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Eligible Solfolket (New Year, New Horizon)

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Senior Member
Feb 19, 2022
Sautéed Mushrooms
Lost Book

Here we go again! I feel that this is going to be the Island I have been waiting and prepering for! I feel it and I believe it! I started this island somewhere between christmas and new year and I still have it. Hopefully this is my forever island. A real new year with a new horizon!


I got a green airport and I was greeted by Reneigh, Poncho and Timmy and Tommy!
I could spot cherrys in the background. This was a great start!

Everything is exciting and new!
I cannot wait to show you what happened!

Yours Vintersol
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I put down my tent! I took a look at my island map! How lovely isnt it?? Buterfly stones on the sides. Rock in the water! I am in love ❤️🧡



I found Poncho somewhat confused over where he should put his tent! Luckily for him, I had the answer! When we all were set up for the night we gathered at the plaza!


I could smell the smoke from the fire. It gave us a warm cozy feeling. Together we brainstormed about island names. We named it Solfolket.

It was now time to get to know each other!

Yours, Vintersol
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Tom had made smoothies of cherrys to honor our new Journey together! They smelled delicious and tasted even better!

I had to sit down for a while. It was hard to wrap my mind over everything that was happening. Here I was, with new friends on an island far away from the real world. It was exciting but also little scaring. I shut down the nagging voice inside that said *what if this isnt going to work*.

It is up to me! I will make it work. This is my island and I will not let Timmy and Tommy down. I will create something fun for Reneigh and Poncho. I will make it happen.

Yours, Vintersol

Before I went to bed. I took a last look around our new island. It had this peacefull feeling with it. I was not ready to go to bed, but I was tired. It had been a long ride here and so much had happen in such short period of time.

I put on the radio and the same song was playing that I heard before, New horizon. That was the song, the promise of something new, a peaceful adventure. That song lured me into taking this leap of faith. Move here and start new. It did not take long before I was in deep sleep.

Yours, Vintersol

Reality check! I knew it was to good to be true!

Tom Nook shouted outside my tent this morning. It was important he said. I was not even sure where I was! It took a while for me to realise and orient myself. Everything slowly came back to me. I had taking this flight to a new island. The getaway package! Slowly my memory gets it right and my sleepy eyes wakes up.

-Your bills, Tom says. You can pay in Bells!

I am starting to sweat. How could I missed this? Of Course it is not free. Nothing is ever free. My mind spinns and all I can think of is.

* I do not have any bells*

I had to swollow several times before my voice could bare me. I was emberresed and in shame.

-Tom, I am so sorry! I do not have any Bells...

Luckely for me, Tom took this news with peace. I could pay it back in miles, 5000. I should get miles for different tasks over the island. It was such a relief. Was what I thinking? Traveling over half the world with empty pockets. Who does something like that.

I was so happy that I had Tom on my side. I can coninue my adventure! I am so grateful!
This was not where the adventure ends. It is where it beginns.

Yours, Vintersol

I had to relax a little when Tom left. He had almost given me a heart attack. I had been strolling around the Island, ending up on the big pensuela to the right side of the Island.

All I could see was water. It was calming.
I found this filter in my camera app. I forgot to tell you. Tom was kind enough to give me a phone. What a sweeathearted man. I have not even payed the bills yet and he is so understanding. A real friend in need! I am so glad I did this.

I got sidetracked! This app have such a fun filter. I love this antique one. Running around snapping pictures of everything. Coulor is fun but this had a timeless feeling to it. I love it!


Yours, Vintersol


First days was all about getting to know my neighbours, Reneigh and Poncho. Do you know that Poncho begins his day jogging and doing squats. Everyday! I tell you, his got his head on muscels. Relaxing for him his picking up firewoods. Believe me when I say that is my workout routine, picking up firewood...

I can only dream of having my mind so focus on finess. Reneigh is much more relaxed. She might not have the patience for catching fish... but at least she tries.

Renigh and Poncho is super cool. I love them both and they seems to like each other too.
It is a good thing that there is so much firewood everywhere. I do not know what I aspected, but it was not all this snow. I dont mind It. It is very peaceful. A white slate. I wounder if I could pull It of making a snow boy later.

Yours, Vintersol

I got this cap from Poncho. A new neighbour gift. How sweet of him. I feel extremly stylish in it.


Walking around the Island! I feel like I own the whole world! In one way that is a little true. I am island representative. I might frogot to tell you. Tom gave me this titel first day on the Island. I am the to go girl on this island. Solfolkets own Vintersol.

Enough with my ego. Poncho sure boosted it up with that hat. ❤️🧡💛

The Nooklings had prepered a crafting lesson. I learned how to make a fishing rod and a bug catching net. Both a bit flimsy, but it opened up a whole new world for me here at the Island. Who knew that tinkering could be so much fun?


