Cycling TARDIS Cycling Town

DEIRDRE IN BOXES - looking for offers 100-300 TBT


Deirdre (ナディア, Nadia) is an uchi deer villager who is introduced in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Her name is of Irish origin, and is also a pun on the fact that she is a deer.


Deirdre is a gray deer with black eyes, nose, and hooves. She has brown hair and eyebrows with pink inner ear fur. She wears pale pink blush as well as pink eye shadow, the latter of which can only be noticed when she blinks or closes her eyes. Like a deer found in the wild, she has white markings around her eyes and mouth. She initially wears the Fall Leaf Shirt.


Below is a brief description of the uchi personality. For more information, click here.
Deirdre is an uchi ("big sister") villager. She will have a tendency to be blunt with the player, teaching them how to "always win at fights" and ways to relax. She will also act like a caring big sister to the player once they become close friends. Deirdre may get along with jock villagers who share her love of sports, and lazy villagers for how laid-back they are. However, she may conflict with snooty and cranky villagers, who spread rumors about others.


Deirdre has K.K. Cruisin' playing on her stereo.
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holy that was fast

I'm off to bed now :( good luck with Deirdre though!
DEIRDRE IN BOXES - looking for offers 100-300 TBT


Deirdre (ナディア, Nadia) is an uchi deer villager who is introduced in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Her name is of Irish origin, and is also a pun on the fact that she is a deer.

I already have her Plot reset

Deirdre is a gray deer with black eyes, nose, and hooves. She has brown hair and eyebrows with pink inner ear fur. She wears pale pink blush as well as pink eye shadow, the latter of which can only be noticed when she blinks or closes her eyes. Like a deer found in the wild, she has white markings around her eyes and mouth. She initially wears the Fall Leaf Shirt.


Below is a brief description of the uchi personality. For more information, click here.
Deirdre is an uchi ("big sister") villager. She will have a tendency to be blunt with the player, teaching them how to "always win at fights" and ways to relax. She will also act like a caring big sister to the player once they become close friends. Deirdre may get along with jock villagers who share her love of sports, and lazy villagers for how laid-back they are. However, she may conflict with snooty and cranky villagers, who spread rumors about others.


Deirdre has K.K. Cruisin' playing on her stereo.

I already have her plot reset so I hope star lark gets her!

DEIRDRE IN BOXES - looking for offers 100-300 TBT


Deirdre (ナディア, Nadia) is an uchi deer villager who is introduced in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Her name is of Irish origin, and is also a pun on the fact that she is a deer.


Deirdre is a gray deer with black eyes, nose, and hooves. She has brown hair and eyebrows with pink inner ear fur. She wears pale pink blush as well as pink eye shadow, the latter of which can only be noticed when she blinks or closes her eyes. Like a deer found in the wild, she has white markings around her eyes and mouth. She initially wears the Fall Leaf Shirt.


Below is a brief description of the uchi personality. For more information, click here.
Deirdre is an uchi ("big sister") villager. She will have a tendency to be blunt with the player, teaching them how to "always win at fights" and ways to relax. She will also act like a caring big sister to the player once they become close friends. Deirdre may get along with jock villagers who share her love of sports, and lazy villagers for how laid-back they are. However, she may conflict with snooty and cranky villagers, who spread rumors about others.


Deirdre has K.K. Cruisin' playing on her stereo.
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(i may have miscalculated and have already reserved deirdre in another town and completely forgotten about her i am so sorry im such a klutz so i have to withdraw my bid sorry! :()
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DEIRDRE IN BOXES - looking for offers 100-300 TBT


Deirdre (ナディア, Nadia) is an uchi deer villager who is introduced in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Her name is of Irish origin, and is also a pun on the fact that she is a deer.


Deirdre is a gray deer with black eyes, nose, and hooves. She has brown hair and eyebrows with pink inner ear fur. She wears pale pink blush as well as pink eye shadow, the latter of which can only be noticed when she blinks or closes her eyes. Like a deer found in the wild, she has white markings around her eyes and mouth. She initially wears the Fall Leaf Shirt.


