Switch System Update


Jan 11, 2016
Gift Box
Sweet Heart Balloon
Yellow Heart Balloon
Glam Heart Balloon
The Bell Tree Fair 2024 Patch
Blue Balloon
Flower Glow Wand
Blue Crescent Moon
Green Crescent Moon
Enchanted Butterfly Glow Wand
One of the features of the new system update allows you to send screenshots straight to your smart phone!

I’m so happy they’ve finally included this as an option, it was a bit painful having to upload it to social media separately! Thought I’d share incase other people weren’t aware :)
Yes that's much better than Twitter ! But it is not as convenient as it shoud be 🤣

With my code QR app I can't connect to my Switch with the first code, so I have to do it manually with the password that changes each time we use the function, and then, when we finally can access the screenshoots on our phone with the second one we have to download them one by one 🤪
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I agree this feature is super dope, I however had some issues getting it to work for me... It just wouldn't load the last QR on my phone. :/ Anyone else?
i literally would not have known about this without this post, thank you so much! it's going to be a little easier this way, i think, than having to upload everything to my twitter and then go from there. i haven't attempted it yet, so i'm unsure if there's any glitches or anything that we need to look out for. specific phones might have issues recognizing it, maybe, when it comes to the QR code. hopefully that's not the case. 🖤
I’ve definitely been making EXCELLENT use of this new feature. I really don’t want to connect to those big social media sites, so I’ve been having to use my phone to take photos of my screen. The results aren’t as pretty as the real screenshots. Now I can put up quality pictures!
this is so much more convenient than having to upload to social media and then save them from there!! not sure how it'll end up working on my phone (I don't think I have a QR code scanner??) but will definitely have to check when I get home later!
This is amazing. Thanks so much for sharing this update. I hate having to post screenshots to Twitter just to save and access them quickly. Sending directly to my phone will be so convenient!
this is so much more convenient than having to upload to social media and then save them from there!! not sure how it'll end up working on my phone (I don't think I have a QR code scanner??) but will definitely have to check when I get home later!
Not sure which type of phone you have but iPhone has a built in QR code scanner on the camera app, if you hover your camera over the code it will pop up at the top! Not too sure about other phones though but there are some handy QR reading apps available :)
Omg, I wanted something like this from the moment I got my Switch, so it's really nice to finally have this feature!
Not sure which type of phone you have but iPhone has a built in QR code scanner on the camera app, if you hover your camera over the code it will pop up at the top! Not too sure about other phones though but there are some handy QR reading apps available :)
I use a samsung and I don't think theres a built in QR scanner (i could be wrong, i don't really like using QR codes), may have to look into getting an app but my phone is currently on the brink of running out of storage so idk if it would let me download one until I deal with that haha
Not sure which type of phone you have but iPhone has a built in QR code scanner on the camera app, if you hover your camera over the code it will pop up at the top! Not too sure about other phones though but there are some handy QR reading apps available :)

Android does too. At least Google's camera app does.
Last night I noticed there was a catalogue option on the actual Nook Link/Nintendo Online app on my phone & I got so excited and thought I'd just missed it this whole time. Little did I know it was brand new lmao.

I don't use SM, or own a PC, so this is useful.
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This looks like it would be more convenient for me than having to use a social media account. I really didnt like that they kept it this way like it was in the 3ds, even though it went kinda faster for me in the switch. It still felt a little outdated so this is such a big improvement.
This is amazing thanks for the heads up!!! Now I don’t need to make a social media account