Something I didn't know about - free Nook Miles the first time you visit another player?


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2013
Throwback Tickets
So I visited another island for the first time today to receive a dreamie (yay!!) however something I wasn't expecting - when I arrived home my Nook miles amount suddenly appeared to increase (I didn't redeem miles, I mean I literally arrived off the airport and it showed it change at top of screen)? It could have decreased... or it could have been regular bells... I didn't catch it that well but it did the sort of slot machine style scrolling thing with the numbers iirc. Okay I'm sounding gradually crazier trying to describe this but does anyone know what I'm on about and is this normal (the currency phenomenon I'm referring to, not my mental state lol)? Please and thanks! :)
I've noticed it going up too! I've visited so many people, but I've never quite taken enough notice to figure out which it is - 1st visit of the day, or 1st visit to another player LOOL
Yeah! I wasn't sure what that was, but that makes sense. I see it increasing sometimes so I thought it was just random miles reward sometimes, but yeah it makes sense for it to be a first time thing, I see it a lot when trading with others.
Thanks all! To be clear are we talking about when you don't redeem anything but you arrive home and see the numbers scroll suddenly? And did I get nook miles or bells? Cheers :D
For a while I thought it was taking miles off me and I got annoyed that I was being charged unknowingly to visit friends! :ROFLMAO:

Then I realised it was actually going up!
I think it's if you travel for the first time that day, you get nook miles.
When you travel to another island and go back to your island for the first time that day you'll get NM