Only the Kings vote counts
Yes but im giving Tom the message
Only the Kings vote counts
Kit - 5
Trojan - 0
- aVidear
m3ow - 4
Call Me Daniel - 4
- Trundle (?)
Dolby - 2
Other - 1
-Call Me Daniel voting for Mother of All Llamas
General thoughts post coming up later today
From meta it seems your doing a lot of what you did in Reindeer mafia.
I'm building a general thoughts post right now.
Why was it invalid? Sorry if its obvious, but sparing me from reading the whole exchange, a Tl;dr and some of your general feelings about Kit would be nice.
I started working on it in google docs but I got lazy. Multitasking HW right now.
Probably because its true like I said? It wasn't even an attack towards Ender, I mean where are you trying to go with this? I didn't need to say that he was town in that post at all.
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Ender do you want to say anything on this?
Shh, i'm working on it still because its a tiny bit long and explanatory. Hold your horses steady.
I don't know what you mean by not saying anything important, I mean i've had some lengthy posts but i've been asking mostly questions. I can see what you mean by obvious sarcasm yes, I didn't really know that was sarcasm at first glance. The only lengthy post of mine I think would be worth noting is probably this.
It didn't really contribute to much, i'm just asking general questions out of it. I've started doing this on Mafia Scum, I really shouldn't be all that agressive like I have in previous games.
If you think there is something I missed, then feel free to ask me it and I'll answer it. I had a big explanatory thing written up but it didn't make too much sense so I scrapped it.
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Being inactive isn't always an alignment indicative, is that your only thought why he's scum?
Can you explain better? Why is his sudden questioning weird? Wouldn't that make him more town if anything?
Why was it invalid? Sorry if its obvious, but sparing me from reading the whole exchange, a Tl;dr and some of your general feelings about Kit would be nice.
I don't like this post all that much, what about that is scummy? D1 of Reindeer he did that and look at the result of lynching scum. Now, ender doing this usual strategy confuses me every time, because both town and scum can do it. But I just perceive it now as him trying to look for a reaction now really.
These are just a few posts I wanted to look into at the moment. I actually am townreading panda as it seems like her normal behavior traits in mafia, i'll look into her later.
There isn't much to be explaining other then the sarcasm, but I'll talk.
I meant that my lengthy posts weren't explaining anything but just asking questions and a few points.
Would that be me? What do you think about me?
Endless what do you think of me? Why are you a fan of Oath pushing me?
Alright, i'm just paranoid about most things in this game. Thanks for telling me.
Because its nice to know what another player asks about you. Also i'm always paranoid about D1 lynches because they're usually either the worst lynch of the game.
No...? My paranoia doesn't just come from day 1 lynches, i'm not even that paranoid right now.
What a dumb reason to suspect Daniel.
oh yeah i voted kit in strawpoll
M3ow Probs bad town it's like their first real game so
PLZ kill Trojan
All we can really do is pray that tom is town
If not we're f**ked
Panda ur so wrong I don't even have words rn
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Please do something, just your thoughts in an actual post. Because with what you're doing now you seem like one of the scummiest players.
i might be wrong but at least im trying to be helpful... why don't you do something for a change ?
You know, sometimes I don't know why people hold me accountable for DA:I because I was never distracting town, panda just fking annoys the living hell out of me.i am aware i haven't voted and i have explain why above.
i dunno if he'd be a good D1 my vote would probably be for Daniel or Ness. but what do i know im horrible at this game, i wish i was better. haha honestly.
You know, sometimes I don't know why people hold me accountable for DA:I because I was never distracting town, panda just fking annoys the living hell out of me.
Why don't you actually make a case leading to me being scum panda. Bring something that's actual dirt on me.
Meg and I are going to have a couple drinks and watch TV, so don't expect to hear much from us for the rest of the night.
I'd like to try not to be completely useless, but its Day 1 and differentiating between newness and scumminess is hard this early on. It's the people pushing too hard like its midgame and not simply day one that are standing out to me most right now eg Daniel, Kit, etc. But I'm not prepared to say "yes I vote them" right now. Games that start Day 1 instead of Night 0 throw me.
I think she did
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like 4 posts ago
Except it's not
kinda like an iso
this never happened.
hours later... states his building a post... still never happens.
still no "general thought post and has been doing a lot of back and forth and questioning and being very active and making promises but never delivers and then wants Ender to tell him whats going on and states he doesn't want to read the thread.
then has this excuse as to why he never posted his "general thoughts" cause he's lazy... too lazy to help town ?
and then a few minutes later wants to slide into this and again asking Ender to come in and explain.
then another excuse as to why he can't answer Ashtot and explain something for himself. (meanwhile that long General thoughts" post is long forgotten about. i don't know why he feels he has to go for this huge long explanatory post unless he was really worried about covering all his bases and making sure he doesn't step on any toes.
this where he pulls the following quote of himself.... and says its his most "note worthy" post. and this general ask me questions and ill answer them is weird to me its like "im not gonna give up any information if its not asked of me and i don't have to" AND AGAIN an excuse as to why a big informational post that was promised for the four time is not trashed and we don't get to se it but we're just gonna move on, right ? ha
he claims this to be his most note worthy post but it doesn't actually say anything. its him about just questioning things and seeming unsure, not really ever taking a stance.
he even acknowledges he isn't doing much of anything other than questioning others.
he's really curious to see what Endless thinks of him and so was Daniel. which was weird to me cause if your town then what does it matter really?
WHY WOULD ANY TOWN PLAYER BE PARANOID? thats a really weird word to use.... Frustrated, Annoyed, Worried... these are words i would use to describe what a townie feels not PARANOID your only paranoid if you have something to hide or you think someone gonna find something out about you. i really didn't like that. he asked Endless what he thinks and then justifies it with "just being paranoid."
then when i question him about he gives this lame excuse. Duh D1 lynches rarely go right but thats no reason to be paranoid. and also the way he typed it makes me think he wanted to add more to that then decided not to ? i dunno.
then he back tracks and says no its not just D1 lynches but won't further explain and then pretty much says "ok im not paranoid" ha
and now he doesn't seem kin to a Daniel lynch... Daniel/Ness Scum Team ? i dunno.
But it's not.. Good