Mafia TBT Mafia: Game of Thrones - A Crown for a King - GAME OVER

I am pretty brain washed today but I am going to vote Trojan because of his post on how he is gonna start trying, the only other time I have seen him try is when he was scum a bit ago, also for his useless posts.

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Ow and also I can't post got a black out wasting download.
I am pretty brain washed today but I am going to vote Trojan because of his post on how he is gonna start trying, the only other time I have seen him try is when he was scum a bit ago, also for his useless posts.

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Ow and also I can't post got a black out wasting download.

I try to help town and people vote me, it's like I cant win.
I really have spent way too much time defending myself and not enough analyzing. I was pretty busy today, but most of this is because I don't get strong feelings from a lot of you. I find it hard to read most of you guys. And then some of the people I thought were sus were already pointed out (namely kit). I'm trying to go back and read everyone's posts one by one but I have hw that I'm doing so it's prob gonna take forever

a few people that I've noticed haven't really accused anyone: Kit, Oath, Ness, Daniel, Trundle

I'd like to know who you guys are suspicious of. most of your posts are either telling others to contribute or defending yourselves so yeah I just want to hear your opinions

I think Kit is the best lynch candidate so far because it's not like she was too busy to post, she just didn't do much to try to figure out who to lynch today. She townread Panda really quickly and isn't focused on scumhunting today. It's fine to have your suspicions of Tom but pls give any suspicions on people that we can actually vote for. She did mention Dolby, but only because he's inactive. If he continues that he'll be mod killed like the last game. I don't like lynching inactives because it wastes the opportunity to kill people we have suspicions about. And Dolby is experienced, so him being inactive is irrelevant to his role imo.(he wouldn't avoid posting simply bc he's mafia because he knows how to play)
I could go on about Kit but a lot of this has basically already been said anyway, that's why I want to hear more from others

Also can someone explain why Ashtot is being townread? He purposefully hasn't contributed much. I could go into that more too but I've already said some of it.
When I first read this post it struck me as horribly, horribly off. It took me a while to place as to why.
Let's examine the reasons that M3ow wants Kit:
I think Kit is the best lynch candidate so far because it's not like she was too busy to post, she just didn't do much to try to figure out who to lynch today.
Let's assume for a second that Kit hasn't been trying to find mafia much. (Incorrect assumption) Even with that assumption, Kit has STILL done more towards progressing the day than M3ow. No matter what angle you're looking at it from. So.. Kits mafia for doing exactly what you've spent most of the thread doing?
She townread Panda really quickly and isn't focused on scumhunting today.
First part? Yeah, that's real. Rehash of my original point w/r/t Kit. Second part? Repetition of the point #1 which I just pointed out was abhorrent.
It's fine to have your suspicions of Tom but pls give any suspicions on people that we can actually vote for. She did mention Dolby, but only because he's inactive.
"Oh yeah and these two people she pushed on don't matter, by the way. Gotta keep my story straight."
I don't like lynching inactives because it wastes the opportunity to kill people we have suspicions about. And Dolby is experienced, so him being inactive is irrelevant to his role imo.(he wouldn't avoid posting simply bc he's mafia because he knows how to play)
This sounds suspiciously like something I just asserted.
I could go on about Kit but a lot of this has basically already been said anyway, that's why I want to hear more from others
Hahahaha- nah. You provided 0 valid unique perspectives and are sheeping the wagon I kicked into motion.

Like, this post is just unspeakably bad. Why aren't they dead yet?
To be fair, I told you why I think you're scum and Endless backed me up later as well. I'm not stupid. Yes, I've been really bored with the last dozen games because they've been small, filled with noobs, and some have been poorly run, but I'm actually decent at this. You're right that I shouldn't be cleared, by I have given Town tells this far into the game in a few places. The only thing scummy about my behaviour so far hasn't been shown, but I do support inactive lynches.

Also m3ow, your latest posts have shown that since you've been caught, you're backpedaling, attempting to sound like you've cooled off and want to help Town, while discretely trying to shift attention from yourself to me (once again). There is no reason to believe that I'm scum other than "Ashtot might be scum", and I've contributed more than you at this point. All of your arguments are basically dead at this point, and you're going to need to do something of worth in order to live.

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Of course it is also possible that you just really suck at being Town (that would be unfortunate).

Also I'm not sure where all the stupid votes are coming from. Kit is a decent candidate but I'm leaning a bit more towards them being stupid Town than scum, but I guess we'll see. The only lynches I'm okay with at this point are Kit, m3ow, and Dolby (because as some people found out last game, he's a huge threat).

Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm scum because I didn't make an a good scumhunting post my first post that was 2-3 hours into the game, and because my first response to you was "wat". I said wat bc I thought it was funny that you instantly thought I was scum based on that. I agreed with what Ayaya was saying because she was right, and I wanted to make it clear that it's important Kingmaker chose King based on posts as well as experience. Since otherwise we'd just have people suspect King, which is exactly what happened....

Endless said I'm obv scum but didn't care to really explain why, other than saying it was because of my irrational response to you. I genuinely don't see how I was acting irrationally, but if he meant because I was too busy defending myself to scumhunt then ok I see that. but I didn't have much time today to be here and analyze everything, & the time I did have I felt obligated to defend myself

Never said you're scum, I just don't think it's right to clear you of suspicion
When I first read this post it struck me as horribly, horribly off. It took me a while to place as to why.
Let's examine the reasons that M3ow wants Kit:
Let's assume for a second that Kit hasn't been trying to find mafia much. (Incorrect assumption) Even with that assumption, Kit has STILL done more towards progressing the day than M3ow. No matter what angle you're looking at it from. So.. Kits mafia for doing exactly what you've spent most of the thread doing?
First part? Yeah, that's real. Rehash of my original point w/r/t Kit. Second part? Repetition of the point #1 which I just pointed out was abhorrent.
"Oh yeah and these two people she pushed on don't matter, by the way. Gotta keep my story straight."
This sounds suspiciously like something I just asserted.
Hahahaha- nah. You provided 0 valid unique perspectives and are sheeping the wagon I kicked into motion.

Like, this post is just unspeakably bad. Why aren't they dead yet?

1. Kit's mostly been pushing Tom. We can't vote for Tom. so there's no point in bringing him up more than once

2. I've barely been able to post, of course Kit who's made like 3x the amount of posts I have is going to contribute more than I am. that doesn't change the fact that she hasn't given us a good reason to lynch someone (someone that we can actually lynch). everytime I had the time to post I was too busy defending myself against you and Ashtot (which I'm still doing lol)

3. Even in the last game I was strongly against lynching inactives

4. Idc that you think I'm bandwagoning, I agree with your posts about her but Kit has been sus for awhile and it wasn't just you that thought that
Yah CUZ only mafia would push the king right
Tell me again why the king gets a free pass

You didn't just push the king - You also pushed for the Kingmaker which is confirmed town. However, after reading (or skimming in some cases) through over 20 pages, I feel like people are really hammering on you and I think that some scumlords have been among those targeting you simply because your dumb comment made you the easiest target by far. As Daniel said, if you were Mafia it's likely your team would have told you to shut up by now.

I still haven't gotten a good read on Tom but I think that his post was well put-together and I am now less bitter about him being crowned King so early on. In the strawpool, I selected m30w_. I had my eye on them when I was checking on the thread yesterday already because of their defensive attitude, but even when being called out for it I feel that their "counter argument" was weak.

I do want to say, however, that in previous games with Dolby that I've played he intentionally did NOT log on to his account to appear as inactive when he was scum. He's a clever little bugger. Keep an eye on him!

Will read through the thread more properly when I get the chance later today. Sorry, but stressed for time right now. (XCOM 2 is released today too! Must play it!)
Oh & I want to kill the other inactives too. Mostly Tom though because he's the most important if he's mafia because he's king idiots

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Fine then let's kill jello

It's really too early to cast anyone as inactive. It's not even been a full thirty hours yet.

Please vote here and explain reasonings in thread thank you.

Not sure I like this method. Too easily manipulated. Have all votes so far been accounted for?
It's really too early to cast anyone as inactive. It's not even been a full thirty hours yet.

Not sure I like this method. Too easily manipulated. Have all votes so far been accounted for?

I have to agree with Tina, its too easy to rig it, I'm pretty sure m3ow was on 0 only a bit before so I have a feeling people are trying to set her up or something.
Still deciding on my vote though.

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It's really too early to cast anyone as inactive. It's not even been a full thirty hours yet.

Not sure I like this method. Too easily manipulated. Have all votes so far been accounted for?

I have to agree with Tina, its too easy to rig it, I'm pretty sure m3ow was on 0 only a bit before so I have a feeling people are trying to set her up or something.
Still deciding on my vote though.

