There are two teams, you could be against each other??
I don't know, why would you. I have my ways to think you're suspicious so deal with it.
well idk what your problem is so
Just because you're defending her it doesn't mean you are on the same side/know you are on the same side. It's just my point of view, doesn't necessarily mean I'm 100% correct because, plus, you could be saying things for the sake of it. Just because you're defending a townie (in my point of view), it doesn't mean you are too, because town is UNINFORMED for unlike the informed scum and 3rd party teams.
sure, likely storyAlright, cool. Just letting you know, that was a reaction test as well as a question because I was unsure of your alignment, and you reacted pretty well. You don't seem very scummy to me right now.
@ Luca Because you're not dead yet.
I hate day ending while I'm at school >.> That being said, I'm leaning Daniel for a lynch because I feel like he's been extremely hypocritic this game, and refuses to acknowledge it. I don't feel like Luca's all that different than his normal play, N e s s is worrisome because of his anger but I don't think he's as bad as Daniel, and it seems like Panda's posts are starting to show more than just empty content.
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Beardo, you didn't even mention a Luca suspicion. What makes you vote him?
Dude, if you're town, defend yourself.
Also, I'm guessing you'd like to lynch Ness ideally? How is he more suspicious than you?
Yuup. Not a good sign tbh.Just woke up as well, I think I got like 10 pages to read through....
First thing I saw is Daniel vote for himself. What.
Quick reminder that lynch is in 30 minutes - I read meow's post but I wanna ISO Ness super quick for myself.
In the meanwhile:
Meow - what happened to your panda suspicion? Also, props on typing that all up on phone - that looks like it was a monster to type.
@bold Mind explaining the contradiction?
Also, I don't get how voting himself means he's town. The whole thing screams manipulative WIFOM (Wine in front of me) to me.
After ISOing Ness, Meow's points seem pretty solid - and I found his behavior/tone suspicious this game as well. However, Daniel still seems scummier to me, so I'm keeping my vote on him. Ness would be my second choice though.
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^ I think if one's inno the other is scum though
Post merge plz
That's enough to change my vote. I'd like to believe you're not the type to lie about **** like that, and I feel like that explains your weird play. My vote's on Ness now.
Next to join the discussion is SarasaKat. She mentioned she wanted to change her playstyle before the game started yet I'm seeing the same playstyle as in Papers Please here, which in that game made me think she's suspicious because she posts a lot to make it harder for town to find info. Though unlike Papers Please, half of the players are not posting as much so she did get a discussion going now. She also made newbies feel welcome and speak up which is good. Null for now but I hope you're town mom instead of scum mom this game lol.
Actually I was just using meta to point out that you're behaving similarly as you are in Papers Please and didn't want to make that mistake again assuming you're scum purely out of filler posts, hence the "(...) she did get a discussion going now. She also made newbies feel welcome and speak up which is good." part.
What's with all the "I'll wait until d2"
great so you end up dead and we get nothing
I did find Daniel more suspicious than Ness, but Ness was my second choice. I don't get how that's defending him? I think you're honestly starting to cling to OMGUS for an argument here.I'm gonna wait until D2 to make a general post to see if I die or not, there's something I want to make sure first from the deaths. Plus, There are two scum teams so it's a bit hard discerning between the two, I'm not sure if this is scum attacking town or another scumThere IS something I noticed though.
Kat made a huge post on me claiming I defended Ness (I didn't) when in fact, she seems more likely defending Ness with these posts? Notice the underlined part
Note how she keeps pushing Daniel instead of Ness, thinking Daniel is more suspicious while Ness is worrisome. It took her m3ow's post on Ness and Daniel's reply to change her vote.
I find it hypocritical that she thinks I'm defending Ness while she's pushing for Daniel instead of Ness here.
On top of that, her read on me has a number of misinterpretation and taking things out of context. Especially when she said that I'm contradicting myself between my reads on Panda and her, when she misinterpreted that as me painting her on a negative light. I CLEARLY said she got discussion going and got new players to talk which is good, which IMPLIES I don't find her as scummy, even ended it with "I hope you're town mom instead of scum mom this time" Did she miss my reply to her too explaining the misunderstanding??
In conclusion, I know who I'm going to vote for tomorrow![]()
I thought you were addressing the lower part of my quote saying I was town in papers please and you replied saying you knew that and all of that jazz. The way you worded it sounded very much like a [suspicious point] BUT, [townie point]. If you only had positive things to say, then that sounds like a town read - not a null read, especially when you give Rune a town read for having nothing of his stand out to you.Ayaya said:On top of that, her read on me has a number of misinterpretation and taking things out of context. Especially when she said that I'm contradicting myself between my reads on Panda and her, when she misinterpreted that as me painting her on a negative light. I CLEARLY said she got discussion going and got new players to talk which is good, which IMPLIES I don't find her as scummy, even ended it with "I hope you're town mom instead of scum mom this time" Did she miss my reply to her too explaining the misunderstanding??
