Mafia TBT Mafia: Attack on Titan [Sign Ups]

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Just deleted a few posts here -- there is no need to continue stirring the pot in here. The host has expressed her wishes on keeping this thread civil and I'd like to see that happen too, so let's keep it like that. Thanks.

what's that jubs, you are in the game??
It is! The day phases are 48 hours and Nights are 24 hours, so it takes place over real time days. You're welcome to join if you want to try out a game.

Looks like I'm in :)
I finished my Exams anyways.
Looks like I'm in :)
I finished my Exams anyways.

Sounds good!

If you want a good run down on how to play it on a forum, there's a spoiler'd post in my main post, also just give the rules a quick read so that you're all good. The biggest rule that people skip over is that there's no editing of posts because we don't want people to change what they have said.

The game will start in a few days, so sit tight :)
Sounds good!

If you want a good run down on how to play it on a forum, there's a spoiler'd post in my main post, also just give the rules a quick read so that you're all good. The biggest rule that people skip over is that there's no editing of posts because we don't want people to change what they have said.

The game will start in a few days, so sit tight :)

Trust me, I'm not a newbie. I played TOS a lot.
So I know What's going on.~

I came from TOS too! There's a few differences, but the main goal and most of the roles are the same. The biggest difference is this can take place over a week, and TOS is like 15 minute. Welcome! :)
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