Spam or Bacon

Spam or bacon?

  • Spam

    Votes: 6 14.0%
  • Bacon

    Votes: 28 65.1%
  • Neither

    Votes: 9 20.9%

  • Total voters


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Apr 7, 2020
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If you had to pick one, spam or bacon? Fried spam is great I love making spam musubi or rice bowls with it. I find bacon to be way to salty gross after a single piece.
I'm not really a fan of potted meat so I'd have to go with bacon. It's good, but it's not something I would eat everyday either.
I've never had spam and I think I'm too much of a wuss to try it. Bacon is good every once in awhile.
I dislike both. Spam sounds terrible even though I never had it. I've had bacon before but I have GI problems and pork really hurts my insides. For meat, I prefer chicken, fish or seafood.
Honestly I love both. Bacon is great on burgers, wrapped around stuff, on baked potatoes, salads or just plain with breakfast. But I love spam in macaroni, scrambled eggs and musubi.
i think spam is fine, my dad is ex military and... has a really weird affinity for it, so i used to have it a LOT growing up. literally just tastes like saltier ham tbh. i guess the texture might be odd if you have it right out of the can but my dad always fried it.

that being said, bacon is WAY more versatile, IMO. you can use it on a TON of things. pizza, salads, dips, etc. i'd choose bacon. i prefer turkey bacon over pork bacon tho~
I don't remember having spam and rarely eat bacon, sometimes I eat okonomiyaki with bacon but that's all.
I like spam with rice, and I think of the combo as one of my comfort foods because my mom has cooked it often for me as a meal.

I'm not a fan of eating whole bacon strips and prefer bacon bits sprinkled on top of a dish if it works.
Bacon. Although I do want to make a spam musubi one day. One day I’ll
gather the courage.
I haven't ever tried Spam, so I picked 'neither' to remain neutral. I think bacon is just okay anyways.
i've actually never had spam or bacon made from pork o: i've tried turkey bacon though and i wasn't too crazy about it :/
I like both! Fried spam is definitely easier to cook up than bacon so I have that more often at home.
I grew up in Hawaii and grew up with both, but I was definitely fed spam way more often. Lots of spam musibis and spam fried rice.
I like both, but spam just a tad bit more. I don’t always have bacon on hand at home but there will always be spam in the pantry. It’s easier, faster, and less messier to make for me. Spam, eggs and rice is a staple breakfast in my house, plus I really love spam musubi.
Bacon. I don’t eat it a ton, and I don’t like it in small bits. But after a long time of not eating bacon, I’ve come to tolerate it again.
Spam, I would never eat. It looks so, so, so, disgusting!
I eat both, but I prefer bacon, especially if it becomes a little crispy from being overcooked.
I like both but I prefer spam. Spam with fried rice is such a comfort food for me. It was one of the first dishes I learned to make when I left for college. I made it a lot when I felt homesick.