Yours, Vintersol

It was a good thing I took that crafting lesson. I was shaking trees for more firewood. The cold is insane. I never thought that an island was going to be cold so I did not bring any proper winter clothes. Anyways, there I was shaking trees, hoping that any branches would fall down and bang!

There it was, landing in front of my feet. A wasp nest! The buzzling! I have never heard anything that frenetic. My first instinct was to run. My second was to catch it. Can you wrap your mind on my sucess? I catched a wasp! The Joy I felt, sprinted around my body.

I took the wasp to Tom Nook. He was so excetied. He knew this fella, Blather. He was intrested in biology, more exactly speaces of this island. We came to an agreement that I would bring in whatever I found and Tom would give me something fun in return.

It was so much fun! I got flowers, watercan and other tools that would make my island life so much easier.


In between catches and visiting Tom Nook, I build my self a little relaxing area at the beach. It was the perfect place to just be for a moment or two.


Yours, Vintersol

I got this teadybear from Reneigh. It took me back to my childhood. How my dad took me to this amusementpark. How he won this gigantic teadybear for me. I still have it today even thou he sadly have passed away. Moments in time that will capsel the memory in one item. One item that seems like something ordinary for one but something completly legendary for another! Good memories that will travel with me. A good thing! It match my bed ❤️🧡💛


Reneigh was in giving mood. She did not stop with the bear. She also gave me the recipe for curing wasp stings. Yes you heard it right. I messed up. I was to slow with my net, to certain because my sucees earlier. I had to be more carefull. The medicine was easy to prepare. Herbs and honey. I had alot of that!


Then something wierd happen! This present was floating in the air. Timmy talked about it and sold me this slingshot but I never really believed him. I thought it was just a silly game. Chi on me!!! It was a white desk in the present. Actually very nice. I like it alot!

All my new furniture got me into decorating mood. I made some cobblestone path with the stones I found and used some sticks for the entrences. Poncho even got himself a little garden area. I hope he likes it because he has to stick with it for a little while 😇

Yours, Vintersol

It was not every evening. It was a very special evening! I had turned in five speaces to Tom Nook. He got a phonecall from Blather. He is intrested enough to move here! Move to Solfolket. He wants to build a museum. How cool isnt that? I have heard so much about this owl. I cannot wait to meet him in person.


My adrinaline was pumping due to my progress. I had to do something. Craft away some energy was my best bet! I was going true everything. I tried every reciepe I had learned.

I could not stop myself. I bet this was the feeling Poncho had when he patrulled jogged around the Island doing push ups and squats. In that moment I feelt like I was insync with him.


One tiny fire when I could have a big one? Why not both? The insane cold I had felt was gone. This area was warm and cozy. A go to area when the cold crawl into the bones!

Yours, Vintersol
After my plot planning of Blathers museum I thought it was time to explore the waters around Solfolket. We have a pond I can reach, a fairly long river, river mouths and the big deep sea. I found so many different fishes. It is faschinated how many different ones there is. Especielly with the fact that it is winter. Many fishes must have traveled to the south but what do I know? It is so relaxing to throw my fishing pole. It is like for every cast I make my breath goes a little bit deeper. It is like meditation in a way. Who would have thought I would enjoy it so. I get more energy of catching bugs but that is only because I have to runn around more. Both is fun and it is giving in two different ways. This island gives me an all around outdoors experience for sure. Let me show you all some pictures from my best fishing spots. I wish you all could enjoy them.




What a dream, right? Who does not want to go fishing now? *raising my hand and jumping up ready to go for another round*

Yours, Vintersol

Guess what???

I made it!! I payed of my tent! I spoked to Tom Nooks after and can you believe it? He will let me upgrade my tent to a small house. I am over joyed. He talks about floor, wall papers, you name it! I cannot wait to see how this will look like. It gives me an oppertunity to shop more! ❤️🧡💛

You are right! I am a woman, that loves to spend Bells (no stereotype, accident)). What an oppertunity right! I cannot stand still. I had to share this news to someone. Who else would be perfect if not Poncho???

We talked and listen to music in his tent. Dreaming of the changes we would make when our house upgrades was done. Okay! Poncho had not actually ordered a house yet, but he was still open for a little bit of dreaming of the future. It might come one day, he sayed with a smile. *It would be nice to do jumping jacks whitout wrecking my tent* he added.

I laught out loud. I could see it before my eyes. Poncho standing there wrapped in his own tent trying to get loose...Kinda funny... 😇

Yours, Vintersol

PS. The house upgrade needed a little loan. But I will pay it of, promise!! If I figure out how to get some Bells...

