Mafia TBT Mafia VIII: Dark Lord Ascending [Game Over/Town Win]

I barely just came back from school and Cory gets lynched as a Town. While Townie may not be too big of a loss, he was barely trying :/ I see no reason why Cory should have been a distraction to Town.
I copied a pm with Cory after the votes were set. I'll share it when I get home. (Btw Cory ur a fool)
I copied a pm with Cory after the votes were set. I'll share it when I get home. (Btw Cory ur a fool)

And grass is green, news at eleven. Might as well put this out here in case a rumor holds true, shooting me has disastrous consequences for town. I really recommend different targets, specifically one of the names that had been brought up for lynch but went no where or was derailed.

1. DarkNightMoon
2. Me (Though honestly I thought I refuted the case well and I'm not He Who Must Not Be Named)
3. Blue Leaf
4. Kit (Let's been honest we've all been eying them)
5. Jeremy

Not including Mafia Ally Cory, these were people who had been brought up to lynch or had the rope dangling over them at one point because of suspicion. With that in mind, I really urge you all to keep on eye on at least one person. Tina. Dangerous to mafia as town, dangerous to town as mafia. I'm really curious about why Ashtot, Gandalf, and Lynn105 were all targeted instead of stronger players. There's the possibility that the docs had loose lips sure and Ashtot stumbled upon something he shouldn't have. But why not target people like Oath2order, Superpenguin, Trundle, Tina, Justin or me night 1 if mafia didn't actually know the docs?

More importantly, where on earth are our Vets? You guys need to step up to the plate tonight, seriously, as you're our line of defense to protect Vigilantes, Trackers/Watchers, and Alignment Cop. After that, it falls to us Brave Wizards to step up to buy the blues more time if absolutely necessary. Put yourselves out there, let word leak you're one of the roles you're trying to protect. Hiding in the shadows helps no one but Mafia.
And grass is green, news at eleven. Might as well put this out here in case a rumor holds true, shooting me has disastrous consequences for town. I really recommend different targets, specifically one of the names that had been brought up for lynch but went no where or was derailed.

1. DarkNightMoon
2. Me (Though honestly I thought I refuted the case well and I'm not He Who Must Not Be Named)
3. Blue Leaf
4. Kit (Let's been honest we've all been eying them)
5. Jeremy

Not including Mafia Ally Cory, these were people who had been brought up to lynch or had the rope dangling over them at one point because of suspicion. With that in mind, I really urge you all to keep on eye on at least one person. Tina. Dangerous to mafia as town, dangerous to town as mafia. I'm really curious about why Ashtot, Gandalf, and Lynn105 were all targeted instead of stronger players. There's the possibility that the docs had loose lips sure and Ashtot stumbled upon something he shouldn't have. But why not target people like Oath2order, Superpenguin, Trundle, Tina, Justin or me night 1 if mafia didn't actually know the docs?

More importantly, where on earth are our Vets? You guys need to step up to the plate tonight, seriously, as you're our line of defense to protect Vigilantes, Trackers/Watchers, and Alignment Cop. After that, it falls to us Brave Wizards to step up to buy the blues more time if absolutely necessary. Put yourselves out there, let word leak you're one of the roles you're trying to protect. Hiding in the shadows helps no one but Mafia.

If you were asking if I was in contact with either Gandalf or Lynn105, I wasn't (not sure exactly what you were saying). I assume I was targeted because I was on the right track with my suspect list but we can't tell for sure.

Here is the conversation I had with Cory about thirty minutes before the day ended:

[18:28] <Cory> No
[18:28] <AshtotPC> so what is your real role and what actions did you use?
[18:28] <Cory> Townie
[18:29] <AshtotPC> That's the easiest role to claim
[18:29] <Cory> Ok
[18:29] <Cory> Don't believe me then
[18:29] <AshtotPC> ok?
[18:29] <AshtotPC> well my question is, why play so scummy if you're a townie?
[18:30] <Cory> Idk why
[18:30] <Cory> That's the only play style I'm really used to
[18:30] <AshtotPC> but in past games you don't deliberately trick town into thinking you're scum
[18:30] <AshtotPC> to get them to waste a lynch
[18:31] <Cory> Because I'm careful as scum
[18:32] <AshtotPC> but seriously whats the point of doing that to us
[18:32] <Cory> Idk I was bored
[18:32] <AshtotPC> its playing against your win condition
[18:32] <Cory> Not really
[18:32] <AshtotPC> yeah really
[18:32] <AshtotPC> making your teammates think your scum
[18:32] <Cory> I want to deduct the chances of the drunk
[18:32] <AshtotPC> that doesn't even make any sense
[18:33] <Cory> If I'm drunk it will help town

