Something You Love and Hate About Your Computer

I love that my laptop is still alive after 8 years. It's basically a dinosaur though, it's heavy and overheats quickly, and the battery can't hold a charge for more than 5 minutes, and there's times where I envision myself chucking it out of the nearest window, but that's the nature of our relationship, I love/hate my dinosaur computer and will keep it until it dies on its own.
I don't know why, but I find this really sweet. :)
Love: Able to hold (almost) all of my games.
Hate: It takes at least 5 minutes for it to load something properly without it starting to donk up.
Love: It has a good graphics card.
Hate: The fact that whenever you swipe your hand around the monitor it goes directly to the Windows menu.
I love my Mac because it had a lot of memory, is faster, and doesn't get viruses like my old pcs.
I hate that I doesn't have great game support ;^; most games I want to play are for windows.
Love: It's very fast and easy to use.
Hate: It doesn't have much game support on it. Can't play Sims 2 and it makes me rage.
Love: It's pretty small, and it has a cool cover.
Hate: its so goddamn slow and it crashed so many times

Love: It holds so many games and memory omg.
Hate: It's not really a great PC if you wanna write out a report or use an internet browser tbh.
Love: that it's super fast to boot up (it's a MacBook)
Hate: urm probably just the fact that getting used to a Mac is taking a bit of time (used PCs for years but never a Mac). For example I didn't even know how to right click when I first got it. It's easy peasy now though.
I really love everything about my laptop except how I can't really play games on here because they're not supported.
I love that's it a desktop mac, and it's just the right size. I hate that it's fairly old for a computer, and is kinda slow now.
My computer is my kindle fire HD

Love: it was a cheap replacement for my broken laptop
Hate: it's slow and doesn't even have flash. Plus it *****es out all the time

That was 3 things
Love: It's mine alone, so I can use it whenever I want, plus it has a pink top and keyboard

Hate: It can be super laggy and slow at times
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Love: has more space than my old computer?, bit smaller than my old one (which was too big)

Hate: Windows 8, gets really hot, seems to be slower than my 4 year old laptop?, it can't play games I want it to that my old laptop could handle. No dvd player (which would be fine if those other problems weren't there. i need a dvd player)

...kinda bitter that I got this one expecting it to be shiny and new and fantastic and it kind of sucks compared to my old one. Don't get a Toshiba right after you've had a fantastic Lenovo
<3 = Portable, starts up fast, has good amount of space

</3 = Lags when playing games, touchpad sucks :c
Love: It has enough space on it that I've never really had any major issues with downloading things.

Hate: It's started slowing down for some reason, and I have basically no idea why.
Love: Um, well, it mostly works. I can work and browse the internet on it. The battery is pretty decent unless I keep discord open all day.
Hate: It crashes (blue screen) every time it starts up, and also there's not that much storage space
I love the touchscreen and how fast it is!

The only thing I don’t like is the speakers aren’t great quality. But I can live with it!