I have 2 tankless critters here! My snapping turtle, Hank, and my horseshoe crab, Irma. Not pictured is my isopod, Frank. But, they all hangout occasionally.
Busy afternoon at the marketplace today! Caught up with a few turtle friends and got some tea together. Saw some lovebirds on the table beside us as well!
Alright, birthday present? Check.
BG's* favourite meal (fresh sea slug)? Check.
Birthday cake? Check.
Birthday decorations? Not quite. Only one more balloon to place and this birthday party will be perfect!
*my birthday girl, BG (Bathynomus giganteus), AKA the Giant Isopod.
The custom designs used for this prompt are not my own:
Birthday painting: MO-Y3JT-0D58-SWDW (Birthday)
Deck: MO-5876-75YY-YM70 (decking)
North stone path: MO-44H1-669G-3L80 (Piedras)
South stone path: MO-0NDP-51T2-H385 (in Japanese characters)
omg i almost forgot to submit asdfghjkl
I basically wanted to have a movie set where the military calls for their local superhero for backup to fight against the spider crab invaders