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Suddenly tempted to restart


old movie aficionado
Aug 30, 2018
Throwback Tickets
White Cosmos
Orange (Fruit)
Yellow Cosmos
Red Candy
Pear (Fruit)
For some reason I suddenly have the urge to restart my island. I've played about 400 hours already, and started as soon as the game released. I love a lot of my villagers, and quite a bit of my island as well. My museum is rather full, and having to restart that does not sound fun at all.

However... I have a lot of amiibo cards for my favorite villagers, could drop my items and bells off in a friends town, and am not a huge fan of my map. I just feel like starting fresh.

Since the release I've struggled with finding a theme for my island. It's sort of a hot mess, some of it being completely empty, while other places are completely decorated. I started to lay out some new pathing last night which I quite like (the path) but I don't know if I want to commit to laying it all out.

My new leaf town was slightly inspired by Winnie The Pooh -- and I realized that now in New Horizons I could completely recreate the 100 acre woods because of terraforming!


I of course could move all of the buildings to the beach and re-terraform everything -- but that sounds like such a chore, and my island name doesn't match up with the 100 acre wood theme.

On the other hand I love that my island is the one that I started on the first day (without any resets), and how it's evolved over time!

Basically feeling conflicted. 😂 I wish we could have more than one island on a console!


I should also mention the state that my current island is in! It's a mess. A hot mess. I went a little crazy with the terraforming. While it is pretty to look at, it's simply not functional. It's extremely difficult to fish in any river, catch bugs on trees that are hard to reach, and even finding my way about the island. Some of the walkways are cramped, while others are very wide open. I also decorated a lot with weeds, and a large amount of trees and flowers -- so to flatten everything to start re-terraforming would be a major hassle. The goal would be to make a simpler island to live on, however getting to that point would be cramped and tedious. I'm currently trying to decide which way to go. The major thing holding me back is that it is the island I started on the first day, watching the clock count down until the game released in my time zone.

This is my most recent map photo! Since then I've added more cliffs from where I am standing towards the left against the river.
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If you want to reset, go ahead. Ultimately it's your game and island, if it doesn't make you happy now then reset. I told someone else this before that the hours you spent on your island so far doesn't matter if you aren't having fun.
If you want to reset, go ahead. Ultimately it's your game and island, if it doesn't make you happy now then reset. I told someone else this before that the hours you spent on your island so far doesn't matter if you aren't having fun.

Right- those hours aren't wasted if they were enjoyed (is... isn't there a villager that has that sort of saying on their pic? I could swear there is) AND there's another bonus- you can think of them as "practice" hours. You spent that time learning about the game. If you restart now, you can have a new island and everything, BUT with a better understanding of how everything works and what exactly you want. Also, I LOVE the idea of the 100 acre wood, and looking at that map, HOLY COW could you recreate that well 🤯 If nothing else, I'd love to see that island if/when the Dream Suite comes out 😍

Also, you could always TT backwards and start on March 20th, then slowly TT forward a day at a time until you've caught up. If/when I restart, I'll probably do that- I like the date my island was formed to match the day I started playing the game.
Aside from the island name, I feel like restarting will also be a pretty big hassle as you'd have to get the kk concert again. Even then, you might have to delete an entire mountain if there's one in what you want to be a flat area. Also, you'd loose all of your diys since you didn't mention that. You could always just add parts of the 100 acre wood to your current island and see if you'd truly want to wipe the island afterwords.

You would however, get to reroll parts of your island that you maybe didn't like as much such as the airport color. TTing would also speed up the beginning.

My island's a big jumble of different themes, and I don't mind that it's like that.
In the end, it's your island so the decision is yours.
Aside from the island name, I feel like restarting will also be a pretty big hassle as you'd have to get the kk concert again. Even then, you might have to delete an entire mountain if there's one in what you want to be a flat area. Also, you'd loose all of your diys since you didn't mention that. You could always just add parts of the 100 acre wood to your current island and see if you'd truly want to wipe the island afterwords.

Am I the only one who had no trouble with getting K.K.? By the time I was decided I wanted to try and get the concert... I went to check with Nook and I had hit 3 stars. I don't personally think it's hard at all, if you're working on developing your island at all.

But, I mean, if you're hesitating because you're considering keeping your island, then I suggest considering what you can do with it that you'd like. But if you're only hesitating because it would be a hassle to restart, and you can't think of any reason to keep your island because you like your island... I feel like you almost have the answer already.

Personally, I've never really regretted resetting. But I HAVE regretted not resetting sooner at points.

But, of course, it's up to you! It's your island and you should be happy with it- that matters more than anyone else's opinion.
While it sounds like you have a good plan, you also seem very hesitant to actually restart, so i'd advise against it for now. My advice is to just be proactive and actually take the steps towards making your current island into the 100 acre wood that you want it to be, and you might find that you were just dreading moving everything for no reason. I was in the same situation before (although it was just to move shops and create one area) and put it off for weeks, but once I actually tried to move everything and start working towards what I wanted to build on my island, I soon realised that it was actually quite fun and less of a gruelling task than I first originally thought.