1) Jesus your post is hard to process.*cracks knuckles* Alrighty, here we go.Hello, and welcome to the part where Rune makes himself look like a scummy scrub because he wanted to defend someone. I did see quite a few flaws here, so I'm going to point them out and then give my read on Kat at the end.
Also, just so I don't get called out for anything dumb, I'm gonna put up signs to let you know when I'm making a joke, so you can't misread me, because apparently I need to do that now.
Is Ayaya a she? I don't know anymore. Someone please put up a gender reference sheet. Anyway, she was trying to cut off the conversation because it was a pretty unnecessary conversation, and she didn't say that people in the discussion were scummy. She said that if the conversation were to continue, scum would likely participate in order to fake activity. Bit of a misunderstanding here, although I don't think it was unintentional. More on that later.
OK, so I'm going to assume that there is some kind of explanation to this if it's in context, but since I haven't looked, I have no idea if that's true. So I'll let you have this one, besides the (awful) explanation that she missed it somehow and was just mindlessly quoting. I would like Ayaya to answer this, please.
This is probably a bit too far of a stretch here though.
Yeah, couldn't think of a good reason to do this. The problem with 2 team mafia is that I actually can't dismiss that Ayaya is scum even if you're pushing on them , because scum will actually be scumhunting for real instead of pretending. But maybe Ayaya didn't think those posts were necessary or meaningful? Or maybe they missed them while they were looking. There's more than two sides here.
Ooooh, let's!
RUNERAIDER HAS BEEN BANNED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: Making a slightly offensive joke and hurting someone's feelings on the internet.
This is the part where Kat begins to get a bit scummy. Ayaya wasn't reading Jacob as scum because he was trying to get a discussion going. She was scum reading him because he seemed to be not reading. The bit about getting a discussion going was what he was missing. Let me re-bold it for you.
What I've done here is bold the point Ayaya was trying to make and put in italics the evidence she was using. It wasn't that she was trying to scumread him because he was making pointless discussions at all, it was because he was deliberately ignoring posts that could incriminate him. This is quite a large oversight on Kat's part, and honestly I couldn't say this is a town move without using the (awful) argument of saying you somehow missed it.
On the other hand, here is her read of Daniel:
See how it's a completely different point?
This is just a nitpick, but for the sake of being complete and making myself feel superior, the word you're looking for there is an inconsistency. It wasn't a contradiction that you 'found', it was Ayaya being inconsistent with her reads. All in a days work for a Grammar Nazi!
In the former post, Ayaya is talking about her reaction in the GLORY TO ARSTOZKA game, in which she was town. Plus, you're taking this completely out of context. In the first post, she's talking about your meta as well as what she thought about you as town in another game. In the second post, she's talking about Panda, whose alliance is still not confirmed, and what she's thinking about her behavior in this game so far.
Plus, since this 'contradiction' (it's not a contradiction, it's a inconsistency) spans multiple games, there is an argument here. Now, I don't want to give my thoughts away here, because I really want to see what Ayaya says about this topic in particular and if it fits my theory, but it does explain the inconsistency here. I will post my theory after Ayaya responds specifically to this question.
@Ayaya: Please, why did you say that constant posting was a scumtell in the last game, and not in this game? If I'm right, this will be another debunk, but until I get word from her on this, it's still an unresolved point.
First of all, her post on me made me feel very unloved.
Secondly, this will probably be used against me later if this continues, so that's irratating.
And now my actual point - the answer is literally in your quote. She said right there that nothing in my replies stood out to her. Yes, that does seem like a null read, but considering that so many people have posted not a lot and I was quite active then, nothing scummy at all does seem like a slight townread to me. Read - slight. Not a very strong read at all, but she's leaning. If this really is mafia trying to cover up for me, it would probably be a bit more conclusive than leaning.
Already replied to this, see the first '''contradiction'''.
It wasn't so much as defending Ness than rebutting Jacob.
...Kind of like what I'm doing now...
OK, I'm going to just point this out before anyone has the chance to pull me up for this. I have a null read on Ayaya, and this isn't a post defending her, as you can see from the numerous times I conceded that it was a bad move on her part. I'm simply pointing out some discrepancies I saw in Kat's post. Don't say that I was defending Ayaya, and Ayaya's scum, therefore I'm scum. It's not like that at all.
