Advise about the spoiler
just go on "full website" version don't use mobile version because you might miss something like spoilers, you can't see the spoilers.
I just wanted to point out that Kit hasn't really posted anything for a long time which is really strange, and that the inactives really need to step up and at least post.
There was the distant rumble of thunder overhead as DarkNightMoon moved through the streets of London. She was following a lead, hoping to catch a Death Eater in the act. Unfortunately, they too had a lead, and it was on DarkNightMoon.
Jeremy heard the thunder too and a slight shiver ran down his spine. It sounded unnatural, almost like an omen. He would shortly be proved correct. Jeremy thought he was safe in his house.
Across the city, there was a battle underway. Karen was trading spells with several attackers. Backed into a corner, she resigned herself to her fate. Suddenly, a door behind her opened and ACNL noodle called out to her, "Quickly, in here!" She ducked through the doorway without a second thought while ACNL noodle covered her retreat. Running up the stairs, she turned to check on her saviour, but ACNL noodle was slumped against the wall, a dagger buried in his chest. This wasn't the end of her troubles, for she heard hissing. As she turned her head, she found herself face to face with a large snake. Karen barely had time to scream as the snake lunged at her throat. DarkNightMoon aka Mad-Eye Moody is dead. Jeremy the Brave Wizard is dead. ACNL noodle aka Dobby is dead. Karen aka Kingsley Shacklebolt is dead.
You have 48 hours to vote for who to send to Azkaban. PM me if you were expecting a night action response.
This game, I've noticed the people mention that they are too busy, too sick, or just otherwise not paying attention to the game. Dolby, Kuma, and FireNinja1.
There's about five scum suspicions here. I know there's only four scum left, but these are people I'm suspicious of.
Read the Truffle quote. It again confirms that Kayla knew that Truffle would be modkilled. Now, why would Kayla want to do this? Simple. Truffle knew four out of the six mafia team. He also did not know that beary was scum, so that's five out of six right there. I'm thinking that Kayla wanted to get modkilled to protect her scum team, who I believe are not strong enough players to defend themselves, and/or are players who are inactive in the game.
Which leaves me to Dolby, Kuma, and FireNinja1.
Let's start with the obvious.
Dolby is easy. He's the self-proclaimed blue sniper. Just look at his user title. "Genuine bluesniper". And look at the majority of the deaths. The two watcher/trackers and the two doctors. I find this a little fascinating. Lynn, sure, we can chalk that up to a retaliation kill. But Gandalf? I doubt he'd be claiming anything. Karen? She had been getting a lot of roles from people. DNM? A lynch candidate who we all thought was scum. Why would mafia kill an obvious lynch candidate?
Before somebody accuses me of being scum because two blues died I would like to point out
A) Lynn caught beary and was definitely not going to get acussed anytime soon
B) Some people think that Gandalf should always die night one
Either the mafia killed two people and used two addiontial spells or three people were targeted last night, if you were targeted speak up, if you are aware that you were role blocked though and there is somebody claiming protected in the thread then claim in thread, this will prevent mafia being cleared as town (downside is that mafia finds a blue)
The whole "Gandalf dying night one" thing isn't as mentioned as much as it used to be. Even so, it's more of an IRC thing. Funny how Dolby uses this as a defense. I find it odd that he wanted a roleblock target to claim.
He was also one of the people who was looking on Karla's userpage before night ended.
Kuma is oddly not playing this game. I mean, she's playing, but she's not playing.
I said that because I was joking with the whole Harry Potter theme. You said scumlord so my joking mind thought "VOLDEMORT" as he is a leader of a bad group in the Harry Potter series, or at least in Book 5. Murray, you said yourself that 90% of the time in the irc, everyone is joking around about mafia. Of course, I was telling the truth about not being mafia.
Today, we can all agree that Jeremy is going to be lynched, but Kayla could've easily made that visitor message as an attempt to frame Jeremy, in my opinion.
