Mafia TBT Mafia ~ The Binding of Isaac ~ Town Wins!

Actually, wait, no. I feel like Ayaya kind of dodged some of my points there without really even replying to it. She didn't mention a lick about the vague stuff or any other point I made in my last two quotes of hers. Also, she said she townread Ness for saying Eve would get another bird if he was killed. How is that a basis for a townread? I don't see any townslips in there soo. If anything, it's a non-Eve slip.

Also, I townread Daniel at this point. He anti-3rd party slipped earlier in the game, and considering he was against Ness the whole game, I doubt he's a Horror.

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Does Third Party use KP though?

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The thrid party roles seem to be more for tampering and causing confusing than actually killing players.
This was the anti-3rd party slip I was talking about. I mean he could have faked it but I doubt it.

(Read the whole thing because I do calm down after a bit, but I left it in because I thought it was funny :D )

also trigger warning, im gonna try and keep this as kid-friendy as i can but seriously i am reeeeeaaaally annoyed at every single one of you for giving daniel a free pass on this matter

and daniel dont hate me or think im making a personal attack on you because im not, its just that you screwed up real hard and i need to put this out there

also be warned because i am viewing this objectively which noone seemed to do and just saw that hes a bit sad and went 'oh well, hes a bit sad. i know that if im sad i would say that i screwed up, will do a intentionally scummy thing such as annoy the town and generally confirm myself as mafia, la dee da'

its moments like these that endless needs to be here so that he can serve justice



tell me with a straight face that out of context that doesnt look like scum giving up completely

read that post again imagining that daniel was town. it literaly makes no sense whatsoever.

now, read it now that you know daniel is scum. OH LOOK IT MAKES SENSE NOW

OK, I'm a bit calmer now, so I'm going to try and talk about this more civilly.
If, as everyone seems to believe, Daniel was indeed town, he would not being saying that he 'screwed up'. He would be saying that the town screwed up, wouldn't he?

And all this isn't even taking into account that he was emotionally charged at the time. Even if (I'm gonna get yelled at for even suggesting this) the relative dying story was a ruse, it still makes no sense whatsoever that they would post this. The last but about annoying town is a bit more believable, because he would be vengeful towards town for killing him. However, this is again directly contradicted IN THE SAME POST by him saying that he screwed up. It's a no brainer that he would be saying, like Luca for some reason, that town is the one who screwed up for voting him. There's no way to argue against it.

So then, why did Ness push on Daniel? Because Ness is mafia, and Daniel is third party. Simple. It makes the most sense out of literally any other interpretation you could come up with.

So, in conclusion, Daniel is third party, and there's no way I will ever change my mind. I would be incredibly annoyed if Daniel isn't killed at some point, and I would advise any vigs to kill him.

Just woke up and feeling a lot better, I think I'll be fine now. Anyways, what I meant by i dug myself in a whole, was me just being upset that my trying to change my playstyle didn't work again(last game I did and panda shot me out of the change). I just felt that no matter who I said it wouldn't change anyone's mind. I'm usually always scummy as town and I was frustrated by it. Think about it, what logical reason would I have for doing that as scum? That post came 3 hours before voted ended and I think Lucanosa was in the lead( I was very close behind). In no way I would I have given up as scum when I wasn't in extreme danger yet. That post was just me being frustrated at the game that I didn't even want to play anymore. It would make no sense to do that as scum that early.
5 hours and 15 minutes left until the night phase ends. Please do not forget to send in your actions.
I doubt I'll be killed tonight by scum, since it's very likely that they'll leave me alive for a mislynch D2. So I'll do little reads in a bit. But I think when people are posting reads, they shouldn't be using "town". As in this early in the game, everyone is town in some way as they're all scumhunting. A better term to use would be anti Mafia or anti Third party if they were bashing heads with a scum member.

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The only thing that really throws me off about Ayaya is that she's usually very active. Last game she was one to speculate about roles and claims a lot, and to want to end the conversation about KP(which is a very important disscusion and would be best to talk about early game). She also seemed to kinda ignore what was going on when the others were scumhunting and just went for Jacob. I think it's unusual behavior, but I don't think it's enough to call her scum. I'm waiting for D2 to see how she plays, and that will help me decide.

Possible Mafia/Third Party:
Panda(She has calmed down a bit though so I'm backing off a bit on her for now)
Lucanosa(Acting like he did a lot to help, when in the end he didn't even move the "placeholder" vote)
Beaver/Trundle(Just shows up at the weirdest of times and doesn't really do much, he also regurgitated what I said earlier about everyone scumhunting too)

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Oh sorry for that really Annoying red bold.
Yo Daniel, what're your thoughts on me and Rune?