I have been hanging with Poncho alot so I figured it was time to give Reneigh some love and attention. I got her some flowers to decorate her place. It is pretty cute and a good start for improving the enviroment. Ignore all the weed, it is on my to do list. If I am complete fair I like the weeds. I find them cute and adorable but they have to go. Sooner or maybe later.


I was watering everything I planted when I heard Poncho call my name. He was trying to get some fishes. Head muscels he said refering to patience he needed. He is so cute. I had to continue on Reneigh garden so I just wished him good luck. I know that the pond have both Carps and Kois.

Yours, Vintersol

Have I told you about the broadcast Tom Nook has every morning. I love them! Tom share whatever news there is. I have not missed one broadcast since we got her. It is a cozy routine.

Today he said something special. Blathers tent was done and Blather himself has arrived.

I had to go and meet him right away.


His tent was so cute and Blather himself amazing. All the stories he has to share. He gave me two new recipes. A pole so I can jump over the river and a showel. He shared a secret. There is supposly fossils all over the Island. Blather asked if I could search them out. He thought this island was a place where dinosaurs lived a long time ago. How crazy! I promised to help out. Could not say no to an adventure, right.

Yours, Vintersol

Another suprise where luring around my courner that day. I caught Tommy (maybe Timmy) talking about open a proper shop on the Island now when Blather has arrived and we got a little bit more crowded.

I find that idea so fantastic! I have my house to decorate.


I have my white desk that I got from the baloon. I also ordered a few things for the upcoming new years eve! I know. We have a long way to go on my story to where I am today.

Anyhow! A girl needs her bubble!! It turned out that my island didnt celebrate new years eve this year. It was underdeveloped. I had no idea, but I traveled to my mums island and celebrated there with my husband and four kids. So it worked out anyway. Next year I want to decorate for it much more then a few items in my house. I am not sure I am allowed to show you pictures from someone else island so I will hold on to the pictures from that night for now.

Yours, Vintersol


Both Poncho and Reineigh heard from the Nooklings that I had promised to help them gather materials for a shop. 30 pieces of three different woods plus 30 iron nuggets. They both wanted to help out. Poncho gave some iron and Reneigh gave me a tool. An axe to shop all the woods down. They are such an amazing neighbours! I could not have wished fot better company.

As you can see I have begun too store fishes and bugs I catch beside Blathers tent. I suprised him with so many different spieces so he already needs to expand. Tom and Blather are all about organize the building plans for the museum. It is so much that happens right now.

Yours, Vintersol

I were going to my to go spot for some relaxeation but I stumbled over something strange. A bird I never seen before were found on the beach. Sleeping or unconcios. I were not sure. It took everything I had to wake him up. I tried to stroke his feathers gently. I whispered carefully not to scare him. I talked completly normal. I flaxed with my arms, jumping up amd down screaming all I got. Nothing!!!

My patience were gone. I must appolagize. I took my net and hit him in his face, like he was some bug I needed to catch.

Guess what? It worked. He was awake. I think he had one or two drinks to many. He spoked about fighting sea monsters just close to this beach. I have been fishing here for days snd never spotted anything whitin my sight. But what do I know. I cannot judge him nor believe him. It must be a metafor for something. I wounder what?

I helped him repair his phone and he called his crew to come and get him. I sure got something to think about. Who was he? What monsters does he has in his life? I had to admit I were courious.

Yours, Vintersol

One strange thing comes rarly alone. The Nooklings gave me tickets to a mystery island. Our dodos will fly me anytime I want they said.
I can exchange miles for more tickets whenever I want.

Exciting! I prepered and were ready to go. I looked over the water while we were flying. Getting drowsier and drowsier.

Suddently I wake up and there we were on a new island. I was ready to gather materials for Timmy and Tommys shop. Before I left, Orvind (I hope I got his name right) told me that they burn this route as soon we got back to Solfolket. He said that I shouldnt leave before I were sure about it. When we left there is never a way back to the same island.

How crazy?? Is this even legal? I am confused, but I decided not to question it. They must now what they are doing, right? The Nooklings are the best. It cannot be anything shady. I refuse to believe it.

Even thou I must admit. On my way back...I fell asleep again. Do not remember a thing of the route home. How crazy isnt that???

Yours, Vintersol


I found myself spending so much more time with Poncho then with Reneigh. I do not know if it is that we have different sleep sceduele or whats causing it. I kinda feel bad in away, but I and Poncho have so much fun.

We are both so competetive. We arranged a fishing competition for who got the most and biggest fish. I think we were to loud...
Non of us got anything so we decided to play some hide and seek instead! Poncho tried to hide behind every tree on the Island. He is small but maybe not that small. I blamed his big muscels for exposing his good hiding spots. He loved that!

It was such a great evening. One to remeber and pick out whenever I need something bright with love. ❤️🧡💛

Yours, Vintersol