Voting is to be done in this thread. You have until ~4pm AEST (9pm PST) to decide.
Good luck.
Alright - So Tom being crowned king is a bit of a "Hail Mary" to me. He is a very solid player without a doubt but so far he has just checked in to the thread and has not truly contributed with enough for me to get a proper read on him, and I doubt anyone else have managed to figure out where he stands already either. I do not agree with making the decision so early when there's tons of hours left until the day is over, but what's done is done - Now we just have to hope and pray that Tom is indeed town.
King Tom - How do you want to play this? Do you want everyone to say whom they are suspicious of, or would you prefer to just follow your gut instincts and make the decision on whom to lynch on your own? I think it would be the wisest to listen to everyone's recommendations first, but then ultimately decide it yourself nonetheless. The more info that we have up in the air, the better.
... I assume that not even the king himself knows who crowned him, correct?
It does strike me as a kind of odd play, but at the same time I gotta thank whoever gave me kingship because I hosted the last game.

Only fair I get to screw up like the rest of us. Honestly I'm fairly certain most of you are going to get null town reads from me this entire game since half of you usually determine I'm not to be trust while the other half of you determine to weakly trust me because I'm throwing out good points.
Honestly at this point, I would like names and suspicions but if we're on a deadline then that's not something we can afford right now. So until Minties clarifies I'm probably going to put out a strawpoll and let you guys decide from there. Ultimately my gut feels off on a few players already, but at least two of them I'm uncertain of. Based off what I've read, Trojan, Kit, m3ow_, Panda, Call Me Daniel and Dolby seem like fair lynch potentials for today given their spam, non contribution and what not.
I have come to thy summons and finished my reading...
Tom is king... I pity the maker
Oh lord please hang me now, spare me from the hell that is sure to unfold!
Tom was kinged because he asked what the shortest possible day would be if he wanted to be a jerk, most likely. That being said, if he kills without discussing it first then he's being horridly antitown regardless of his alignment.
Weeny, claiming mafia and otherwise jovially derailing the thread is only going to hinder you and your alignment, whatever it is. It doesn't achieve anything and any brief amusement you get out of it isn't worth the **** you'll have to deal with for it.
Anyone else notice Kit's straight up egregious townread on panda? If anything - and I'm not saying it is anything - the comment townread is a red tell. I mean sure, if kit thinks telling somebody to focus on the game whilst barely focusing on it themselves is the strongest townplay featured in the thread (hint: it isn't) that's cool. But I can't really see that.
Discussing kingmaker is dumb since the lynch should be decided through majority, so the king should be irrelevant.
I like to think it was my charming personality, the fact that I hosted the last game, and yes I am a jerk. Not gonna lie I thought about just coming into the thread after running all the names through a randomizer and yolo'ing but that does reflect poorly on my already stained character.
Also since Weeny has been banned, I'd like to go on record that I'm ignore all of what they said and hope that you all give the replacement the benefit of the doubt.
God that was awful. Honestly the Panda x Ness love squabble was tedious after a few pages please kiss and make up you pineapple numpties.
Has anyone heard from Tom yet I am intrested to know what he is doing?
Sleeping, running errands for a sick family of four, watching my little brother and taking care of plans for the 14th. Sorry I can't be everywhere at once right now.
I know he has work and all so it's probably that.
I have a feeling that the kingmaker just threw up his hands and was like
I don't see the problem with Tom being King, I mean obviously if he's scum it would suck but otherwise he's a good player and will most likely make a good decision.
thanks bae
I can follow the train of logic on Ayaya being mafia, for similar reasons I don't care to repeat. I don't feel like emphasizing this read because it's been done to death by Endless and Karla.
To be honest every time I've had a red read on Ayaya she's flipped town so I think it's just her newness showing off. Though then again that's been like 1 game but still.
Hey y ru lurking u scumlord
Quiet Chrom.
Tom what do you think of your Kingship? and the fact that you received it swiftly and steadily.
I think it's cool beans honestly.