Mafia TBT Mafia ~ The Binding of Isaac ~ Town Wins!

I'm trying to confuse Sloth. Mention as many possible ideas to make them question what action people actually take tonight

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Alexi do you still have teleporter did you ask sat about it

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Alexi do you still have teleporter did you ask sat about it

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Sat if someone gifts an item and the receiver dies that same day/night, does that cancel out the gifting

Sorry I went out for like an hour.
But yeah Sataric already answered your question. I still have the teleporter.
so what if we did this:
it's currently 4 v 1

Dough saves Panda. Oath uses milk. Panda inspects me/Alexi. Dough will prob die. Tomorrow it'll be 3 v 1. which is MYLO, but not LYLO. We NL tomorrow because Sloth will likely redirect the inspection. Next night use the inspection again. Sloth will have to choose between redirecting it or killing... They will likely kill a confirmed town. Even if they redirect it again, that's not so bad I guess because at least we'll have more people to make the decision
wow... ya we can do that.

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im pretty sure its Alexi though. i don't need dem damn contacts to see that >_<

Alexi, tonight can you use the teleporter on meow?

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I specify the use since we can't gift at night :)
This does two things.

If meow gets a PM saying that she was gifted an item, we lynch Alexi because Sloth is the only one who can gift at night.

If meow gets a PM saying that whatever likely special PM happens when the teleporter is used, then we lynch meow because Sloth can never use items.
we should PM Sataric to ask if all actions are sent in can we end phases early
Hey, good game bros
Sorry for causing so much confusion, but all due respect, this was the first confusing set-up I've played.

I need to keep on playing maf so I can get better.

Good luck to the town!!! Finish strong.
i want this to end this game is driving me crazy, i spend hours and days just wondering what the heck is actually going on here.

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you know what im thinking the contacts are just gonna confuse us even more.

if i inspect player A and Sloth redirects my action to Player B and we get back certain result, not knowing about the switch in action, then rely too much on that incorrect information then we might lose.
But you'd be told about the redirect. If you inspect Sloth, let's say Alexi, and Sloth redirects to inspect me, you're gonna get "oath is town" as a result.
Yeah Oath's right

No. You would only see the new results of your inspection. AKA the redirected targets result.

I would use them, why not? The worst that can happen is (like Oath said) it gets redirected to him, then it's just wasted since we already know he's confirmed Samson. Unless... It actually doesn't give clear results, then we're ****ed.

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OR if we're not informed of who was actually inspected incase it gets redirected?..
I think Im confusing myself nvm idek.
Day ends in 3 hours and 45 minutes and many of the votes are still missing, despite what a crucial point of the game that we are now in. Please do not let your team down by not voting. Modkills will be delivered if necessary.

Alrighty, so I've been working on the railroad on the wiki page and rereading to be absolutely sure for the next day and I came across this. At this point, hayden/doughssant/whatever the **** your name is and meow were the only two that hadn't voted. hayden/doughssant/whatever the **** your name is is basically confirmed doctor, and meow is confirmed as nothing. I wonder what team meow would be letting down.

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wow nice cool, only 3 votes? all I'm going to say about that is this:

I genuinely cannot tell who's scummier right now, Jacob, Mother, or Panda. Jacob seems to be protecting the both of them, so I can't tell which one is town and which are the two remaining scum.

Jacob is confirmed not Sloth but he claims a blue role, Guppy the Cat. So does Mother. Oath is pretty much 100% confirmed. Dough is as well. That's four. And then there's four blue deaths that have already happened- Crys, Minties, Rune, Sarasa. So Jacob says he really believes that there's 8 blue roles, but one of them definitely has to be lying. There's no way that there's the same amount of blue roles that there are townies. Like I understand that there's two scum teams, but with items, that just doesn't seem balanced. So the remaining scum are definitely hiding in 1 blue role and 1 town role.

I don't know why everyone thinks that him claiming that the bomb hit him clears him. Jacob slipped up his role just like he did in GoT mafia when he claimed to Minties. He KNEW he was going to be lynched because of what Minties was saying about his slip, so he did the only thing that he could. tbh I'm going to be repeating myself here again. I still think Minties bombed Ayaya because of this:

She literally says that Oath shouldn't shoot Jacob. So then why would she bomb him? She was calling out Ayaya, she was extremely sus of Ayaya and so was everyone else. She just doesn't seem like a likely target for mafia imo.

Going back to his older posts:

LOL no lynch. He was told by EVERYONE in Papers, Please how bad a no lynch is. Actually, this post sounds exactly like Papers, Please. This post is literally the first thing he said when I made two cases, on Panda and on Ness. And somehow he still says that "there is a whole lot of nothing" when others including myself are able to make cases. I understand D1 is the hardest to get reads from, but sometimes you just have to push people to see their reaction. He admits that Ness is being scummy, then he proceeds to vote for Daniel. He changed his vote last second when he realized he didn't want to be one of the only ones still voting for Daniel.

And here's Papers Please when he was mafia:

And now with how Jacob just votes me and dips on a crucial day like today lol

First of all, I would love to see you explain how you think Alexi is trying more than I am. Second of all, what reasoning? And you genuinely believe there's just as many blue roles as there are townies? Technically there'd be more blue roles than townies with that logic (unless I'm not counting right) because one scum is definitely hiding in the townies.

I'm voting Jacob. Minties last request was to go back to what the dead players have said, including her. And everything she says just points to Jacob.

This is super rushed again cause I just woke up, sorry

meow you say i was basically 100% confirmed, and I was telling everyone that Jacob was confirmed.

why were you making a case on him

I think we found our scum guys