Sweetheart Spellings

i finished so youre free to have them! i believe once theyre gifted, they can't be gifted again but no worries since i'm done! ill send them over now!

Sent you an "SW" that should finish off your lineup!
Thank you both so much!!! 💓 the luck of the sweets were not there but I'm happy for everyone's help
*me still knowing near nothing about how different timezones work after this event*

Btw! I'm still getting heart dust, anyone need me to gift them some lovely letters?? :'DD
Thankfully there are still quite a few days left to collect letters from different days/times!
I feel like this event has taught me (and all of us!) so much about date trading!
Yes! I'm glad there are a few days left for all of us to try!

I had made the mistake of buying all the letters at the same time in my cart, I now recognize the error of my ways. I have come out of this event much more sage and wiser :3