids being trampled and stuff. Which reminds me, I want to move them around PWPs so they won't get trampled if the worst happens and someone moves out. D: :p
I like it. It's better than random signs in the town. But in the next game there needs to be some control over where the houses land. It ruins pathways and destroys flowers.
I like it. It's better than random signs in the town. But in the next game there needs to be some control over where the houses land. It ruins pathways and destroys flowers.

Yeah I hated the signs, and they would be a nightmare for placing PWPs! Awww I don't mind that, it's all part of the challenge for me :p
I can understand that perspective. It's just that if I let villagers plop down in any random spot, they may be collectively spaced so horribly that I can't do much of anything in the town at all... Also, I'm a very plan-oriented person (as I'm sure a lot of people who play these kinds of games are) and I don't take well to having those plans ruined. *shrug*
I can understand that perspective. It's just that if I let villagers plop down in any random spot, they may be collectively spaced so horribly that I can't do much of anything in the town at all... Also, I'm a very plan-oriented person (as I'm sure a lot of people who play these kinds of games are) and I don't take well to having those plans ruined. *shrug*

i have my town mapped out pretty nice and i would not like if a neighbor moved in a bad place,it has stopped me from letting people move i still have my original :/
I can understand that perspective. It's just that if I let villagers plop down in any random spot, they may be collectively spaced so horribly that I can't do much of anything in the town at all... Also, I'm a very plan-oriented person (as I'm sure a lot of people who play these kinds of games are) and I don't take well to having those plans ruined. *shrug*

I understand your perspective too :) I realise that some people are more into planning their towns than I am.
I love it, actually. I don't want to be so restrictive over my game and become so fussy to control where my villagers move. I always make a way around it anyway. I won't move someone out because their house placement sucks, it doesn't affect me. I think it's nice how my town is always changing.
At first I didn't like Hugh moving right in front of my house, but I don't mind anymore. He's my favourite neighbour, so I actually like living close to him.
I love it, actually. I don't want to be so restrictive over my game and become so fussy to control where my villagers move. I always make a way around it anyway. I won't move someone out because their house placement sucks, it doesn't affect me. I think it's nice how my town is always changing.
I feel the exact same way! ^.^ I wouldn't like to control where they live, I like to let them choose :p