You're doing typical Townie Behavior, but like a said before, everyone is looking for scum. So I'm putting you as null.

Rune...I haven't gotten a real grip on yet. They're doing all their reads at night now, after the lynch but at least it's something. Scum Rune was very quiet and useless but this game he isn't. I have rune as null too.
Really? Even though I made a case with holes in it?

It's just his behavior that is very different from his scum play. It's just so drastically different. I think the best thing to do would be to wait for the death results and I can work my reads on that even more. I think D2 will be a really productive day.
It's just his behavior that is very different from his scum play. It's just so drastically different. I think the best thing to do would be to wait for the death results and I can work my reads on that even more. I think D2 will be a really productive day.
Nono, I was surprised at your null read of me. I get Rune's :p
Im glad that this night isn't as quiet than I've seen in other games. Comparing this game to papers please has its pros and cons, you can see if someone changed or not, but I hope people don't get lost in the meta, and sometimes look at the bigger picture. For example, I see differences in doughs play style and I think they are town.
Anyway I have slight scum reads on lucanosa and trundle based on some posts I've been reading. So yeah those are my thoughts for rn

Expect a better post within 12 hours and a small spoke of activity maybe. My moms in the hospital with pneumonia still so it's still a maybe as if right now
the **** is trojan

What do you mean? Like where the **** is trojan or is that suppose to be some other word for scum?

Just wondering... I'll save it for D2 but my previous thoughts on him/her (whoever noted we should have gender verification in OP or something brilliant idea btw) still stand. I'll have to go through older mafia games, probably would take forever, but Trojan has been so quiet this entire time, did they even have a vote on D1? idk, like I said I'll save it for day 2 incase for whatever reason they get night killed.
What do you mean? Like where the **** is trojan or is that suppose to be some other word for scum?

Just wondering... I'll save it for D2 but my previous thoughts on him/her (whoever noted we should have gender verification in OP or something brilliant idea btw) still stand. I'll have to go through older mafia games, probably would take forever, but Trojan has been so quiet this entire time, did they even have a vote on D1? idk, like I said I'll save it for day 2 incase for whatever reason they get night killed.
Anyone remember in Papers Please Mafia that I asked preferred pronouns in the RQS and people thought it was pointless
Less than 1 hour and 30 minutes left to send in actions, ladies and gentlemen.

Furthermore, Soda Fox is experiencing computer issues and has requested to be removed from the game. They will be replaced by Cory.
Did someone bomb chub because I heard chub dislikes smoke
I doubt I'll be killed tonight by scum, since it's very likely that they'll leave me alive for a mislynch D2. So I'll do little reads in a bit. But I think when people are posting reads, they shouldn't be using "town". As in this early in the game, everyone is town in some way as they're all scumhunting. A better term to use would be anti Mafia or anti Third party if they were bashing heads with a scum member.

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The only thing that really throws me off about Ayaya is that she's usually very active. Last game she was one to speculate about roles and claims a lot, and to want to end the conversation about KP(which is a very important disscusion and would be best to talk about early game). She also seemed to kinda ignore what was going on when the others were scumhunting and just went for Jacob. I think it's unusual behavior, but I don't think it's enough to call her scum. I'm waiting for D2 to see how she plays, and that will help me decide.

Possible Mafia/Third Party:
Panda(She has calmed down a bit though so I'm backing off a bit on her for now)
Lucanosa(Acting like he did a lot to help, when in the end he didn't even move the "placeholder" vote)
Beaver/Trundle(Just shows up at the weirdest of times and doesn't really do much, he also regurgitated what I said earlier about everyone scumhunting too)

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Oh sorry for that really Annoying red bold.

I used what you said in order to defend myself because I agreed with your point. I have made posts in the game on what I believed was scum, and I still am pushing for Beardo. Although I have a few others in mind now. I've been fully caught up to the thread so far but I am not commenting on everything happening so as to not appear scummy by "regurgitating" aka agreeing with someone's points. If I die tonight I'll just let you know I sent in a kill on someone in this game, not going to say who though.
I will be home in about 1-2 hours. I will read through then because it's hard to do on my phone.
Less than 1 hour and 30 minutes left to send in actions, ladies and gentlemen.

Furthermore, Soda Fox is experiencing computer issues and has requested to be removed from the game. They will be replaced by Cory.