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why do I always double post into a post merge =_=
strawpoll is a terrible idea, better to have ppl vote in the thread so that we can actually hold them accountable for the vote

dolby is dolby, im pretty sure he was always quiet/inactive in the games i played with him

i dont think kit is scum purely because of the amount of noise they are making. will post more thoughts later
Not happy with the straw poll King Tom.... i don't like that people can anonymously cast a vote, that won't help us in the future and your just hoping that people will be truthful and say who they voted for, not good. not helpful to town at all.

i still haven't made my mind up, but will after i get some sleep.
1. Kit's mostly been pushing Tom. We can't vote for Tom. so there's no point in bringing him up more than once

2. I've barely been able to post, of course Kit who's made like 3x the amount of posts I have is going to contribute more than I am. that doesn't change the fact that she hasn't given us a good reason to lynch someone (someone that we can actually lynch). everytime I had the time to post I was too busy defending myself against you and Ashtot (which I'm still doing lol)

3. Even in the last game I was strongly against lynching inactives

4. Idc that you think I'm bandwagoning, I agree with your posts about her but Kit has been sus for awhile and it wasn't just you that thought that

post quantity is unrelated to post quality, u can easily contribute more than kit if u tried but ofc u claim u dont have time and u find it hard to read ppl. which btw, has nothing to do with post quantity. being too busy defending urself is also a terrible excuse, if everyone who was accused in a game of mafia was paralysed into inaction, town would never win. all i see from u are excuses about not having time and then spending that precious time on excessive defences against things that dont matter (do u rly think ppl are gonna lynch u because of a 'wat'?????)

kit is such an easy push target for scum that im wary of anyone pushing hard for her lynch. im voting m3ow unless they give us something better to work with
2 people that don't sit well with me this whole game.

Meow for literally only posting to defend themselves and being quiet the rest of the game, when in forest fire Mafia they actually where scumhunting. They're not doing anything but defending themselves and disappearing

All llamas has been doing is agreeing with people and stating the obvious.

Both are relatively quiet and seems to only pop in every one in a blue moon to say something that doesn't help town to satisfy our suspions. I Believe one or both are Mafia, though I dislike illama more for the more obvious newbie scum play.
Both are relatively quiet and seems to only pop in every one in a blue moon to say something that doesn't help town to satisfy our suspions. I Believe one or both are Mafia, though I dislike illama more for the more obvious newbie scum play.

It's still only Day 1!
It's still only Day 1!

They still have posted and as town should be more trying to at least scum hunt instead of m3ow's defense and llama being a yes man. If they hadn't post at all i would wait for them to post but they've been here in this game and should have been able to give opinions.

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Also I voted other(illama) but it can be easily messed up when even random specters can vote.
I voted Dolby but I should have voted meow
Straw poll.. Not a good idea :p

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All votes need to be accounted for btw
Not happy with the straw poll King Tom.... i don't like that people can anonymously cast a vote, that won't help us in the future and your just hoping that people will be truthful and say who they voted for, not good. not helpful to town at all.

i still haven't made my mind up, but will after i get some sleep.

Thanks for re-iterating the opinions of 3 other people that posted just before you to try to appear like a town player
Thanks for re-iterating the opinions of 3 other people that posted just before you to try to appear like a town player
Panda has recently struck a sore chord with me compared to the beginning of the game, but then again her post count makes me think otherwise :p
Trundle who do u thing should die
Also, I did not vote in the straw poll, but if I did, I'd go for Daniel. As I've seen in previous games, he's very jokey and memey as town and actually tries to play as mafia. He isn't making jokes in his posts. When I tried to mention this a game or two ago I was pushed on super hard for no reason even though I was town. (cough cough m30w cough cough) which kinda just goes to show m30w is a terrible town player, not scum
Also, I did not vote in the straw poll, but if I did, I'd go for Daniel. As I've seen in previous games, he's very jokey and memey as town and actually tries to play as mafia. He isn't making jokes in his posts. When I tried to mention this a game or two ago I was pushed on super hard for no reason even though I was town. (cough cough m30w cough cough) which kinda just goes to show m30w is a terrible town player, not scum
Mmmm if they were town they could try a little harder to be chill~
Hey is Dolby gonna get modkilled or
If yes I don't wanna waste a lynch on him

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I think Daniels behaviour could also be because he wants to play srs this game and put on his srs hat

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Also why is oaths name not in the poll
Didn't I say something about him
Also, I did not vote in the straw poll, but if I did, I'd go for Daniel. As I've seen in previous games, he's very jokey and memey as town and actually tries to play as mafia. He isn't making jokes in his posts. When I tried to mention this a game or two ago I was pushed on super hard for no reason even though I was town. (cough cough m30w cough cough) which kinda just goes to show m30w is a terrible town player, not scum

What a dumb reason to suspect Daniel.