Mafia TBT Mafia ~ The Binding of Isaac ~ Town Wins!

The night is now over. No further actions will be accepted. Please give me up to one hour to create the day post, and up to two hours to send out all informational PMs such as observer links to the dead. Kind of swamped tonight. Thank you.
Will be home in half an hour. Sorry there is traffic!
The night is now over. No further actions will be accepted. Please give me up to one hour to create the day post, and up to two hours to send out all informational PMs such as observer links to the dead. Kind of swamped tonight. Thank you.

No problem buddy

- - - Post Merge - - -

God help us all

Don't be mean just because you were caught.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also, feel free to refer to me as BeaverMan.
What else would I call you?

Day 2:

"Darkness deepened as night's curtain fell..
Now it was the monsters time to play..
For many, things did not end so well..
And some did not survive 'til day.."

SarasaKat was devoured by evil. Their role is revealed to be Isaac.
Runeraider turned into liquid flesh. Their role is revealed to be The Blue Baby.
Beardo got torn to shreds. Their role is revealed to be a Victim.
Trojan's life ended abruptly, and their body was mutilated for hours. Their role is revealed to be a Victim.


Their role descriptions are:

Starting Item: The D6.
The D6 can be used to perform three different actions, two times each. During the Night phase you have 2x Roleblocks, 2x Doctor protections, and 2x Sheriff investigations.

The Blue Baby
Passive Ability: You cannot be protected at night.
Starting Item: The Book of Revelations.
Once per night phase, the foresight of the book can be used to protect another player from dying. You will sacrifice your own life, but you will also take the killer down with you. You cannot target the same player two nights in a row, and you cannot target yourself. This item has unlimited uses.

Starting Item: None.

Starting Item: None.

In an act of desperation, one of you picked up the..


Sacrifical Dagger.

Item information: It is time for vengance. The Sacrifical Dagger can be used to kill a player during the day phase, before the lynch. However, when a kill is attempted to be made with this item, due to it's short range, everyone in the thread will know who made the attack. The attack made by this item cannot be resisted, regardless of any immunity, and it removes all extra lives at once. If the winner of this item choose not to sacrifice anyone before the end of Day 2, this item will expire once night comes. It cannot be traded away.

This item will be distributed to a random person within the game before the end of the hour. (Victim, Horror, or Sin)

You have 48 hours to decide on whom to lynch. Voting is done in this thread here: VOTING THREAD CLICKABLE!

Please be patient as I send out informational PMs, Observer chat links, update the timer, etc. It should all be taken care of soon enough. Thanks.
Okay so there's 2 KP for each team probably. Guess 4 of each(3 for Mafia with ness's death). So 7 scum left?
the most optimal way to use the dagger is on mom/gluttony/bloat if we get any of them it will be great