Basically what I gathered is that Cory was a bored townie who figured he should make the game interesting by trolling us.
No wasn't implying you were, I just thought it strange that you three were targeted. Lynn as revenge, you and Gandalf for suspicions? Who knows.
And grass is green, news at eleven. Might as well put this out here in case a rumor holds true, shooting me has disastrous consequences for town. I really recommend different targets, specifically one of the names that had been brought up for lynch but went no where or was derailed.

1. DarkNightMoon
2. Me (Though honestly I thought I refuted the case well and I'm not He Who Must Not Be Named)
3. Blue Leaf
4. Kit (Let's been honest we've all been eying them)
5. Jeremy

Not including Mafia Ally Cory, these were people who had been brought up to lynch or had the rope dangling over them at one point because of suspicion. With that in mind, I really urge you all to keep on eye on at least one person. Tina. Dangerous to mafia as town, dangerous to town as mafia. I'm really curious about why Ashtot, Gandalf, and Lynn105 were all targeted instead of stronger players. There's the possibility that the docs had loose lips sure and Ashtot stumbled upon something he shouldn't have. But why not target people like Oath2order, Superpenguin, Trundle, Tina, Justin or me night 1 if mafia didn't actually know the docs?

More importantly, where on earth are our Vets? You guys need to step up to the plate tonight, seriously, as you're our line of defense to protect Vigilantes, Trackers/Watchers, and Alignment Cop. After that, it falls to us Brave Wizards to step up to buy the blues more time if absolutely necessary. Put yourselves out there, let word leak you're one of the roles you're trying to protect. Hiding in the shadows helps no one but Mafia.

Well, if there's any Mafia on the list - wouldn't they know they're being targeted and use a defense charm? Then it'd be a waste of a shot. And blue roles should probably not go on Karla's profile to send in their actions because apparently in a previous game that was how they blue-sniped.
FFS Cory. He really does just like being the centre of attention.

With that in mind, I really urge you all to keep on eye on at least one person. Tina. Dangerous to mafia as town, dangerous to town as mafia.

Watch me as closely as you like. PM me if you think it'll help. That goes to everyone; not just Tom.
And grass is green, news at eleven. Might as well put this out here in case a rumor holds true, shooting me has disastrous consequences for town. I really recommend different targets, specifically one of the names that had been brought up for lynch but went no where or was derailed.

1. DarkNightMoon
2. Me (Though honestly I thought I refuted the case well and I'm not He Who Must Not Be Named)
3. Blue Leaf
4. Kit (Let's been honest we've all been eying them)
5. Jeremy

Not including Mafia Ally Cory, these were people who had been brought up to lynch or had the rope dangling over them at one point because of suspicion. With that in mind, I really urge you all to keep on eye on at least one person. Tina. Dangerous to mafia as town, dangerous to town as mafia. I'm really curious about why Ashtot, Gandalf, and Lynn105 were all targeted instead of stronger players. There's the possibility that the docs had loose lips sure and Ashtot stumbled upon something he shouldn't have. But why not target people like Oath2order, Superpenguin, Trundle, Tina, Justin or me night 1 if mafia didn't actually know the docs?

More importantly, where on earth are our Vets? You guys need to step up to the plate tonight, seriously, as you're our line of defense to protect Vigilantes, Trackers/Watchers, and Alignment Cop. After that, it falls to us Brave Wizards to step up to buy the blues more time if absolutely necessary. Put yourselves out there, let word leak you're one of the roles you're trying to protect. Hiding in the shadows helps no one but Mafia.

Mafia Ally. That's a good way to describe him.

For the most part, I agree with this. I find it odd that we don't have any veteran claims.

Who do you guys think should be inspected? I like Tom's list. Doing an inspection on them would be a good idea. Though, I think that our best bet would be to inspect pallycake or Kuma. Those two have been extremely quiet.
If ANYONE is caught using TBT Confessions or another platform to anonymously reveal information (within reason), I will PERMANENTLY ban them from any future games I host. If you use information from such sources, I will also ban you. Disregard anything you read there.