Here's a crazy theory, but I am not sure it adds up - Please help me out here!
There was a kill missing from the previous night phase. Yet as Kuma just said, our Angel claims to have been RoleBlocked - So it could obviously not heal anyone that night. Our Veteran also claims to not have been targeted, and there should have been a message if the Reviver got killed but got brought back to life. As far as I know, there are no other protective roles around, as I believe the Jack of all Trades used his healing ability earlier on and got shot that night either way.
... So what if the Mafia member in question simply did not use their action? Is that a possibility? Then our supposed Angel (Who has not been checked by our Detective) could have claimed to have been RoleBlocked when in truth that person is Mafia, and simply knew that MissNoodles the Banshee would not have targeted anyone that night. Does that make sense? Hmm..