For the first point, that's actually pretty decent but she isn't directly saying that she's reading Ness as scum yet. Instead, she' simply stating that there's a high chance that she'll read Ness as scum somewhere down the line. Not a defense.
Secondly, she is simply stating here that she found Ness to be odd, kind of like in the first post where she was finding his heated arguments at the start of the game odd because it was a lot more emotional than his earlier games. I do agree that her second post did seem pretty dismissive of Ness's behavior, but I do understand the mindset of wanting to focus on a specific scum read - it helps you to pick up on their scummy actions better and stay more focused on scumhunting. While I would probably be a bit more suspicious of Ness in this position, I would honestly probably be doing the same thing. A bit weird, but it's understandable in my opinion. Again, it's not a defense, which is probably my biggest problem here. You keep sayig that Ayaya is defending Ness here, when in reality she's simply dismissing and not focusing on Ness and his actions. This is not a defense.
So, I'm gonna try and keep this brief because this post is already so long. I will go into more detail later as well as give some more reads of who I think could be on the scum teams. Basically, I'm relatively sure that Kat is scum, more specifically on the third-party team. Not just for this post, mind you, but also for a number of other reasons which I'll talk about later.
Not true, actually.Anyway, she was trying to cut off the conversation because it was a pretty unnecessary conversation, and she didn't say that people in the discussion were scummy. She said that if the conversation were to continue, scum would likely participate in order to fake activity. Bit of a misunderstanding here, although I don't think it was unintentional. More on that later.
Seems pretty cut and dry that she meant scum is more likely to be in this than not.Ayaya said:I'll look further at the KP discussion later cause I think scum is more likely to participate in it so they look like they're contributing when the discussion of KP won't help (especially if they can misled town through night kills with it).
Thanks for taking the reaction test out of my case >.> Yes, I know and I completely agree with you. But I wanted to see how she'd react.Rune said:Yeah, couldn't think of a good reason to do this. The problem with 2 team mafia is that I actually can't dismiss that Ayaya is scum even if you're pushing on them , because scum will actually be scumhunting for real instead of pretending. But maybe Ayaya didn't think those posts were necessary or meaningful? Or maybe they missed them while they were looking. There's more than two sides here.
Ooh yeah, I see. I think I was just honing in on things that were contradiction-like at that point. However, there's two questions that my point raises now:
A. She found Daniel, who started discussion but was talking about KP (a scum tell in Ayaya's book) null, whereas she found Jacob, who started discussion but didn't read back super thoroughly (a scum tell in Ayaya's book) scummy?
B. What's so suspicious about not reading back thoroughly, especially from players who generally have a less impressive meta? Scum would want to read back b/c it gives them more ammunition to manipulate, and Town would for obvious reasons.
I replied to this in my first reply to Ayaya, but I thought she was addressing the lower part of my quote saying I was town in papers please and she replied saying she knew that and all of that jazz. The way she worded it sounded very much like a [suspicious point] BUT, [townie point]. If she only had positive things to say, then that sounds like a town read - not a null read, especially when she gave you a town read for having nothing of yours stand out to her.Rune said:In the former post, Ayaya is talking about her reaction in the GLORY TO ARSTOZKA game, in which she was town. Plus, you're taking this completely out of context. In the first post, she's talking about your meta as well as what she thought about you as town in another game. In the second post, she's talking about Panda, whose alliance is still not confirmed, and what she's thinking about her behavior in this game so far.
Plus, since this 'contradiction' (it's not a contradiction, it's a inconsistency) spans multiple games, there is an argument here. Now, I don't want to give my thoughts away here, because I really want to see what Ayaya says about this topic in particular and if it fits my theory, but it does explain the inconsistency here. I will post my theory after Ayaya responds specifically to this question.
@Ayaya: Please, why did you say that constant posting was a scumtell in the last game, and not in this game? If I'm right, this will be another debunk, but until I get word from her on this, it's still an unresolved point.
Bby :CRune said:First of all, her post on me made me feel very unloved.
Secondly, this will probably be used against me later if this continues, so that's irratating.
And now my actual point - the answer is literally in your quote. She said right there that nothing in my replies stood out to her. Yes, that does seem like a null read, but considering that so many people have posted not a lot and I was quite active then, nothing scummy at all does seem like a slight townread to me. Read - slight. Not a very strong read at all, but she's leaning. If this really is mafia trying to cover up for me, it would probably be a bit more conclusive than leaning.
Spin it in the other light though - she apparently saw nothing townie so according to your logic that'd imply a slight scumread, right? I don't really think it's scum covering for you, I think it's scum trying to get away with not having to make solid points.
