23* Superpenguin (~TFlash@protectedhost-3633A4E0.lightspeed.livnmi.sbcglobal.net) has joined
18<Javocado> hey nick
18<Superpenguin> I got 14 roleclaims

18<Tom29193> Is that a lie or are people seriously stupid
24* Kaiaa has quit (Quit: Kaiaa)
18<Cory> why would people give roles to a bad player?
18<ProfGallows> they could be taking advantage of the fact he's getting roleclaims and giving him fake ones to throw him off. lol
18<Benmjy> that's almost half the players wow
18<Superpenguin> uhm, it's not stupid, Tom. People trust me sheesh
18<Cory> I'm not roleclaiming to you
18<Cory> its an idiotic idea
18<Superpenguin> good cause I don't want to work with you
18<Benmjy> watch nick be the chyrssalid or something
18<Tom29193> Yeah but this game hasn't even started why roleclaim so soon and you haven't given anyone enough reason to trust you this game
20<VillageDweller>30 nick wanted to be the chryssalid lol
18<Superpenguin> watch me implant all 45 embyros in your body
24* 28lynn105 is now known as 18lynn105[afk]
18<Superpenguin> and explode you so bad
18<Benmjy> that would be rude js
18<Cory> rest in penis feloreena
18<Benmjy> cory excuse you
18<Lauren> welp
18<Cory> yes
18<Cory> whats wrong
18<Lauren> just ripped a chunk out of my arm
18<Benmjy> ouch
18<Javocado> yum
18<Lauren> im a freak, it didn't hurt
18<Superpenguin> I actually started summer work on the day a mafia game starts rip me
18<Cory> superpenguin go kiss up to oath a little more
18<Lauren> cory u banned from my game mate
18<Cory> well i couldn't play it anyway
20<VillageDweller>30 lmao lauren
18<Benmjy> day post is up for mafia
18<Superpenguin> ooooh Lauren
18<Lauren> after the <censored> you pulled in frozen, id rather you didn't in my game, so theres your excuse, plus oath be co hosting
18<Cory> my grandma died
18<Cory> that's why i left
18<Superpenguin> It wasn't that you left
18<Superpenguin> it's that you came back
18<Cory> i did not influence <censored>
18<Lauren> cory did you just pull that on me to feel bad? i didn't know therefore i wont feel bad.
18<Lauren> low blow.
18<AndyB> Lay off cory, damn.
18<Cory> I didn't
18<Cory> she actually died
18<Lauren> no im not doubting that and i am very sorry for your loss
18<Cory> That's why I wasn't active monday through thursday
18<Cory> thank you
18<Lauren> i dont doubt for a second you'd lie about that
18<Lauren> i was just stating you're banned.
18<tsundere> whats happening
18<Superpenguin> mafia
18<Benmjy> hi tsun!!
18<Tom29193> The salt mines are exploding Tsun
18<Superpenguin> Cory claimed publicly
18<tsundere> is it because of you tom
18<Superpenguin> now I only know 13 roles that aren't announced publicly aww

18<Tom29193> It's because no one trusts Cory
18<tsundere> i was in a good mood today but now im just unhappy so now i need to punch someone
18<Lauren> i wouldn't condone punching someone
18<Benmjy> oh why tsun?
18<Cory> 3 people on ban list
23* Kisstoefur (~TFlash@protectedhost-D94B0DD5.hsd1.in.comcast.net) has joined
18<Benmjy> either way works
18<Cory> hi kiss
18<Kisstoefur> oi
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18<Elise-> no
18<Kisstoefur> i'm glad i'm sitting out of mafia until pirates omg
18<Cory> i regret playing this game
18<Cory> too many <censored> in this game
18<Elise-> u must b talking about urself
18<AndyB> Good job being massive <censored> guys.
18<AndyB> <censored> me.
18<Benmjy> everyone is so angry today
18<Kisstoefur> drop out and get feloreena to replace you haha
18<Superpenguin> Kiss, replace him
20<VillageDweller>30 get the host to replace u cory then u can win in spirit
18<Cory> no
24* RealByReel has quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz?)
20<VillageDweller>30 rip macbook pro
23* Cap (~TFlash@protectedhost-29A1EE75.socal.res.rr.com) has joined
18<Cory> there is not reason to drop out
18<Cory> in this game
18<AndyB> I honestly don't get the backlash Cory is getting, seriously.
23* INeedACNL (Mibbit@613C7874.4FBDD5B.DD68027C.IP) has joined
18<AndyB> I don't care if it's a previous game or whatever you spin on it.
18<Kisstoefur> <censored> this game. I want no part of it lol
18<Tom29193> He pulls this kind of <censored> every game and it's <censored> annoying
18<Tom29193> That's why I'm voting him
yeah sorry if this post destroys some people's pages but i saw blueleaf wanted it lol
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sp and elise pls don't forge irc quotes ty