-What tattoos do you have and where?
Only one at the moment, an arrow pointing left on my left wrist
-What tattoos do you want and where?
I've already planned what next one I want it's just deciding where to get it done, which is a tiger crawling down on my thigh. I was going to get it done this year but hit a few snags so maybe sometime next year. I have some ideas for other ones which I'll look into at some point.
-Are you against tattoos? For tattoos?
-What do you think of tattoos in the work place?
As long as they're not offensive, I don't see any issues.
-Do you think tattoos will ever be accepted and considered normal?
I'd say its becoming more acceptable nowadays, but it can depend on how open minded someone is.
-Would you mind a leader of a country to have tattoos?
Wouldn't bother me at all as long as they can do their job.
-If you got one did it hurt?
It didn't hurt a lot but it did hurt more when it hit the bone.
I personally don't like it when skin is clear. I think stretch marks, freckles, scars and specially tatoos give someone a special, unique look, so I love all of those! One day, I know I'll get a buch of tats, most likely of stars, planets, galaxies, carps, flowers, plants, and trees. I like natural patterns. About locations, I prefer thighs, back, arms and ribs.
I would like to get a tattoo, however I am in no rush to get one, nor do I have any money saved for one, I havent done any research I don't have a set idea. All I know is that I would like my first to be in an area I can hide it in, like my inner upper arm, so at work my sleeves cover it but I can still show it to people and I can see it.
Rn I'm thinking a simple outline of the moon phases as my first. Simple, shouldn't take long, shouldn't hurt alot, thou I've heard mixed options on that area.