Of course, the wording here is odd. "Of course I was telling the truth". Whenever I hear someone say "well of course that's what it is" that makes me thing of some very bad scum acting to scum.
She did defend Jeremy though. Attempt to appear pro-town?
Look all his posts have pretty much been attacking Kit and DNM. Easy players. Seems to me like he's just going with the lynch candidates that everybody else has been going with.
Now, finally, what I've been waiting for. Let's look at the two people that I've been looking forward to building a case on. Justin and Murray.
As for the Justin being scum thing, that post didn't initially raise any red flags, but I dunno... Justin's someone who I feel like I know, and just seems like something he'd say. Though, I did have a pm with him on irc in which I tried to talk to him about mafia and he seemed pretty scared to reveal any kind of role.
It just seems like if he were mafia he'd try harder to cover it up, like claim something.
I'm still waiting on the evidence. For Justin of all people to make a baseless claim like this, given what happened in Cell Mafia, I'm a little surprised.
I agree, the case on Justin isn't entirely the best. But wait, there's more!
[01:11] <Murray> if theoretically i was a mafia, how should i act so that i dont look suspicious???
[01:11] <Tom29193> act like kit
[01:11] <Murray> asking for a friend
[01:11] <&Jubs> first step
[01:11] <&Jubs> don't ask that question
[01:12] <+Minties> **** kit
[01:12] <Murray> its my first game !!
[01:12] <&Jubs> ok murray well
[01:12] <&Jubs> the second step is
[01:12] <&Jubs> go into chatzy
[01:12] <&Jubs> and tell everyone you're mafia
[01:12] <&Jubs> can you do that for m
[01:12] <&Jubs> e
[01:12] <@ZR388> Murray
[01:13] <@ZR388> are you town
[01:13] <&Jubs> Murray are you mafia
[01:13] <Murray> TOO MANY QUESTIONS
[01:13] <&Jubs> wow
[01:13] <&Jubs> scum
[01:13] <Murray> what is chatzy
[01:13] <&Jubs> already melting over the pressure
[01:13] <&Jubs> we found scum guys
[01:13] <oath2order> Chatzy was the replacement IRC for weeaboo mafia
surely saying who to inspect will result in an Imperius Curse (makes them show up as mafia) being cast on them~ so no matter what they will come mafia?
I find this interesting. In my experience, newer players don't usually read anything. Murray did. Not the best case, but he seemed to know what exactly mafia could do.
Interesting. First you say the IRC stuff is a joke and shouldn't be taken seriously, now you accuse Kuma of a scum slip.
So, I've been trying to get Murray's role out of him. I have a large list of names, and I've been getting roleclaims left and right. I tried to find the DT last night. I don't know if Justin is the DT. But this is what I had said.
[01:20] <oath2order> Hey, quick question. Who are you inspecting tonight?
[01:20] <Jubs> lol you're not phishing out my role like that
[01:20] <oath2order> ****
[01:20] <oath2order> worth a shot
[01:20] <Jubs> go home oath
[01:21] <oath2order> I am home
[01:21] <Jubs> yeah, you're worth a shot in the back
And thenconversations with Murray.
April 11th
[02:23] <Murray> do you have any cc's yet?
[02:23] <oath2order> no
[02:24] <Murray> then you musnt have that many?
[02:24] <oath2order> Well, it's possible some of them are claiming townie
[02:24] <Murray> either that or your maf phishing
[02:24] <Murray> you actually got blue claims
[02:24] <Murray> ?
[02:24] <oath2order> Yes
[02:33] <oath2order> I mean the one way to clarify this all is to tell me your role name
[02:33] <Murray> maybe
[02:34] <oath2order> Well, I'll be lurking, so just drop me a PM whenever ya want then
[02:35] <Murray> if anything ill tell u on irc
[02:35] <oath2order> alright
[02:38] <Murray> i might have ur very first cc (not me)
[02:38] <oath2order> oh?
[02:38] <Murray> give me some time though
[02:38] <Murray> ill get back to you
[02:38] <oath2order> Aright
Spoiler alert he never got back to me
[22:48] <oath2order> Is there a specific reason you're being so hostile?
[22:48] <Murray> cos ur role phishing
[22:48] <oath2order> I'm looking for roles yes
[22:48] <Murray> unless you have evidence that can let me trust you
[22:48] <Murray> no matter how useless my role is
[22:48] <Murray> i wont tell you
[01:32] <oath2order> Quick thing, who are you inspecting tonight?
[01:32] <Murray> ye nice try
[01:32] <oath2order> god damn it
[01:32] <Murray> lol
[01:34] <oath2order> so then, who was your [role name redacted] claim?
[01:35] <Murray> ye nice try
[01:37] <Murray> what did jer claim
[01:37] <oath2order> Townie
[01:38] <oath2order> He won't back off of that claim
[01:39] <oath2order> Like you have no idea how strongly I pushed him on his role
[01:39] <Murray> did you ask him who he's gonna investigate tonight -.-
[01:39] <oath2order> nope, didn't think to
[01:54] <oath2order> yeah he says he's not dt
Am I the only one who finds it interesting that Murray and Justin both used the word "phishing"? In all of the other claims I have, nobody used the word phishing. To me, this looks a lot like the callback to AC Mafia, where Cory and Kit both used the exact same words when I asked them for their role. This is how I started to suspect Karla in that game. From the looks of it, it's an experienced player telling the newer player how to deal with people asking for roles, however, the new player uses the exact same wording of the experienced player, showing them as scum.
I find this interesting. In my experience, newer players don't usually read anything. Murray did. Not the best case, but he seemed to know what exactly mafia could do.
- If you admit that it's not the best case, why put it in. Putting in such a bad far fetched generalisation seems like your trying to get something out of nothing
Interesting. First you say the IRC stuff is a joke and shouldn't be taken seriously, now you accuse Kuma of a scum slip.
- Idk if you've noticed but every game I've been calling kuma scum as a joke - and you really think I don't see the irony?
So, I've been trying to get Murray's role out of him. I have a large list of names, and I've been getting roleclaims left and right. I tried to find the DT last night. I don't know if Justin is the DT. But this is what I had said.
[01:20] <oath2order> Hey, quick question. Who are you inspecting tonight?
[01:20] <Jubs> lol you're not phishing out my role like that
[01:20] <oath2order> ****
[01:20] <oath2order> worth a shot
[01:20] <Jubs> go home oath
[01:21] <oath2order> I am home
[01:21] <Jubs> yeah, you're worth a shot in the back
And thenconversations with Murray.
April 11th
[02:23] <Murray> do you have any cc's yet?
[02:23] <oath2order> no
[02:24] <Murray> then you musnt have that many?
[02:24] <oath2order> Well, it's possible some of them are claiming townie
[02:24] <Murray> either that or your maf phishing
[02:24] <Murray> you actually got blue claims
[02:24] <Murray> ?
[02:24] <oath2order> Yes
[02:33] <oath2order> I mean the one way to clarify this all is to tell me your role name
[02:33] <Murray> maybe
[02:34] <oath2order> Well, I'll be lurking, so just drop me a PM whenever ya want then
[02:35] <Murray> if anything ill tell u on irc
[02:35] <oath2order> alright
[02:38] <Murray> i might have ur very first cc (not me)
[02:38] <oath2order> oh?
[02:38] <Murray> give me some time though
[02:38] <Murray> ill get back to you
[02:38] <oath2order> Aright
Spoiler alert he never got back to me(double spoiler that person went offline and I ended up being mistaken so i had no need to get back to you)
[22:48] <oath2order> Is there a specific reason you're being so hostile?
[22:48] <Murray> cos ur role phishing
[22:48] <oath2order> I'm looking for roles yes
[22:48] <Murray> unless you have evidence that can let me trust you
[22:48] <Murray> no matter how useless my role is
[22:48] <Murray> i wont tell you
[01:32] <oath2order> Quick thing, who are you inspecting tonight?
