1. Thank you all for playing Super Smash Brothers Mafia! I had a bit of a difficult time hosting around the end of Day 2, but I'm glad that I was still able to persevere and get the EoD/EoN posts up in time. I have to say, this is probably the hardest game I've ever hosted but at the same time it's actually the most successful game I've ever hosted. I remember the first Smash Bros. game that I hosted was a bit of a train wreck mostly due to how new I was at hosting.
2. The mafia did an
excellent job at blending in. If I wasn't the host, I probably would have had KermitTea as townlock the entire game. Also, I'd like to say that despite KermitTea being scared to play as scum during day 1, she played probably the best scum I've seen in a really long time. Huge props to her and I'm glad she played.
Now, on the note of Dolby and Heyden, there was a way that both of them could have been caught. If you had noticed,
both of them scum read each other for the entire game, yet neither of them ever heavily pressured or questioned each other. If you noticed this, then I'm sure that both of them could have been scum read fairly quickly. In fact, an extra little tidbit that could have been used was that in post #835, Dolby put a like on Heyden’s post to which Heyden quickly covers up by saying “liking my posts won't make me townread you

3. Town’s downfall this game was that nobody ever did any kind of deeper thinking as to who the scum was. The entire town all went for the most obvious/most likely choices (aka Kirby/Zendel’s lynches). Ironically enough, the person who had the most accurate reads for the entire game (other then Endless, props to him as well.) was the person nobody took the time to listen to: Kirbystarship. Kirby had correct scum reads on the entire scum team (except for KermitTea, whom he had a null read on) yet he ended up getting lynched for it. Town could have taken this to their advantage when Heyden committed the hammer on Kirby and point out that Kirby scum read him early on.
4. Regarding me saying that mafia won if they equaled town even if there was a neutral 3rd party, that was all my fault. After I did some research, I determined that mafia only win if they completely do reach 50/50. My thought process for this was that I've never been in a situation where there would be 3 town vs 3 scum vs 1 jester, so I thought that mafia would win due to actually out numbering town. Now, that also leads me a second point: I never actually expected something like this to be a problem. The only situation that I saw with a third party preventing a scum victory was with mogyay surviving until LYLO. So, in regards to cleb, I'm sorry that your tactic didn't work out and I'll keep it in mind for any future games I host.
5. In regards to there not being a vigilante: I had a fairly solid reason to not include one. Since there already was a Serial Killer in the game, and it was at 15 players, I was super worried that including a vig would cause destruction to the entire town rather then do any good. If a vigilante had been present and shot a town member on night 1, and mogyay had hit a town member, and the mafia hit 2 town, then the town would already have gone from 11 to 6.
6 town players alive after day 1. I didn't want this to happen, so I excluded the vig from the game in favor of a veteran. Now, looking back on the set up now it was probably a bad idea to include a Serial Killer in the first place as the 3rd party role. It probably would have been more suitable to have a lover or survivor as the 3rd party with a 1-shot vigilante.
1 more thing: in hindsight, it was also a bad idea to make the veteran not get alerts as to whether they were hit or not. I've played with the veteran role on mafiascum before, and in the games I've played on there with a vet they've never been alerted as to whether they were alerted or not. I'm also sorry that I didn't include that in cleb’s role PM, that was just a general mistake on my part.