^ This thing... Does it even have a name?
Well anyways this black fastening thing is on my dogs collar and it's currently jammed shut. I can't get it to unfasten. When I last put the collar on my dog I closed it really fast and sort of forced it in. And I think one of the prongs wasn't inserted correctly so now one of the things won't squeeze down when I try to unfasten it. If that makes any sense >.<
I can't remove the collar by slipping it off my dog's head because it's too tightly on her. And I really would rather not cut the collar off... So is there any way I can unjam this thing? No matter how hard I or any one else squeezes it, it just won't budge. :/ I mean I'll cut the collar off as a last resort, but I would rather not because it was my boyfriend's dogs collar from when she was a puppy. And I would feel really bad if I end up ruining it ...