Still can't find a snowball anywhere


Senior Member
Oct 28, 2013
Holiday Candy Cane 2021
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Holiday Candy Cane 2017
Holiday Candy Cane 2016
OMG, what am I doing wrong? I have plenty of clearing throughout my town. Are these just much smaller then the ones from NL? Anyone else having trouble? (And were you able to solve it?)
Don't forget to check flower patches and even paths. They can spawn there too :) They also tend to spawn near each other from what it seems. So if you find one, the other one is probably around the same area!
My snowball spawn area is 10x6, and I've had no problems with them only spawning there. Maybe clear out a spot at least that big, make sure it doesn't have any pathing at all, then go in and out of a building.
After what I've learned today, snowballs are now confirmed to be bugged. They disappear and reappear. So you probably just need to keep checking and rechecking spots and going in and out of buildings
yesterday i didn't find Any throughout my two laps of town. after i cleared out an area specifically to build snowmen, they both appeared there after i entered and exited a building, so i can only assume they need a minimum amount of space available in order to spawn? otherwise they would've appeared in one of my flowerbeds. in NL, that never used to matter, so i was faintly surprised. back then, they could spawn wherever so long as there was an empty "block" for them to be on.

today, they didn't spawn at all again (despite the new cleared area) until i entered and exited a building. only then did they appear in the same area as yesterday. one thing i did notice today though is that they just... pop into existence? if they're in shot when you exit a building, they literally just blip into the game instead of being loaded in before the screen returns. never seen anything else (villagers, flowers, furniture) do that before, and the area is nowhere near crowded. really weird.
Sometimes the dung beetles will destroy them. At least that's how it was in New Leaf. So I assume if they just appear out of nowhere, it's because a dung beetle rolled them off a cliff maybe?
I haven’t seen one either. Do they spawn on weeds? That’s all I can think of that’s making them not appear. My town is covered in weeds.
They spawn on snowed areas. I’ve had mine spawn on custom paths or in a cleared space.

If they don’t spawn in, try clearing a space again or entering/exiting a building. Also beware a dung beetle could have pushed them into the river.

Again they should spawn but it dependant on space