[01:32] <Murray> ye nice try
[01:32] <oath2order> god damn it
[01:32] <Murray> lol
[01:34] <oath2order> so then, who was your [role name redacted] claim?
[01:35] <Murray> ye nice try
[01:37] <Murray> what did jer claim
[01:37] <oath2order> Townie
[01:38] <oath2order> He won't back off of that claim
[01:39] <oath2order> Like you have no idea how strongly I pushed him on his role
[01:39] <Murray> did you ask him who he's gonna investigate tonight -.-
[01:39] <oath2order> nope, didn't think to
[01:54] <oath2order> yeah he says he's not dt
Am I the only one who finds it interesting that Murray and Justin both used the word "phishing"? In all of the other claims I have, nobody used the word phishing. To me, this looks a lot like the callback to AC Mafia, where Cory and Kit both used the exact same words when I asked them for their role. This is how I started to suspect Karla in that game. From the looks of it, it's an experienced player telling the newer player how to deal with people asking for roles, however, the new player uses the exact same wording of the experienced player, showing them as scum.
- On the topic of phishing, I'm sure its no coincidence that blues have been dying left right and centre, so this leads me to believe that mafia has links to someone collecting the roles so no matter what role I am telling my role to the five or something people who have asked is just helping the mafia narrow down who is what role, and thus eliminate all the blues
This game, I've noticed the people mention that they are too busy, too sick, or just otherwise not paying attention to the game. Dolby, Kuma, and FireNinja1.
There's about five scum suspicions here. I know there's only four scum left, but these are people I'm suspicious of.
Read the Truffle quote. It again confirms that Kayla knew that Truffle would be modkilled. Now, why would Kayla want to do this? Simple. Truffle knew four out of the six mafia team. He also did not know that beary was scum, so that's five out of six right there. I'm thinking that Kayla wanted to get modkilled to protect her scum team, who I believe are not strong enough players to defend themselves, and/or are players who are inactive in the game.
Which leaves me to Dolby, Kuma, and FireNinja1.
Let's start with the obvious.
Dolby is easy. He's the self-proclaimed blue sniper. Just look at his user title. "Genuine bluesniper". And look at the majority of the deaths. The two watcher/trackers and the two doctors. I find this a little fascinating. Lynn, sure, we can chalk that up to a retaliation kill. But Gandalf? I doubt he'd be claiming anything. Karen? She had been getting a lot of roles from people. DNM? A lynch candidate who we all thought was scum. Why would mafia kill an obvious lynch candidate?
The whole "Gandalf dying night one" thing isn't as mentioned as much as it used to be. Even so, it's more of an IRC thing. Funny how Dolby uses this as a defense. I find it odd that he wanted a roleblock target to claim.
He was also one of the people who was looking on Karla's userpage before night ended.
Kuma is oddly not playing this game. I mean, she's playing, but she's not playing.
Of course, the wording here is odd. "Of course I was telling the truth". Whenever I hear someone say "well of course that's what it is" that makes me thing of some very bad scum acting to scum.
She did defend Jeremy though. Attempt to appear pro-town?
Look all his posts have pretty much been attacking Kit and DNM. Easy players. Seems to me like he's just going with the lynch candidates that everybody else has been going with.
If iLoveYou modkilled herself to protect the rest of her weak/inactive scum team, why would she mention them for first day lynch? I don't understand sorry
Okay so in my opinion these are the players that are too likely to slide by to the end without even having to contribute much in the thread:
- FireNinja1
- Dolby
- Kuma
- Lynn105 (sometimes - I'm referring to the game where I was Jack of All Trades.)
There are other names that I'm really unfamiliar with like ACNL Noodle + all the new players this game.
These are the players Mafia is likely to keep until the end because they won't be a threat to them. If you guys can add to the list it, then go for it.