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Streetpass is worthless for me.

I never take my 3DS XL out in public...It makes me look like a shop lifter, as it makes my pockets FAT... And fanny packs? Where I live, fany packs are for gay people

There isn't any reason to be talking like that.
That's really offensive. Be more considerate about your posts.
Fanny packs aren't something I'd use. I have a messenger bag. My friends and I call it a man purse. It...just occurred to me today that I should start putting my 3DS in it.
I live in South Korea.
Yesterday I went into Seoul (A huge city with millions of people)
Would you believe I didn't get one street pass hit!
Totally sucks!
I want to enjoy the street pass function, but seems like no one plays with a Nintendo 3DS in Korea.
I usually get streetpasses on public transportation (mostly trains) and electronics stores and game stores (Best Buy, Gamestop). Also, if you're a (college) student, take it to school, i'm sure there are lots of people who play it there! Or I would imagine so!

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I never take my 3DS XL out in public...It makes me look like a shop lifter, as it makes my pockets FAT... And fanny packs? Where I live, fany packs are for gay people

Fanny packs are AWESOME. I'm bringing them back. I wear mine to Disneyland ;D
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I live in South Korea.
Yesterday I went into Seoul (A huge city with millions of people)
Would you believe I didn't get one street pass hit!
Totally sucks!
I want to enjoy the street pass function, but seems like no one plays with a Nintendo 3DS in Korea.

DISAGREE! I live in korea too! heheheh so thats one other person besides you who plays acnl but I live in the boondocks. :'(
Maybe everyone is busy playing the game at home? You could try starting a ACNL group for your area/nearby areas, since u mentioned the game was sold out. Then you could arrange for streetpass meeting for ACNL gamers?
I live in a village that has around 400 people :/

I went to the biggest, closest town that has a few thousand and nothing. The biggest town is an hour away :(
I live in a small country in the countryside. There is nothing! We don't have any shops around here. Only a supermarket... So what should I say. I will never ever meet someboday via streetpass :) I'm sure nobody plays AC:NL there where I live...
I live in New Jersey, and don't really streetpass people aside from the odd GameStop employee...
However, I went on a little day trip to NYC yesterday, and got roughly 30 streetpasses, and about 15 for Animal Crossing.
My tip? If you're in the area, run around Penn Station for a few minutes and then go to Nintendo World. ALLLL the streetpasses!
(Nintendo World's also doing AC events throughout the summer, so I'd imagine that'd be a good source of passes for ye east coast people. :3)
I'm in NJ as well, and live right on the shoreline, I've gotten a streetpass or two here and there occasionally.
Well i live in New Zealand & haven't had a streetpass for months. When i do manage to get one they never seen to have bothered to setup any games, so i get no data swapped for games. To make it even worse a few times ive managed to get a streetpass it's told me that the game they have been playing was a game that ive got setup for streetpass, yet seems they don't. Also once i seen a guy playing a 3DS XL & but no streetpass so my partner went & talked to him, but he was like whatever i don't really care about streetpass.
70,000 people? Then maybe more AC fans where you stay just need to get out! Heck, I live in a town with less than 15,000 people and StreetPassed within 10 minutes of switching it on for the very first time. I was sat on a train coming from a larger town with under 30,000 people. That one person I StreetPassed with had been playing AC:NL too.
I think this is the real problem, LOL! I mean, I'm a big fan of this game and I pretty much never leave my house! XD

I'm going to an anime convention in Atlanta next week (anybody else from the southeast going to Seishuncon?), so I'm hoping to get at least a few new street passes and friends to add for AC there!
Yeah, I'm kinda "Crap Outta Luck" when it comes to Streetpasses...

I live WAY in the boonies, and the nearest town is about 10 to 20 miles away... And it's kinda not that big, too. I be lucky to get at least 1 Streetpass a year.

Heck, when I went to the store, I eyed the game section, and they had one last copy of New Leaf, too...
I live in a town (almost a village) of about 3500 people. The idea of streetpassing someone around here is ridiculously unlikely. :/
I like the idea of StreetPass, but I can understand why a lot of people don't know or care about it. I wasn't exactly sure how StreetPass worked until I looked up some stuff about it on the internet.

If you put yourself in the shoes of Nintendo's audience and consider a lot of their consumers are little kids that don't know how to manage something like StreetPass or older teens/adults that may be a little embarrassed for their friends to know that they play games like AC:NL

I live in a town of 30,000 but it's in the middle of Southern Virginia, which isn't exactly the most embracing place for games that have adorable little cartoon animals and a tiny cartoon town that's in your pocket. I've received no StreetPasses, and the only multiplayer contact I've had is with one friend (out of everyone I know xD)

I certainly hope prospects on the improvement that a user was discussing earlier are hopeful, I'd love to meet random people based out of a McDonalds I visited months ago... haha.
I live in a very rural area in a town with like 2000 inhabitants. So... I will modt likely never ever streetpass.
A friend of mine lives near Nintendo's offices in Redmond, WA and she went and parked in their employee parking lot at around 5PM, and scored a ton of hits. I think I'll be joining her next time. Browsing through her HH showcase was jealousy-inducing.
Don't live in a huge city but have gotten 4 homes for the hh in the past 2 weeks. I went to the mall and got one on Friday and just yesterday I was at subway for 10 minutes and I got 2 hits.
I take mine out in my purse. Sometimes I get a hit, but most often I don't. I've taken it to Walmart and other places. The only reason I get any street passes is because my son has the game and system, otherwise, I would get nothing.
I don't think Nintendo games are popular in my area... just CALL OF DUTY AJSHGFSGF. -.-'
I've been lucky enough to streetpass with one person who also has the game, but I think that's about all I'll ever get...