St. Patricks Day Party at Twinleaf!

Wait, so what time is it as your place?
I cant come then. D: (Unless you can bump the time up) It will be 9 here when the party starts and I have the biggest test of the year tommarow.
sakura said:
I cant come then. D: (Unless you can bump the time up) It will be 9 here when the party starts and I have the biggest test of the year tommarow.

I had to move the time because I'm going somewhere. How could I bump up the time? xD
comptongnome said:
any1 wanna come 2 my saint pats party lots of contest 4 bells just reply 2 thetopic saint patricks day ac party
Omg. GTFO of my thread if your going to advertise yours. It's rude. :throwingrottenapples:
comptongnome said:
any1 wanna come 2 my saint pats party lots of contest 4 bells just reply 2 thetopic saint patricks day ac party
no one wants to go to n00bs party they wanna go to LEXEH'S!!!!!!!!!
excuse me? now i can't believe i added you and thought i would want to go to your party! i have friends on this site i actually know like Mr Calvin!