Below is a brief description of the uchi personality. For more information, click here.
Deirdre is an uchi ("big sister") villager. She will have a tendency to be blunt with the player, teaching them how to "always win at fights" and ways to relax. She will also act like a caring big sister to the player once they become close friends. Deirdre may get along with jock villagers who share her love of sports, and lazy villagers for how laid-back they are. However, she may conflict with snooty and cranky villagers, who spread rumors about others.


Deirdre has K.K. Cruisin' playing on her stereo.
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last bump for Deirdra

DEIRDRE IN BOXES - looking for offers 100-300 TBT


Deirdre (ナディア, Nadia) is an uchi deer villager who is introduced in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Her name is of Irish origin, and is also a pun on the fact that she is a deer.


Deirdre is a gray deer with black eyes, nose, and hooves. She has brown hair and eyebrows with pink inner ear fur. She wears pale pink blush as well as pink eye shadow, the latter of which can only be noticed when she blinks or closes her eyes. Like a deer found in the wild, she has white markings around her eyes and mouth. She initially wears the Fall Leaf Shirt.


Below is a brief description of the uchi personality. For more information, click here.
Deirdre is an uchi ("big sister") villager. She will have a tendency to be blunt with the player, teaching them how to "always win at fights" and ways to relax. She will also act like a caring big sister to the player once they become close friends. Deirdre may get along with jock villagers who share her love of sports, and lazy villagers for how laid-back they are. However, she may conflict with snooty and cranky villagers, who spread rumors about others.


Deirdre has K.K. Cruisin' playing on her stereo.
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""I'm totally fresh and you know it!"

? Mint, Animal Crossing: Wild World
"I'm totally fresh and you know it!"

? Picture quote, Animal Crossing: Wild World
Mint (ミント Mint) is a snooty squirrel villager from the Animal Crossing series. Mint may get her name from her fur, which is colored mint/grayish green. Her Wild World picture quote and initial phrase also refer to mint and its common refreshing sensation.


Mint is a mint/grayish green squirrel with dark brown hair on her head. She has well-defined eyelashes under each eye and has peach blush on her cheeks. She has black, white, and dark green on her tail, which resembles a mint. Mint initially wears a gumdrop shirt, which goes with her "sweet/candy" appearance.

Mint's Sprite in Animal Crossing.
She may be confused for a peppy villager because of her cheerful appearance.


Talking to Mint in Animal Crossing for the Nintendo GameCube.
As a snooty villager, Mint will initially act rude and arrogant towards the player, often talking about herself and her fashion. She may also talk about the style and appearance of other villagers, usually other female villagers such as normal, peppy, and other snooty villagers. She will soon warm up to the player, confiding in them about her own feelings, but may still retain a snobby tone. Mint will find it hard to get along with other villagers, specifically lazy and jock villagers who have conflicting lifestyles compared to her own. She may get along with cranky villagers, who also enjoy gossiping about the appearance and lifestyles of others. Like normal and peppy villagers, she reads a magazine called Ms. Nintendique, an unseen magazine featured in Animal Crossing: Wild World and Animal Crossing: City Folk.


In Animal Crossing, Mint has a big collection of the Bears and some of the Blue furniture, such as a Blue Table and the Blue Clock with the whole Pine Set, 2 Lady Palms, and 1 shirt. On her Turntable, it plays K.K. Country.

In Animal Crossing: Wild World and Animal Crossing: City Folk, Mint's house has a retro-chic theme, with many furniture from the Blue Series, such as a Blue Clock and a Blue Dresser with a Classic Sofa, a Pine Table, a Plant, a Baby Bear and a Retro Stereo that plays K.K. Soul.

In all games, Mint's Wallpaper is the Blue Trim Wall and the Flooring is the Birch Flooring.
(Bit unrelated question but do you have a keep tardis beautiful setting or not? Because if not, could I go weeding one day?)