Stupid things you used to believe as a child?

I believed ghosts were real. Even believed it through most of high school. I was convinced I'd seen a ghost as a kid and was determined to be a paranormal investigator.

I also strongly believed in luck, giving yourself bad luck with certain acts, etc. Not even sure why. No one raised me to be that way, but man was I strict with it.
I believed many of the horror tales that got passed around as a kid like Bloody Mary and Baby Blue. I would be terrified to go into the restroom when it was dark cause I was afraid I would see someone or something in the mirror. Whenever I flushed the toilet I would sprint out of the restroom and turn off the lights on my way out, then go to the kitchen to wash my hands cause I thought that one of these creatures would come after me if I stayed in the restroom.
Really embarrassing but....when I was really young I thought that if you ate the bones in food they would go through your body to your legs and make you taller. My dad had to yell at me several times bc I'd actually try.

I also thought jet planes were cloud makers and that clouds only existed because of them.
I used to believe that my family was perfectly "normal"... Haha yeah definitely not. They aren't bad or anything just not the stereotypical family which is actually not all that common nowadays anyways.

For example:
  • I have a cousin that has 3 kids that each have a different Dad.
  • Another cousin had a falling out with her husband and is now divorced.
  • My Uncle has lived with a woman for several decades now who is 15+ years older than him and has kids with someone else. They also aren't married.
  • My Aunt was married at one point but isn't anymore and has lived common law with a couple different guys now.

I try not to judge them and if they are happy then great, but it's definitely not the stereotypical family I assumed I had as a kid. 😅
I thought teachers slept at school because they were poor. A lot of teachers in the U.S. are underpaid as it turns out. So I was half right.

Also I thought girls peed out of their butt until I was like 14.
I used to believe that the hoover would Hoover me up lol
& that I’d fit down the plug hole

And I used to believe weeping angels from Doctor who we’re real so I wouldn’t blink at garden ornaments or statues lol
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I thought famous people couldn't die in accidents or from sickness or whatever, only from old age, so I wanted to be famous just because I was absolutely terrified of dying.
(I've always been shy and not wanting to be the center of attention so yeah, it was just to be able to die from old age and not fear sickness or accidents that I wanted to be famous x) )
I thought famous people couldn't die in accidents or from sickness or whatever, only from old age, so I wanted to be famous just because I was absolutely terrified of dying.
(I've always been shy and not wanting to be the center of attention so yeah, it was just to be able to die from old age and not fear sickness or accidents that I wanted to be famous x) )
Okay, honestly, I thought the same, but I just thought they couldn’t die period. I wanted to be famous to live forever, but I’m aware, death happens. I’ve accepted that now. I just try to live my best life while I’m here.
My parents would make pea soup a lot. I didn't really like it and they thought telling me it was Ninja Turtle soup would make me want to eat it. It was the complete opposite. I thought they put poor Mikey in a blender and I was looking at the results.
I used to believe Cars were magical and told you where to go using the directional lights, Every egg had a chick in it if you kept it warm, That I was a fairy and I talked to "other fairies" (plants), and Any animal can be tamed to be a pet

Dumb stuff I did was I had such a love for animals that I found a cockroach and kept it as a pet until my mom found and killed it. I cried for days.
I was also horrified of space knowing how small we are in the universe and we will all die. This is probably because my dad always watched documentaries of space and lectured me about it.

There is way more but I'll probably fill an entire page telling them. :)
One silly thing I used to believe was that there were malevolent, spiritual entities in my closet at night, and that they would spy on me and come out to frighten me if I left the closet door opened (even though the residence where I spent most of my childhood in wasn't really haunted). This belief was primarily made up by an older sibling who loved to tease and torture me (at the time, I was very young and naive, so I often got tricked). Fortunately, I later got myself a state-of-the-art BS detector and was no longer fooled by anyone (well, at least not as much as before). As a result, I overcame this silly fear and it then didn't matter whether the closet door was opened or closed during nighttime but that doesn't necessarily mean that I don't believe in the paranormal/supernatural ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I actually never believed in anything stupid as a child. Does that mean there's something wrong with me? 😆
I used to think that actual bands, orchestras and singers would perform live on air during radio shows - every single time. I thought it must be so stressful to be a musician 😅 after a while I came to the conclusion that „no that can’t be right“. So I then thought that the MC has a HUGE pile of CDs to choose from and would pick some tracks and change CDs every so often.

I also couldn’t wrap my head around what the news and traffic reporters would do in between announcements and that it must be really boring to just sit there and wait for the next announcement 🤣

Oh and I didn’t know greenacreens were a thing. So every time I saw the news and one of the reporters had for example Big Ben in the background I was convinced the reporter had traveled there purely for aesthetics and authenticity and would go home after the report.😅
can't believe I haven't posted this here, but when I would ride in the car with my parents as a kid and the turn signal would come on as they made a turn, I legit thought that the car had like psychic powers and somehow always knew what direction we were about to turn in, and turned on the signal automatically. I later realized that I'm an idiot.
I thought that No Outlet signs (road signs we have in the USA that mean “there’s only one way in and out of a road”) meant that there was no electricity in that neighborhood.

Oh and I thought stars were star shaped until I was like 7 and I looked up at the night sky and said, “I know they’re star-shaped, but they’re so far away, they look round!” And that’s when I found out they’re orbs.
can't believe I haven't posted this here, but when I would ride in the car with my parents as a kid and the turn signal would come on as they made a turn, I legit thought that the car had like psychic powers and somehow always knew what direction we were about to turn in, and turned on the signal automatically. I later realized that I'm an idiot.
naurrrr because i had the same thought LMAOOOO 😭😭😭 i also thought (after i learned what turn signal were) that it was illegal to turn the opposite way than your blinker, so if you accidentally turned your blinker right but go left, your car would lock up and you'd be sent to jail

i also ALSO thought that celebrities lived inside of the TV and when you turned off the TV, they died. when farrah fawcett died i was like ok soooo??? turn the TV on???? (i was embarrassingly too old to still think that. like, 8.)