So I wanted to do something a little different - my field is all black, as per the Pirates coat - but I used single coloured flowers to represent the jewels on the coat. If you look closely at the pirate’s coat, it has gems on it. I used the most valuable hybrids in the game to represent these gems - the blue rose, the purple pansy, and the green mum. You can also see gold roses on the beach near the hoard - I plucked them because I thought they looked more intricate as buds. Also, in the centre of the outfit is a pirate medallion with flowing blue eyes, so I used blue hyacinth lamps by the gold seat to represent this medallion.
While pink and blue are the main colors of my outfit, there are also white and (one) orange windflowers to go along with the stripes on my tank and the orange gradient on the shade lens. The black sides of the hat pair up with dark circles inside the flowers themselves.