Still waiting for a legitimate answer (TBT is a dictatorship)

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This isn't really for anyone else but the staff but I am posting this because it has been over 12 hours since I made a report against my warning and I've yet still to receive any reasoning as to why I received it, and even when I spoke to Jer about it, his response was "I'm an admin, I don't look at the reports" and did not help at all -even when I was told by the moderator themselves to speak to another member of staff.. (actually, he did say he might look at it tomorrow). So instead I am making this thread to actually get an answer because this way I actually know they will see it and can't ignore.

For those wondering, I received a warning for reporting this post (actually the original post has been deleted but I reported the post that says "This thread. *MLP pic*") and my reasoning for reporting it was "NO IMAGE REPLIES".

Not long after I reported the post (an hour or two), I received a warning, the reasoning being;


Don't report a thread I'm heavily moderating."

And this is the stupidest thing I have ever read. When I received the warning, as the default layout for receiving warnings, it says at the bottom "If you feel you received this warning unfairly, you can click "Report" below this private message to flag it for review", which I did, and as I've said, it's been over 12 hours and I've yet to receive a response.

Yes, I understand the staff members do have lives (despite what others might think), but this was brought up in the IRC not long after I reported my warning (which I will speak more about later), and I was informed that my message was sticked in the reports board to await moderation by a different moderator who did not issue me the warning so it was fair to me. Now I don't have an issue with waiting, but I mean, anyone in their right mind would know this is a stupid reason to issue a warning, and it literally would take like 2 minutes to read over what I've written, realize it's stupid, and then remove the warning. I don't see why this has taken 12 hours (and counting) and I've still yet to receive no response (and right now, I don't even care about the warning, I just think the entire concept of reporting a post and being issued a warning for mini modding is stupid). For those wondering, this is what my report said (edited to remove curse words);


That pretty much sums up everything I have to say about this, but there are a few more things that I would like to point out.

1) Taken from the warning itself;
"Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow"
I most certainly do understand, and of course follow the rules, which is why I reported the post in the first place, but then I received a warning for following the rules??? Let me get this straight, warnings are set as a reminder for members to follow the forum rules, which is exactly what I did, but I got a warning for following the forum rules???

2) Again taken from the warning itself;
"Don't report a thread I'm heavily moderating."
Last time I checked, I am not staff, so how am I supposed to know whats being moderated, and what is not, I have absolutely no means of checking which user has received warnings/infractions for which posts, and who haven't, I simply reported a post which clearly broke the rules.

3) This was mentioned in the IRC by the member of staff who I presume issued the warning (even though they said that it was someone else's idea to issue the warning in the first place), and they said this (each color represents a different user - obviously the user in red is the staff member who was talking about it);


Now there are a few more things that were said, but those were the only things that I got screenshots of, and I will recall the other things that were said from the best of my memory, but first I will talk about the things in the screenshots.
Firstly, the staff member is obviously annoyed that I reported the warning (or at least, that's the message I got), and mentioned it in the IRC. I am positive it has been mentioned numerous times that warnings/infractions/bans are meant to remain between the members of staff, and the user who received them. So everyone was laughing at me in the IRC for reporting a warning (which like I mentioned a while ago, it says it I feel I have received it unfairly, I am allowed to do so), I do not even care about the laughing though. And then they went on to mention that I reported "10 posts" from that thread, which is not true at all. The only post I reported was specially the post itself which I mentioned above, I very well may have reported another post, but there was no way I reported more than 2 posts in that thread, and any member of staff can go through my reports I have made and confirm that I did not make 10 reports from that thread (and yes, if I did make 10 reports in that thread then give out as many warnings as you want).

After that was mentioned in the IRC, a few other members also saw that me receiving a warning for reporting a post being classed as "mini modding" was stupid, and after a short discussion, it was said that in other terms, it could also be put as "report abuse", which it is not. Like I said, I only reported one post in the thread, and again in the screen shot on my report of the warning showing the Valid Report Uses, I reported a post which clearly broke a rule, so that is in no way abuse, since I only reported it once, and reported a post which most certainly broke a rule. I don't know about anyone else, but abuse of the report button to me would be reporting the same thing over and over and over, or reporting something which does not need to be reported, and like I said, I only reported it once, and by the footer on the report page, my reason for reporting said post is 100% valid.

