mafia sucks bye
its for nerds
{tsuns not a nerd tho js}
gg ggggggggggggggggggggggggg
mafia sucks bye
its for nerds
{tsuns not a nerd tho js}
All multiple of 6 mafia games are bad games.
it bothers me how this game was full of people more or less behaving like "something in this game irritates me so now i am going to put no effort in anymore"
it would be nice if people were better sports. :/
You can't pin everything on the players, though.
To be honest, the players had a right to be mad. This game was a mess. Day and night posts were late, Purpl made big slipups, etc.
I can't even read the OBS chat without feeling disgusted. The language used in there was beyond vulgar (coming from a guy who swears like a sailor) for a site with kids on it. Some discretion would be nice for future games. Thanks.
Everyone who needs to know already knows.It kind of is since we have a duty to keep the integrity of the games.
You didn't tell me when I asked yesterday and I still don't know.
That'd be funny if yours was a multiple of 6
I can't even read the OBS chat without feeling disgusted. The language used in there was beyond vulgar (coming from a guy who swears like a sailor) for a site with kids on it. Some discretion would be nice for future games. Thanks.
wow this really is mean girls mafia :--------------------)
XDguys i think we all know who leaked scum chat