First off, I don't think you're scum. Scum would have coasted and waited for Ayaya to reply.Rune said:It wasn't so much as defending Ness than rebutting Jacob.
...Kind of like what I'm doing now...
OK, I'm going to just point this out before anyone has the chance to pull me up for this. I have a null read on Ayaya, and this isn't a post defending her, as you can see from the numerous times I conceded that it was a bad move on her part. I'm simply pointing out some discrepancies I saw in Kat's post. Don't say that I was defending Ayaya, and Ayaya's scum, therefore I'm scum. It's not like that at all.
For the first point, that's actually pretty decent but she isn't directly saying that she's reading Ness as scum yet. Instead, she' simply stating that there's a high chance that she'll read Ness as scum somewhere down the line. Not a defense.
I actually don't think my point is as solid as you agree for it to be, though. The main point I was trying to paint is a contradiction, and even if someone has a slight scum lean on someone, then they can still have reservations as to why they're not full blown scum reading them.
It's not like she's just blowing Ness off though - she doesn't null read Ness. She town reads Ness. Gonna repeat that cause it's important here.Rune said:Secondly, she is simply stating here that she found Ness to be odd, kind of like in the first post where she was finding his heated arguments at the start of the game odd because it was a lot more emotional than his earlier games. I do agree that her second post did seem pretty dismissive of Ness's behavior, but I do understand the mindset of wanting to focus on a specific scum read - it helps you to pick up on their scummy actions better and stay more focused on scumhunting. While I would probably be a bit more suspicious of Ness in this position, I would honestly probably be doing the same thing. A bit weird, but it's understandable in my opinion. Again, it's not a defense, which is probably my biggest problem here. You keep sayig that Ayaya is defending Ness here, when in reality she's simply dismissing and not focusing on Ness and his actions. This is not a defense.
She town reads Ness.
That being said, let me change my wording in that post. She wasn't fiercely defending Ness with a sword and shield, obviously, but she was supportive of him enough to be apathetic towards his actions (and still thought he was town).
Hopefully that answers your concerns. And I can't wait for your argument post against me - I'd like to reply to it!
Slight TMI time: I'm actually awful with taking criticism (I cringe at myself and want to draw inward away from the source that's criticizing) , so I'm pretty proud of myself for getting through these. Now to do it all over again with Ayaya (yaayyy)
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gdi my bbcode broke ;N;
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Round 2! Hopefully I can remember to use HR breaks lolJust woke up, let me reply to this before looking at the thread
Firstly, my intention to cut it off was to stop us from discussing it further. I said before the game started that we might end up discussing who have which items instead of scumhunting on D1, and we didn't discuss items at all but ended up discussing KP, which is why I wanted it to stop. I did say though that it at least got a discussion going, that I already said towards you twice. That is meant as a positive comment because any discussion is better than just jokes or meme. It even got me to try discern scum from there (and apparently I was right since Ness ended up being scum)
The "scum might be hiding between them" idea was based on how previous games, scum are more likely to join/continue discussion about meta in games (ex: Ender joining Sataric in GoT, Daniel speculating about KP in GoT)
I didn't answer the question because I honestly don't know a better way. Maybe I should've answered with "You got us something to work with though" but at that time I was gonna be busy for the rest of the day and wanted to spend my remaining time reading the thread instead
That was a mistake on my part... I thought the discussion stopped after dough and I pointed it out so I stopped reading further to quote posts and code my post. I did see them when I read through the thread, but dough already seemed town for pointing it out and m3ow's post on Panda makes sense and fits with her meta from previous games, so I didn't see the need to mentioned them on my next post.
Plus this is D1, and I can only spend a few hours reading this thread, I didn't want to focus on players who I townread subconsciously and prefer to focus on anyone who I think is behaving weird.
I find Jacob to be scummy because of his other post (that I quoted there), while Daniel at that time didn't seem too odd for me from his posts. Those reads were also based on their other posts, I just used that list to start discerning scum bc like I said, scum is likely to join the discussion.
I didn't contradict myself because I did not intend to paint you on a negative light. I was just saying how I thought you were scum in the past game where you behave similarly in the game when you were town, my mistake was thinking someone is scum purely because they made a lot of filler posts (which in that game, I was still hesitant too) and did you not notice I refered to your play while I talking about Panda? This part
And I already said in my reply to you that you actually got a discussion going now with how we have more inactive players, something that I pointed out in Papers Please where it's good with lurkers but bad when other players are active.
Town-read on Rune and not null because his posts doesn't stand out to me, and his post about glad being town seem genuine. Null read on you because you mentioned that you want to change your playstyle but didn't, null on Panda because her filler posts isn't towntell to me (otherwise I would've pointed it out), null on Ness because of the "let's do some math here" comment.