Anyway, I really do not care, like I said, I am only posting this to make sure I get a response from staff as to why I received this warning, because I legit see no proper reason as to why this should have been issued (and I am very open minded), and it's been a decent amount of time and I still haven't received anything yet - and like mentioned before, it's apparently sticked in the reports board, so it must have been seen by another member of staff by now, and literally takes 2 seconds to read, and I've not received a response back. So yeah.
I hope you get a response soon too Jake! I also got a warning for Mini-modding, even though I do not know why. I looked at my infractions tab but the link just said "Private". Anyway, I hope you get a response soon mate!
I hope you get a response soon too Jake! I also got a warning for Mini-modding, even though I do not know why. I looked at my infractions tab but the link just said "Private". Anyway, I hope you get a response soon mate!

it should tell you why you got the infraction in the PM you received from it. the "private" thing is only so that the staff can see it. Non private ones just link you to the offense post. But yeah, if you posted in a thread and were mini modding then yeah, of course you deserve a warning (if that's what you did, not trying to be rude to you), but reporting a post and getting warned for mini modding???????????????????????????
I still laugh at my infraction
it just says "post quality" lol, it was on a thread about Marshal oops
I hope you get it cleared up
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it should tell you why you got the infraction in the PM you received from it. the "private" thing is only so that the staff can see it. Non private ones just link you to the offense post. But yeah, if you posted in a thread and were mini modding then yeah, of course you deserve a warning (if that's what you did, not trying to be rude to you), but reporting a post and getting warned for mini modding???????????????????????????

I wasn't mini-modding. A person posted in the wrong board and I told her that this was in the wrong board, and I advised her to read the rules. I then said have a good day *-* But I don't really know what was the offense since it did not direct me to the link though. I do wish you get a response and the matter should be investigated thoroughly.
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The report button is there as an alternative to stop mini modding? Please correct me if I am wrong, but they are essentially opposites.


I wasn't mini-modding. A person posted in the wrong board and I told her that this was in the wrong board, and I advised her to read the rules. I then said have a good day *-* But I don't really know what was the offense since it did not direct me to the link though. I do wish you get a response and the matter should be investigated thoroughly.

Yea this is pretty much real minimodding~ simply using the report button instead of replying would have saved you a warning (or so it should).
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I wasn't mini-modding. A person posted in the wrong board and I told her that this was in the wrong board, and I advised her to read the rules. I then said have a good day *-* But I don't really know what was the offense since it did not direct me to the link though. I do wish you get a response and the matter should be investigated thoroughly.

But tat actually IS minimodding
This is the first time I've seen you being grammatically correct. ;-; But yeah, I suppose you got an infraction for reporting it while a Mod was already there. It probably didn't fit any other categories, so maybe Mini-Modding was the best choice of the available options. You couldn't have been warned for post quality, so that is probably the closest. Can someone list the categories of warnings/infractions"
I wasn't mini-modding. A person posted in the wrong board and I told her that this was in the wrong board, and I advised her to read the rules. I then said have a good day *-* But I don't really know what was the offense since it did not direct me to the link though. I do wish you get a response and the matter should be investigated thoroughly.

that is mini modding though.
I thought that mini modding was if you posted on the thread ? I don't think reporting a thread counts as mini modding, in fact the point of the report button is so you don't mini mod and you let an admin or mod handle the thread themselves. Hope you get this fixed up soon.
This is the first time I've seen you being grammatically correct. ;-; But yeah, I suppose you got an infraction for reporting it while a Mod was already there. It probably didn't fit any other categories, so maybe Mini-Modding was the best choice of the available options. You couldn't have been warned for post quality, so that is probably the closest. Can someone list the categories of warnings/infractions"

there is no reason for me to receive any warning though, as I mentioned in my post, through the report violation guidelines, and the forum rules itself, my report was 100% valid - so there is no reason why I should have received a warning for reporting a post which clearly broke the rules....
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Wow. Is a mod abusing their 'power' or something? (Especially since the report is meant to be kept between the mods and user involved ~ I think). That's just harsh, giving someone a warning for doing the right thing -.- I hope you get a reply soon.

