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Mafia TBT Mafia [Game Over/Town Win]

Dear TBT,

So. Wrongly accused me? I think so. But I learned that the only reason we accuse people is because of fear. With those words, I'm off.

Dammit this is my fault. I thought the day was going to be extended due to the lack if votes. Didn't want to jump on fireninja because he was just as suspicious in my books and had a few already.
I do think it's kinda crappy that people are voting just to vote because they won't be here.

Both of which were for FireNinja, with no basis other than they won't be here. Either it's just a coincidence that they both happen to have plans and both are voting for him, or they planned it. And as before, it seems everyone is eager to jump onto the bandwagon without putting any thought into it.

So again, I'm thinking BBG is mafia. Dunno about Hikari, but considering that those two votes shot right up out of nowhere with similar circumstances, it seems more staged than anything.
I had a club meeting and it was much more important to me than a forum game (not to say that this game is worthless). I don't know why Hikari was busy and I don't plan on asking him/her because that would be rude lol.
I had a club meeting and it was much more important to me than a forum game (not to say that this game is worthless). I don't know why Hikari was busy and I don't plan on asking him/her because that would be rude lol.

That still doesn't really explain why you two jumped onto FireNinja. =p
Need to step it up town. Too many people conveniently suddenly jumping onto the votes without any thought, which lead to getting our own being lynched. With the votes being relatively close for the most part, I feel that it was swayed by the mafia's votes.
I'm not saying however that the ones to vote later are who we should look for, but those in which who voted for Fox.
I mean, I would like to think that the Town isn't killing itself while the mafia just goofs around and laughs at us.
If you've noticed with the votes, everybody has been jumping on everybody else for the way they vote. If they vote with the pack, then theres something suspicious about them, if they vote for somebody else, somebody says thats suspicious as well.

I, myself, thoroughly looked over the past few pages before casting my vote. I didn't really see anything suspicious about FireNinja, what I did see was somebody trying to put as much attention on another person rather than themselves, so I voted for that person because to me, that behavior says something is off.
C'mon town, we can still wi- nevermind...

Wait so are pallycake and kuma mod-killed? :eek:
I wonder who will be lynched

Read the previous page.

I wasn't aware that being absent constituted suspicion. If I recall correctly, YOU were one of the last people to start posting. If absenteeism is cause for suspicion, then you would be prime suspect number one.

Granted, I'm not suspicious of you, and I don't believe you're mafia.

I just want to put this out there.

I never thought Fox was mafia.

- - - Post Merge - - -

**** I'm sorry. I only added my quote there, KGB. Please don't kill me.
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Just to keep the ball rolling. With night on us, and how another Town went yesterday.. I wonder what will happen tonight.

Day 4

The town went to sleep fearful that night, except some were so fearful that they did not sleep. Justin had barricaded himself in his study and armed himself with a shotgun. He knew his time was coming and he was damned if he'd go down quietly. It wasn't long after midnight when he heard movement outside. Prepared for a frontal assault through the door, Justin was taking cover behind his huge oak desk. At that moment, he heard a faint hissing noise. Before long, he caught the scent of a noxious gas, immediately causing him to retch. He hurled himself at his door, trying to open it, but to no avail. He had been trapped inside, and could do nothing as he was overcome by the gas.

Elsewhere in Bell Tree, another person was awake. BellBringerGreen was moving through the deserted streets, resolved to bring an end to the killings in the town. He caught sight of a person creeping around and shouted at them to stop. They started to run, and BellBringerGreen gave chase. He had his Colt 1911 from his military days with him, and that reassured him. After about ten minutes of chasing, he had cornered the absconder. They began to draw a weapon, but BellBringerGreen was much faster. His sights settled on the target, and he squeezed the trigger. What followed was the loudest sound BellBringerGreen had ever heard - a click. Suddenly, the words of his old drill sergeant never seemed more appropriate: "All skill is in vain when an Angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket." Was the lack of gun maintenance really going to be his end? BellBringerGreen barely had time to process these thoughts when two bullets struck him in the chest, and he fell backwards, collapsing in a heap as his life bled away from him.

Justin the Townie has been killed.
BellBringerGreen the Veteran is dead.

You have until Midnight GMT on the 16th (~25 hours) to vote. If more than 3 people request it (by PM), I will extend to the following day.
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Ok guys we need to think about who's left;

Now after looking at this I can name Lynn as someone I haven't seen post yet. We need to all come together and try and work out who is mafia. We need to read all posts and compile who we find guilty. We haven't worked together throughout and right now we have lost too many of our own! We have found one mafia but we need the final 3! WE CAN DO IT!