Ok, I was townreading Ness and now I'm scumbuddies with him??? Firstly, I didn't think he's scum because of this claim:
I thought it was weird how he went back to playing aggressively and condescending to accusations pointed at him, instead of trying to play calmly and getting defensive. He behaved similarly to when he was Vengeful Veteran Granny in Scummy and with that claim, I thought he might be blue. I still think his aggressive playing is weird which is why I pointed it out.
I don't think I defended him at all?? He was acting weird to me but not enough to make me think he's scum, and as I said above, I thought he's a PR because he's behaving similarly as Scummy.
Where did I say I see a reason for a Ness lynch?
TL;DR You're taking what I said or don't say completely out of context and painting me as manipulating when I'm not???
But thank you for writing this post and explaining the flaw in my reads. I probably should be clearer in my points as it seems sometimes people misinterpret them as something else, when I tend to be clear about my point (ex if I don't state that you're weird/scummy in any of my posts, then I don't think you're scum)
Once again I did not see you as scummy for your amount of posts. Stop taking what I said out of context.
Gonna read the thread now.
Ok fair. Came off as a bit like you were condemning it.Ayaya said:Firstly, my intention to cut it off was to stop us from discussing it further. I said before the game started that we might end up discussing who have which items instead of scumhunting on D1, and we didn't discuss items at all but ended up discussing KP, which is why I wanted it to stop. I did say though that it at least got a discussion going, that I already said towards you twice. That is meant as a positive comment because any discussion is better than just jokes or meme. It even got me to try discern scum from there (and apparently I was right since Ness ended up being scum)
The "scum might be hiding between them" idea was based on how previous games, scum are more likely to join/continue discussion about meta in games (ex: Ender joining Sataric in GoT, Daniel speculating about KP in GoT)
I didn't answer the question because I honestly don't know a better way. Maybe I should've answered with "You got us something to work with though" but at that time I was gonna be busy for the rest of the day and wanted to spend my remaining time reading the thread instead![]()
Yeah I'm sure by now you guys are sick of seeing my reply to this. Same reply I gave to Rune and your post the post before I replied to Rune.Ayaya said:I didn't contradict myself because I did not intend to paint you on a negative light. I was just saying how I thought you were scum in the past game where you behave similarly in the game when you were town, my mistake was thinking someone is scum purely because they made a lot of filler posts (which in that game, I was still hesitant too) and did you not notice I refered to your play while I talking about Panda? This part
And I already said in my reply to you that you actually got a discussion going now with how we have more inactive players, something that I pointed out in Papers Please where it's good with lurkers but bad when other players are active.
Null on Ness because of a comment that I'm pretty sure was implied as a point for him being potential scum? How would your read on him have changed had he not said that? Still null, or town?Ayaya said:Town-read on Rune and not null because his posts doesn't stand out to me, and his post about glad being town seem genuine. Null read on you because you mentioned that you want to change your playstyle but didn't, null on Panda because her filler posts isn't towntell to me (otherwise I would've pointed it out), null on Ness because of the "let's do some math here" comment.
I JUST REALIZED THAT IM AN IDIOT. To answer your question, here:Ayaya said:Ok, I was townreading Ness and now I'm scumbuddies with him??? Firstly, I didn't think he's scum because of this claim:
I thought it was weird how he went back to playing aggressively and condescending to accusations pointed at him, instead of trying to play calmly and getting defensive. He behaved similarly to when he was Vengeful Veteran Granny in Scummy and with that claim, I thought he might be blue. I still think his aggressive playing is weird which is why I pointed it out.
I don't think I defended him at all?? He was acting weird to me but not enough to make me think he's scum, and as I said above, I thought he's a PR because he's behaving similarly as Scummy.
Where did I say I see a reason for a Ness lynch?
I thought you were saying "I see the logic in people's read of Ness". AND I WAS SO CONFUSED BY THAT LAST POINT BUT IT MAKES SENSE NOW. Sorry about that.Ayaya said:I can also see the logic in Ness' read, but I noticed how it's a bit odd that he went back to being aggressive in this game, when he said in previous games that he's trying to be less so.
A bunch of points you made here are "I forgot" or something along those lines so. Really depends if someone believes you or not. Considering there were points here that you obviously conceded to (with the whole vague thing, the leaving out of stuff, the ignoring question thing), I'm changing my read to neutral/slight scum read, mainly because there's someone else that I'm finding suspicious that I'd rather not out rn because I wanna clear this up first/I wanna see if they slip up further.
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Thank you for the replies though Ayaya - you helped clear up a lot of misconceptions I had.