Oh and if they're doing it as some kind of joke to be funny, then it really isn't. (And I ask is someone abusing their 'power' because they were laughing about it in the chat thingy or where ever).
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It would be nice if there were an Appeal area for this. :s

Either way, this is quite un-logical imo. One of the main reasons that the Report button exists is to lower the amount of mini-modding and having an alternative to having the user know about the rule they broke. So why get punished for mini-modding when clearly you were doing what prevents it? There's only 2 mods I can think of that actually aren't invisible all the time, not includng the admins. So if it were by a mod that was on invisible, you would be innocent in not knowing they were already there. And even if the mod was visible, they still don't have a very good reason. What harm is there in helping even if you're already there? What if that mod didn't know about that post you reported and it actually helped? I think I know which mod it is, but this is still pretty ridiculous imo.

Wow. Is a mod abusing their 'power' or something? (Especially since the report is meant to be kept between the mods and user involved ~ I think). That's just harsh, giving someone a warning for doing the right thing -.- I hope you get a reply soon.

Oh and if they're doing it as some kind of joke to be funny, then it really isn't. (And I ask is someone abusing their 'power' because they were laughing about it in the chat thingy or where ever).

When Jake has good grammar, it's never a joke. :/
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Jake, apologies on how long it took to get to your report.

Your warning was meant to be marked as "Report Abuse" not mini-modding. As of 3/11/14 we added a new warnable offense called report abuse. Excessive reporting of a particular thread or member, making sarcastic demands/statements, and unnecessary reports all fall under the "Report Abuse" category.

Your warning did not stem from this particular report. In fact, there were several reports you had made right before this one that either were rude:

Or were non-descriptive and/or unnecessary:

While I understand that moderators can go to the thread to see what the problem is, we don't like reading reports that are just as full of hate as the posts you have reported. We don't allow it. Before, the new report abuse category we would PM people not to do stuff like this but it didn't work and so we made it a warnable offense because official warnings can lead to infractions which can lead to suspensions.

I can reverse this infraction but I will have to give you one for specifically report abuse because that's what it was meant to be.

To everyone else, mini-modding is when you tell people where to post or that they posted in the wrong section instead of reporting it to allow a moderator move a thread. When you tell them where to post or that they posted in the wrong section, they often go off and make a new thread leaving the other one behind as spam. It clutters up the forum. A report could have easily asked a mod to move the thread so the person wouldn't have to make a new one and make more work for the moderators.
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I mentioned on my main post why I dont think this should be listed under report abuse. I did not abuse the report button, I reported a post which broke the rules, I followed the rules, I did not abuse the report button. I am not a moderator, I have no methods of checking what is being moderated, and what isn't.

Please explain how this files under report abuse because I honestly do not see how it can be abusing the report button when I've already explained how my report is valid...

And I don't see how those other reports are anything related to this one, the warning clearly says "Don't report a thread I'm heavily moderating" - those other reports I made were not from that thread which was being "heavily moderated"... And I still don't see how those posts file under report abuse, I explained in my first report why I reported it, which was because of a constant negative attitude, and I reported the other reports after it which branch on to my first report, so yes I do feel that they have a description as to why they should be reported, because they are simple extensions onto my previous report. And waaaaaaaay back when there was something going on, I think it was one of those trolls who posted 'zomgl ls buy my curtains' and i couldn't be bothered reporting every single post they made (b/cos 30 second cool down period no thanks) so I just linked to every single one of their posts they made in one report, and then the next day I got a PM from Andy which said something like "whilst I understand you were trying to be helpful with your mass report, it's much easier for us to deal with them when they are reported singularly" so this "Excessive reporting of a particular thread or member" contradicts what Andy said to me back then. Yes, I understand that that was a long time ago, but there was no official mention of this ever being reason of 'report abuse'
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this is honestly a dumb reason for warning someone.
either abuse of power or stupid mods. oops probs gonna get a warning 4 that.
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