Mafia TBT Mafia X: The Honnō-ji Incident [Game Over/Town Win]

I think that the mayor should keep their role. If a strong player received a Detective role but wanted to go for mayor to help the town, it'd be unfair to make them give up their role for it.
I think that the mayor should keep their role. If a player received a Detective role but wanted to go for mayor to help the town, it'd be unfair to make them give up their role for it.

Mayor does keep their role...and I fixed the quote for you. ;)
This sounds great - Please sign me up. And if you could add Feloreena as well I think she would appreciate it a lot. She'll be online later on to sign up herself, of course - But I know she was looking forward to this round, and would not want to miss it!
May change mind on this. Trying to think what's most fair. If anyone wishes to weigh in on this, feel free.

In general, both Mafia and Cult win conditions are that they control at least half of the voting power. In a Mafia-Cult endgame scenario, Mafia naturally win as Cult cannot kill or convert Mafia.
In general, both Mafia and Cult win conditions are that they control at least half of the voting power. In a Mafia-Cult endgame scenario, Mafia naturally win as Cult cannot kill or convert Mafia.

But if Cult outnumbers the mafia, they could easily lynch the mafia and refuse to cult at all during the night.