If that doesn't end up working for you, and you are still sitting there contemplating what to do in a week or so, then i'd say at that point it might be a good idea to restart your island. It doesn't work the same way for me, but I know many other people actively like restarting quite a lot, and it gives you a fresh canvas to work on so you can let your creativity run wild. Plus, as other people have mentioned, aside from the stuff inside your current museum, you can just get someone to hold your items/bells/nmt's and hand them back over to you on your new island.
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Right- those hours aren't wasted if they were enjoyed (is... isn't there a villager that has that sort of saying on their pic? I could swear there is) AND there's another bonus- you can think of them as "practice" hours. You spent that time learning about the game. If you restart now, you can have a new island and everything, BUT with a better understanding of how everything works and what exactly you want. Also, I LOVE the idea of the 100 acre wood, and looking at that map, HOLY COW could you recreate that well 🤯 If nothing else, I'd love to see that island if/when the Dream Suite comes out 😍

Also, you could always TT backwards and start on March 20th, then slowly TT forward a day at a time until you've caught up. If/when I restart, I'll probably do that- I like the date my island was formed to match the day I started playing the game.

That is true! I've enjoyed my time on this island, and perhaps it's time to move onto the next? I suppose the thing that is holding me back is the fact that I can't un-do it -- or visit my old island later. Haha right? I hope the dream suite get's added soon! There are so many islands I'd love to visit. That is true too! I accidentally reset my new leaf island, and when creating my new one put in the same date that I started playing. I'll wait a few days before deciding.
Couldn't you really change your island map? Not the obvious things you can't change but where rivers are and all that? Maybe you could fix things you dislike that way?

Otherwise if it's things you can't change then definitely consider whether those things bug you enough to restart or not. In the end though, it's your move.

I wish you luck in whatever you decide!
I think I know how you feel. I restarted my island 250 hours in, but it was because I was pretty unhappy with it at the time and didn't want to bother with tearing everything down. It was highly decorated; I had custom patterns laid down in almost every tile and had fully decorated all of my villager yards and home. I had completed most of my museum and DIY collection as well. But I didn't feel happy looking at my island every time I booted up the game; I would go online and not have the motivation to do anything. Restarting the game was honestly the best decision for me--I've gotten my new island to a point where I'm truly happy with it and actually look forward to playing the game now! So if you feel the same way, and you want to continue playing ACNH long-term, I don't think its such a bad idea.
I probably wouldn't restart my entire island based on a "sudden urge" because I get those all the time, and if I acted on all of them I'd be having a lot of regrets right now. It does look like you have a very clear goal though, and I think it's very achievable in the game (even if the islands are slightly smaller than you'd think, this would probably fit)! And if that goal is something you're lacking on your current island, it might be more fun to reset in the long run.

If you're not too attached to your current island you might be able to bring over as much memorabilia as you can - in addition to your valuables and favourite items, you could get all of your villagers' posters first and bring those over! Maybe even obtain all their photos before you restart? I know for sure that I'd like to have those on my new island just to feel less bad about losing what I already had :D
I recently went ahead and reset. I hated my name and my island name. I disliked my native fruit also. I feel it was a great decision, I was able to restart with the knowledge of how the game worked, etc, and I felt so much happier. I got 4 dreamies right off the bat with the 4 extra plots Tom asks you to put down (after the 6 mandatory and random villagers). I feel much happier with my island this second time around.

My advice would be to think carefully and long about resetting! Ultimately, it is all just pixels, and you can always recollect everything you have lost!
Yeah I have been tempted to reset lately as well...
I have my literal first island. I didn't even reset in the very beginning. I actually like the map I have (except for the Resident Services placement), and I don't care for native fruits, so I'm dreading the thought of spend hours/days to find the right map. But I really want to change my character's and island's name, and my island's theme in general. Tearing everything down manually doesn't appeal to me, but I may try that before actually resetting.
Like someone said above, I want to restart with the knowledge of how the game works, and with a planned island, because I was 100% clueless when I purchased the game, since this is my first AC game. I also didn't know I could island hop for the first villagers, and that's something I actually enjoy now, so it would be fun to pick them.

I just don't know if I'll end up regretting it and getting bored during the storyline. I enjoyed it a lot for the first time and didn't time travel at all, so the game went slowly and surely. Very pleasant experience after all.
The second thing that stops me is the massive amount of trading I've done for art, DIYs and cataloging. I'm not sure I want to do that again.

But I think I will end up resetting someday to do it all over again, just not sure when, maybe in a year, or soon if I'm completely done with my current island/too bored. Maybe at some point when I'm free irl, like a vacation, because I'll never have as much free time as I had during the quarantine, that's for sure.
I think it's better to not reset right away, if you're fine with everything you have now. You can try to remake some parts of your island to implement the ideas you have on your mind. Yes, it's time-consuming, but at least you won't lose your progress and end up feeling some kind of regret.
But at the end of the day, it's your decision. Do what you feel is right to do.
OMG that would be fun to think about
Curly is a pink pig
Leonardo kinda looks like tiger
And also kanga and roo!!
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And then the person would be Christopher Robin
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Then ofcourse blather is the owl!!
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Also need one to be the rabbit and eeyore the donkey!!
I’m not resetting my island as I’d be under major fire from my parents (the game I play on is a gift for my parents anyways so it would be awful if I did anyways). However, I’ve had soo many ideas for an island of my own as well as a lot of free time down at my campus (our switch stays at home) so I’m buying a lite for myself so I have an island that I have full control over.
I recently restarted my 600+ hour island. I wanted a completely different aesthetic and resetting is the best and most efficient option rather than tearing everything down and re-terraforming. I don’t regret it one bit and I’m happier with my new island. I also regained renewed interest in the game.