Stop the theivery!

What do you mean? <small><small><small><small><small><small><small><small>heh, I bet a lot of people click it</small></small></small></small></small></small></small></small>
PKMNMasterSamus said:
What do you mean? <small><small><small><small><small><small><small><small>heh, I bet a lot of people click it</small></small></small></small></small></small></small></small>
Look at your sig. Big green font.
I know it was a joke, but don't you want more people to fall for it? Okay, I'll put credit to JJ for the idea

JJRamone2 said:
Hey! Everyone is stealing my Sig trap! Stop it! :angry: It's mine.
You get canada usybar instad!
MasterDS lite said:
Why are you so protective of your idea? Do you have proof you started it?
Did you? No. Did pokefab? No. Did PKMN? No. There you go. I made it. Thanks to you guys (with the exception of Pokefab because 2 was enough) its not funny anymore because so many peopele have it. Thanks for screwin' (For lack of ability to use other words) the joke up.
Ahhh... hiding logout links under what appears to be breaking news. I've been at that for years.

Still, nothing beats a good ol' Lemonparty.
JJRamone2 said:
MasterDS lite said:
Why are you so protective of your idea? Do you have proof you started it?
Did you? No. Did pokefab? No. Did PKMN? No. There you go. I made it. Thanks to you guys (with the exception of Pokefab because 2 was enough) its not funny anymore because so many peopele have it. Thanks for screwin' (For lack of ability to use other words) the joke up.
And me.

:p I'm doing it too...

Okay from what I know went JJ > Pokefab > Justin > me

I'm still doing it, because it's fun :p. And I really can't see how you'll be able to make me take it out...if you really want it to be yours go pay someone and copyright it then I won't use it.
JJRamone2 said:
MasterDS lite said:
Why are you so protective of your idea? Do you have proof you started it?
Did you? No. Did pokefab? No. Did PKMN? No. There you go. I made it. Thanks to you guys (with the exception of Pokefab because 2 was enough) its not funny anymore because so many peopele have it. Thanks for screwin' (For lack of ability to use other words) the joke up.
I thought Pokefab started this


I was going to do it, but, meh :eh: