Mafia TBT Mafia: Game of Thrones - A Crown for a King - GAME OVER

No seriously though, I suspect Kit, and Kit says I'm scum.

I mention suspecting Karla, and bam, Karla says I'm scum.

I put Endless on the top of people who I'd consider lynching today, oh look, Endless suddenly seems to think I'm scum.

Is anybody noticing a pattern here?

I reject all of your suggestions, because most of them are just plain bad, but thank you for your contribution. I also want to put it on record that I would like to withdraw my earlier statement in which I claimed Oath2Order seemed to be town-oriented.

Well at least they're something other than "oh let's lynch an inactive".

- - - Post Merge - - -

Oath is really digging himself a hole here.

Ayayas "unless mafia were given fake claims" strikes a chord of naivety that just appears super genuine. And this is coming from someone who dislikes townreading people for being "genuine". (Mafia were almost certainly given fake claims.)

I don't want too give Karla too much credit too fast, but they've been really pushing the days forward and I agree with most (not all) of the reads they've made + their roleblocked claim would be a really weird play as mafia. (Nothing impossible, it'd likely just involve something along the lines of there being no mafia roleblocker or the mafia roleblocker not role blocking n1)

It's currently 6 am and I'm finally sober, but I haven't slept yet so I'm liable to lights out for quite a while.

Sataric, you get more information from lynching active players than you get from roulletting inactives. If you want to " Lynch to make the players in the game more readable" then don't lynch meg, Lynch Trojan. That'd have much more of a impact on the quality of play from everyone and quality of game in general.

That being said, I'm going to cast 0.5 votes towards oath for my piece. I haven't had any time to reread his earlier content but everything he posted in the last 10 pages is godawful and lynchworthy. (If I'd had time to reread it'd be a full 1.0 worth of votes.)

So are you going to tell us what you thought about Sataric or no?
meera reed

This is really just a small issue but I had the assumption that the characters we're given would fit with what gender we identify as, as my character is female and the characters other claimed as so far fit with theirs as well? Unless mine just happens to be a coincidence.

Also after seeing their posts, m3ow looks more like a typical newbie player as like Ashtot, I can see their logic and understand where they're coming from, especially as a fellow newbie.

Tom I'm not sure, he doesn't give off the same feeling like in Reindeer and looking at his posts I'm leaning on Town for him but otherwise nothing seems questionable for me so far. I have a feeling I'll always doubt Tom whatever game I'm playing with him...

I'm on the fence with Tina and Panda. I have asked Panda to respond and she hasn't posted at all since despite lurking for a while, and the impression I get from Tina is that she's been mostly responding to people and posting her opinion to a matter than trying to figure out alignments.

I'll be placing my vote for Tina for now. I was waiting for the rest of her reads but it's 3 AM right now and I might miss the deadline or be too busy to post. My reasons for voting her:
- She was included in Ender's suggestion for King
- The reads that she posted seems mostly speculative (saying I might be third party but not really making a case why?) and I expected more from her
- The impression I get that I already stated above.
I have a feeling I'll always doubt Tom whatever game I'm playing with him...

I'm on the fence with Tina and Panda. I have asked Panda to respond and she hasn't posted at all since despite lurking for a while, and the impression I get from Tina is that she's been mostly responding to people and posting her opinion to a matter than trying to figure out alignments.

I'll be placing my vote for Tina for now. I was waiting for the rest of her reads but it's 3 AM right now and I might miss the deadline or be too busy to post. My reasons for voting her:
- She was included in Ender's suggestion for King
- The reads that she posted seems mostly speculative (saying I might be third party but not really making a case why?) and I expected more from her
- The impression I get that I already stated above.

While I agree with you about Tina, do you have an opinion on meg like Sataric is thinking right now?
Im leaning towards Panda or Trojan. Mainly because Trojan is hard to place, he seems like town but has random posts. And panda has been hiding and lurking around.
Tom, do you think that your method of red reading is so abrasive you always score counter votes? Because I'm here to tell you it isn't. Those individual cases are most likely coincidences, as I can assure you my read on you has nothing to do with that.
Oh yeah, and why're you prompting me to talk about sataric? I already said I have no intention of discussing the kings alignment while they're the king. It doesn't achieve anything.

Love ayayas vote on Tina since I mentally noted to skim their content tomorrow after their bad read that trundle/me aren't both town. (I mean seriously? Where did that come from. If you think trundles reasons for shooting me were bad, then that just makes him mafia/serial killer. If you think it's a ploy then trundle is mafia in addition to me being mafia. Those are both wildly inaccurate but justifiable stances. However, there is no scenario where I'm mafia and trundle is town without demonstrating a reason that I would be mafia mutually exclusive to the trundle/me situation. No such reason was presented. [Hence the comment should be "I don't think trundle is town" not "I don't think they're both town", which is still most likely wrong but a lot more logical. The only thing I can tie this down to is a really really weird gut read. And that isn't what it was presented as. Idk, I haven't reread her yet so I refrained from pushing on her, but that was a seriously bad read.)
why is that in italics

Oh yeah, and why're you prompting me to talk about sataric? I already said I have no intention of discussing the kings alignment while they're the king. It doesn't achieve anything.

Because I personally think it's stupid to not talk about the king's alignment when you've previously said you had something to say. Whatever you have to say, I think you should say it. To me, this just looks like you are suspicious of Sataric, and are too afraid to say it because you think he might lynch you.
Im leaning towards Panda or Trojan. Mainly because Trojan is hard to place, he seems like town but has random posts. And panda has been hiding and lurking around.

if he seems like town, then why are u voting for him????
While I agree with you about Tina, do you have an opinion on meg like Sataric is thinking right now?

I overlooked Meg because she's new like aVidear. I'm at least not getting the newbie-who's-just-trying-to-figure-out-how-to-play-mafia vibe but maybe that's because she has Tina who probably have explained the game to her before or after she signed in. If she is mafia/SK then she's certainly taking advantage of the newbie status like I did in Reindeer.
Skipped class due to no sleep and horrific night, so if anything I say comes off as aggressive or otherwise emotionally-charged then I'm sorry but I'm frustrated and furious as all **** right now. And if rage isn't an amazing motivator for speaking my mind then I don't know what else is. I'm going to have to post my thoughts in stages as I just don't have the patience or motivation to sit and do this is a solid sitting right now. I aim to get through everyone and order is just as they come to mind.

I've know her twenty years. I live with her. Somehow I still can't get a read on her. She's quiet and when she does post they lack substantial content. I know how insanely busy she is in real life though, and I'm probably the world's biggest burden of a flatmate right now due to my health problems being utterly debilitating most days right now, so I can't say "oh she's simply avoiding the thread". I know prior to joining this game she has experience with Town of Salem which is similar IIRC, but idk how experienced.

I don't interpret Ender hammering into her day one as clearing her, or making her "confirmed town" as she claimed in post #1245, at all. If third party is in this game, and I'm assuming it must be if Minties' has it is right there in the opening post saying 'Third Party ??/??' - then just because Ender attacked her doesn't make her town. She could be third party. I don't know if she's played before, but she might have even taken out Ender as a threat. Conversely, she could still be scum and Ender was merely attacking her as a fallback for later in the game if one of them died. Now I'm not saying I think this, honestly I actually have an idea of what her role might be and if I am it's neither of what I said above, but I feel closing off our minds to other options and thinking of her as "confirmed town" is simply na?ve. Or maybe I'm just an over-paranoid *****.
A natural continuation from the above, because once again I feel like people are dropping their guard. Endless claimed a shot, and Trundle claimed vig and said he shot him, and suddenly this must be fact? They could be a mafia team in cahoots lying about an additional shot that never happened to throw off town (if we assume 2KP mafia / 1KP third party - but if Endless was shot, I think we should consider the possibility of a fourth KP coming from somewhere rather than just assuming it must be a town-aligned shot). Trundle could have shot him as mafia/SK and jumped up to try and certify himself - hence his IMO flimsy justification of his shot on Endless. Unlike with Ayaya, I am actually considering these possibilities rather than stating them as a sort of "don't believe everything you read!" wake-up call. On the other hand, we could also entertain the possibility of Trundle being scum and shooting a third party Endless (maybe even one with a second life, which is not at all uncommon in TBT mafia for say an SK to have a vest as well. In this you might think, "why not fake claim then vet then?" - well, if there is really one in the game (I believe Karla claimed or did I misinterpret the abbreviation 'VT'?) then he'd give himself up to the real vet instantly) - then Endless, being scum himself, is assuming Trundle is town because being a killing role himself his guard may have dropped to the possibility. Or maybe Trundle is genuinely a vigilante and shot a third party!? But there is still the issue that Trundle isn't a Stark and given that Ash & Kit both flipped blue and are both Starks I'm struggling to believe the claim. Also, provided Endless is third party, it is no stretch to think he could be the one to shoot Ender - knowing him well and others in the thread (myself included) voicing concerns about Ender. It is perfectly justifiable and would take out someone that is a threat to his survival.
God my head is spinning. Basically I think something is up with Endless and Trundle, but I'm not sure which one or both and the possibilities are endless (heh). But I don't believe that they can both be town.

He's posting very differently from when I used to play with him, but I'm not exactly one to talk right now. It doesn't scream "scum!" to me, it's just different and it feels weird. Usually I can detect something strange about him early on and there just isn't anything there. If he's finally managed to blind me this time I'll be impressed.

Strongest town-read by far. And thanks for being sensitive enough with voicing your concerns on me without it sounding like an attack.

Town. Certain of it.

He was online during N1 but never checked in with us and that is concerning. I wouldn't say I think he's lying about his IRL situation, but it does make me think that he has an action and it could be scum-aligned. And if he's a blue role and I've just outed him then ****. But the silence bothers me in that he didn't post at all. If he's making the effort to log in at the library then you think he'd be making an effort to check in. Actually, even if he were blue, you'd think he'd make an effort to ensure he's not lynched for inactivity.

I said I'd do this in phases, and I think I need a break. So I'll continue later. That was strangely therapeutic.
something that jumps out at me is that i've done this as mafia before, and i do remember doing this to karla my first game as a village idiot
as in it's entirely possible but imo not likely
I mean, if I had to, top 5 lynches would be

  1. Either Trundle or Endless to see if one or the other flips, personally I'd prefer Trundle but either works
  2. Either Trundle or Endless, whichever isn't chosen above
  3. KarlaKGB. Weak cases, doesn't actually specifically say "I think you're scum" to most people, just "that's a lil scummy"
  4. Ness 4 bein a ***
  5. Dolby to just get that out of our heads.
  1. Blu Rose. I feel like they've been skimming by. I don't actually recall any of their posts.
true true

Since people would have to go through all the ****posts, let me repost the claims made so far, mostly so it's easier for me to check back later

I'm inclined to believe Ness' claim because Samwell Tarly was actually one of the few GoT characters that I remember, and I particularly remember him being on the same side as Jon Snow (on that episode where their wall got attacked by undeads? I think) so his claim being VT is most likely true, unless mafia has a list of roles they can fake claim as.

Karla, since you claimed VT already, would you mind telling us the name of your character?

No doctor has questioned or CC'd Endless' claim and he seems likely to be the target of protection due to the contribution he did on D1, I'd actually question it if he did not get targeted on N1 as mafia would definitely kill him for being one of the strong players actively contributing.

I already voiced my concerns on Trundle's claim previously, but looking at the name of the character he claimed as, I'm a bit alarmed to see that he "joins forces with King Joffrey and Tywin Lannister in the War of the Five Kings." but seeing as he wasn't part of the Lannister house, it might fit with the one-shot vig claim, but maybe someone more familiar with GoT can tell us what the character is actually like. Sataric did seem to believe Trundle's claim and he's familiar with GoT so I'm guessing this role also fits the lore behind it.

I need to recheck my suspicion list once more but so far I'm focusing on Tina, m3ow, Tom, and Panda to be scum.
Also possibly Blu Rose because I haven't seen him contribute as much as Reindeer, mostly. Will read through their posts now to make sure who to vote for.
true true

I would like to point out that Lucanosa did not say anything after his first post.
Blu Rose also said "we found scum <3", but never said who or why after the Llama lynch.
i can second this
i can also say that it meant literally nothing and was a joke <3

- - - Post Merge - - -

to clarify what i said in the dirst response to tina
that "as in it's entirely possible but imo not likely" thing is denoting a situation
Continuing off from where I left off earlier...


Yeah that was a reaction test! Tina failed

That thing with the reaction test was kind of a joke that I made in the moment. I wasnt doing it as a reaction test, I actually thought it would benefit the town. After you guys said that it wouldnt work I passed it of as a reaction test.

If you want to see my thing with Kit and Tom just click my name on the home page.

This is sketchy as hell. You make a suggestion that basically just hands our roles over to the mafia on a silver platter, see people think it doesn't work, and then flip it onto me in order to make me look bad for no reason other than to push attention off of yourself? Scum play. You could have resolved that in other ways. When I made a mistake yesterday with how vig shots are refunded I owned up to and admitted it. I didn't try and fight the person who corrected me (Karla).

Essentially he just feels like he's commenting on everything while at the same time saying nothing. Reading through his filter is just a ton of spam.

Trojan usually just ****posts and doesn't do anything, so him actually playing is somewhat of a rarity. I'm not saying he's scum but it's a very weird shift in playstlye, wouldn't you agree?

Good comment from Daniel regarding Trojan too. His play style has changed since early game after this comment was made. He's just spamming a **** ton. But at the same time I'm thrown agreeing with this statement because...

Call Me Daniel
... I've mentioned several times that I felt Daniel was being very pushy day one, in that he was deeming people inactive and came to very fast conclusions about people day one. He even asked me on day one what I was doing for town - which coupled with other things made me think that he was strangely certain in his opinions.

2 people that don't sit well with me this whole game.

Meow for literally only posting to defend themselves and being quiet the rest of the game, when in forest fire Mafia they actually where scumhunting. They're not doing anything but defending themselves and disappearing

All llamas has been doing is agreeing with people and stating the obvious.

He also criticised Ness for being defensive at one point. I don't know how on day one -- not even toward the end of day one -- that these sorts of comments are really safe to make. I get the impression that such certainty comes from having more knowledge than the rest of us. Also, this response to me posting silly photo of Meg:

I would have died if one of the tabs was the scum chat for this game

It irks me that his mind would instantly go to that. Is that because you would have to stop and consider whether or not you had something to hide if you took a photo that contained part of your computer screen? And, likewise Trundle -- he's someone I'm always ultra-wary of -- but it just stood out to me that two people I already had a bad impression of would make such similar, semi-accusatory (humorous) moments.

tina: glad ur posting at last. yes VT = vanilla townie. theres no reason for me (or anyone) to claim vet if they werent hit. ive cleared endless based on his posts and the N1 flips. i thought he was a relatively obvious first choice to save on N1 as a medic so i dont believe he's some sort of bulletproof mafia or third party role. i also have stated my concerns about trundles claim and am in no way dropping my guard wrt him.

what interests me is why ur approaching endless/trundle from the angle that one or both of them must be scummy. it seems awfully biased since u dont seem to have given any actual reads on either of them. it's incredibly paranoid to come up with theories that they are scum team in cahoots or some ridiciulous scenario where endless is third party who got shot by scumdle. leaving the "what happened N1" aside, can you give some actual reads on both their posting style and content? because you surely must have reason to dismiss the idea that endless is town.

also your thoughts on oath, since hes top of my suspicion list and u didnt address him in ur post

It was more rage-induced stream-of-consciousness rather than mapping out an argument, so I wasn't really looking back through the thread unless I recalled something specific. Just spitting out scenarios as they came to mind.

I'm always wary of Trundle. Always. Every game. There's something off in his posts but it's hard to place it. How he's making very safe accusations - mostly piggybacking off of others comments. Has he brought up any names directly himself? Because glancing through his filter I can't anyway. The only redeeming quality for me was that we seem to agree on Daniel.

It's not unheard of for a scum player, after a failed shot, to claim it was them in order to try to clear themselves as town and I think that is exactly what is happening here. I might find it more believable if Trundle had claimed before Endless, but it just all seems a little too convenient to me. Weak reasoning. Poor shot if true. Use of it on N1 and reasoning behind it just as silly.

This situation just feels fabricated and the this certainty of belief rather than being cautious bothers me. It feels like we're walking into a trap instead of questioning everything.

Endless has me baffled. Day one I said I couldn't read him, and that's because while he was making good points I did not like the tone in his posts. One being this one:

Alright, Kit is either mafia, or as incapable of coherently constructing reads as daniel. Kit, for your sake I hope it's the former.

Kit's reads are trash for the following reasons: The panda read, I've already addressed.
Ender is pulling his usual bull****, nothing to look at there.
There are roughly 4-5 inactives including Tom, singling Tom out makes absolutely no sense. Moreover, being inactive is only a scumtell if you're avoiding the game, which Tom, as a reasonable player, has absolutely no motivation to do.

Additionally, what the living hell are they trying to achieve by pushing the the king? What do they contribute towards the day by doing that? Both you and I know the answer is absolutely nothing, but they're trying to make it out as otherwise? For their sake I really hope they aren't town.

M3ow is horribly obvious mafia and needs to be killed ASAP. I haven't the slightest inkling as to how Ashtot picked up on this one but I'll give it to him, their responses after he pushed them is singleminded defensiveness towards Ashtot. That level of defensiveness (Irrational defensiveness) just about only ever comes from mafia. (Most likely because they feel like they have more to defend than the case presented against them, knowing that the person is right, regardless of the strength of the case.)

I can follow the train of logic on Ayaya being mafia, for similar reasons I don't care to repeat. I don't feel like emphasizing this read because it's been done to death by Endless and Karla.

Once again it's the same reason Daniel bothers me. That certainty in opinion early on - like he absolutely knows Panda's alignment. My impression was "bussing or trying to lynch someone opposite you?" Maybe its just his attitude of casting peoples comments as "trash" and "bull****", but it doesn't ring a bell with how I remember him playing at all. Of course styles can differ game to game. And if I were to say one of the two were most likely innocent, I would say it is Endless. And when I saw he had claimed a hit I believed him. But the fact he is so blindly believing Trundle rather than considering the idea that Trundle could be scum lying to gain his trust concerns me. It's unwise behaviour.

As for Oath, I'll get to him next post. Getting toward needing a break again, but I'll clear up a couple things first.

I'm on the fence with Tina and Panda. I have asked Panda to respond and she hasn't posted at all since despite lurking for a while, and the impression I get from Tina is that she's been mostly responding to people and posting her opinion to a matter than trying to figure out alignments.

I'll be placing my vote for Tina for now. I was waiting for the rest of her reads but it's 3 AM right now and I might miss the deadline or be too busy to post. My reasons for voting her:
- She was included in Ender's suggestion for King
- The reads that she posted seems mostly speculative (saying I might be third party but not really making a case why?) and I expected more from her
- The impression I get that I already stated above.

If you read my previous longer post (and you did, as you've mentioned it here) you'll see I am trying to figure out alignments.

- he posted about a quarter of the players in the game on that list, all experienced players IIRC.
- I didn't make a case because I don't think you're third party. I already said I think I know your role and that it wasn't the scenario I laid out. My point was people aren't considering possibilities, and you aren't "confirmed town" like you stated. I wanted to address that in case people believed it was 100% true as said in the point underneath, it was more of a wake-up call because I feel people are already falling into the trap of blindly following the 'leaders' like sheep.

I feel like you're just voting for me because I said something about you, even though I wasn't even presenting a case.

Love ayayas vote on Tina since I mentally noted to skim their content tomorrow after their bad read that trundle/me aren't both town. (I mean seriously? Where did that come from. If you think trundles reasons for shooting me were bad, then that just makes him mafia/serial killer. If you think it's a ploy then trundle is mafia in addition to me being mafia. Those are both wildly inaccurate but justifiable stances. However, there is no scenario where I'm mafia and trundle is town without demonstrating a reason that I would be mafia mutually exclusive to the trundle/me situation. No such reason was presented. [Hence the comment should be "I don't think trundle is town" not "I don't think they're both town", which is still most likely wrong but a lot more logical. The only thing I can tie this down to is a really really weird gut read. And that isn't what it was presented as. Idk, I haven't reread her yet so I refrained from pushing on her, but that was a seriously bad read.)

See my response to Karla above. I don't think it's a bad read at all. If you're truly town I think you're being misled by the idea that, 'our claims match up so it must be true', rather than looking at everything that is fishy about this situation. My consideration that you might not be town is based on thinking, "why isn't he suspicious of Trundle's claim?" And that led me thinking that a possible reason for this lapse in judgement could be carelessness of being scum yourself. Yes that's a stretch but honestly, I started working out scenarios and trying to think of the reasoning behind them and that was one way that made sense to me why you are so certain he's town.
I'm about to head to bed very soon - I got an early morning tomorrow so I'm calling it a day a slight bit earlier than expected.

Sataric, you get more information from lynching active players than you get from roulletting inactives.

I cannot disagree with this, but I want you to know that if I make a mistake then you might be responsible for swaying my opinion, for better or worse!

I want to highlight this post made before the first person was kinged on day one by the only confirmed scum:

Idk about Karla but me or Endless would be good.

I could also do with someone in the range of Tom, Kit, or Trundle.

I'd put people like Karla or Tina in maybe? But I haven't played with them so I reaaaaaally can't say for sure that they're good picks.

If I was scum, and I made a list like this, surely I'd at least throw one or two of my scum-buddies in there. If we believe that Trundle and Endless are both town for the moment being - Even though they are both a bit fishy - And we know Kit was obviously town, and I feel that Karla has contributed a decent amount towards Town's well-being, then that leaves only Tom or Tina.

I have been suspicious of Tom since the beginning but damnit, he's so hard to read. Tina is also a very good player. If Endless is Mafia in the end then I am playing directly into his hands. However..

Yeah, let me think this over while I go brush my teeth. You guys have 10 minutes to persuade me. Tina just made a very decent post, Tom made a similarly decent one earlier today, and m3ow_ has been on my radar from the beginning but is a smaller fish to fry overall. I don't feel like I have a strong enough opinion on Trojan to go down that route.
I'm in class so I haven't even caught up yet, Sataric when are you deciding on who to lynch?
Twelve people browsing the thread and not too many comments, hmm? Very peculiar. And scummy.

I'm in class so I haven't even caught up yet, Sataric when are you deciding on who to lynch?

Just taking one last look through people's post histories. Yours included. I am feeling the pressure of this decision weighing very heavily on me and perhaps even clouding my judgement. Perhaps I should go with my gut feeling and have Tom killed but there's a large chance I'd be making a mistake. On the plus side, since he was 'Kinged' day one, at least he cannot be the kingmaker. On the negative side, if he's town, he's a valuable asset - And the lengthy post he made earlier today shows that very clearly. However, he knew he was my primary suspect already and obviously tried extra hard to appear as town-oriented as possible, every single word potentially chosen carefully to make me re-think my opinion on him. Ugh.