Mafia TBT Mafia X: The Honnō-ji Incident [Game Over/Town Win]

Sign-ups aren't closed yet, but game will start at 11pm GMT (7pm EST) tonight regardless of whether or not we get more players. :)
Yeah. It just shows that roles are always random and some people just don't have the best of luck. :|
I swear, I'm always Townie. There have been 3 games (one which was cancelled, one where I was Day 1 lynch) where I haven't been Townie. ugh.
Sign-ups aren't closed yet, but game will start at 11pm GMT (7pm EST) tonight regardless of whether or not we get more players. :)

Very exciting stuff - I'll make sure to try and stay awake for the game to kick off, then!

As for MissNoodle's question - I believe Roles cannot be handed out until sign-ups are officially closed due to balancing reasons and because you'd know that the last few people to join the game wouldn't have been given any of the unique roles in such a case, in case they join the game last-minute. I believe that Tina will randomly assign the roles about an hour or less before the game actually starts. Please do correct me if I am mistaken.
Actually, do you mind taking me off of Obs? I may consider joining this game.